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In the Gardens

Stiff Bottlebrush

Callistemon rigidus

Bloom time

From April to June.


The evergreen shrub grows 1-2 m (3,3-6,6‘) tall. Its leathery leaves emerge from the twigs like beaters. They remind of a conifer’s needles and scent aromatically when crumbling them. Stamens stick out from every single blossom; thus the shining red flower clus-ters resemble bottlebrushes.


On Madeira the Stiff Bottlebrush grows in coast-al areas. In the south it reaches up to an altitude of 450 m (490 yd.). Single specimens are deco-rating various parks and gardens. Among others you can find it in the Parque Santa Catarina (198) or close to the volcanic cave in São Vicente.

Interesting to know:

The Stiff Bottlebrush is native to Southeast Australia and adapted to frequent bush fires. The leaves contain ethereal oils and catch fire that fast that the oxygen is removed from the flame; the twigs hardly do not suffer any damage. The seeds stay with the plant for sev-eral years in cone-like groups. They only open and sprout after having been exposed to fire. As they grow among the ashes of a burnt off vegetation they scarcely have any rivals. The similar Weeping Bottlebrush is also cultivat-ed on Madeira. Its leaves are softer; the twigs hang down like those of a Weeping Willow.



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