Читать книгу Madeira - Susanne Lipps - Страница 26


In the Gardens

Batwing Coral Tree

Erythrina speciosa

Bloom time

From January to April.


The tree grows up to 5 m (5,5 yd.) tall. The heart-shaped leaves are shed off in win-ter. Blossoms sprout of the bare tree. The conical inflo-rescences are placed at the shoot tips; mostly in little groups on short sprigs. The intense red single blooms have crescent-like ends that rigidly stick out sideways.


On Madeira you will find the Batwing Coral Tree as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens. It prefers sites in the sunny south-ern part of the island up to an altitude of 300 m (330 yd.). For example there are sev-eral specimens situated in the Parque Santa Catarina (198), Funchal. You can also find the tree growing in Machico and in Ribeira Brava.

Interesting to know:

The Batwing Coral Tree is native to South Brazil. The Abyssinian Coral Tree/Red-Hot Poker Tree (Erythrina abyssinica) is a related species in-digenous to Central and East Africa with brush-shaped flowers. The lobes of the single blossom are narrower and thread-shaped. This species can also be found on Madeira. The seeds of most Coral Tree species are toxic. The seeds of Abyssinian Coral Tree contain a narcotic agent that has a similar effect to curare. It could cause paralysis or even death for human beings.



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