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Adjust your expectations


Adults can often do a task better and faster than children. Resist the temptation to re-do their efforts. If you must re-do, do it covertly so as not to devalue their contributions. Lower your expectations and keep in mind the long-term goal. Have patience and accept and encourage their contributions. When expecting guests, I secretly touched-up the powder room. Bob volunteered to mow the lawn every third or fourth time because he wanted to cut the edges more carefully than the children did when they mowed it.During the time for training, I inspected their work and showed them how to do it correctly. Later on, I occasionally inspected their work to keep up the standards.

“The corners of the meatloaf pan are greasy. Can you please come back to the kitchen and do it properly?”“Who was on the dishes last night? Someone left a pot soaking. Please wash it now.”

“The toilet smells. Whose job was it to clean it? Please come back and spray the outside of the toilet and the floor around it.”

They grumbled on the call-backs, so I limited them. I enforced higher standards when I had time and energy.

Raising Able

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