Читать книгу Madeira - Susanne Lipps - Страница 28


In the Gardens

Judas Tree

Cercis siliquastrum

Bloom time

From March to May.


The little tree grows up to 5 m (5,5 yd.) tall and sheds off its rounded leaves in win-ter. The magenta blossoms remind of those of papilion-aceous plants. They appear before the leaves emerge and are situated in short racemes directly on the twigs (stem-flowering or cauliflo-ry), often lining them entirely.


On Madeira you will probably not find the Judas Tree very frequently. It prefers quite chilly and foggy sites at an altitude of 300-600 m (330-655 yd.) where it grows in sever-al parks, e.g. in the Palheiro Gardens (191).

Interesting to know:

The tree is native to the bush lands of the eastern Mediterranean regions and the Near East. Its name is derived from “Judaea tree”, denomination that refers to its geographical origin. The legend tells us that Judas Iscariot hung himself on a tree of this species after realizing the consequences he had caused by betraying Christ. The plant’s blossoms are sup-posed to symbolize his blood. Its flat seeds are representing the coins that Judas received by the authorities as the reward for his treason.



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