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Foreword by Mariëtte Hoitink

“This book is an absolute must-read for everyone working in fashion or with ambitions to do so.”

This book is an absolute must-read for everyone working in fashion or with ambitions to do so. In my daily work as the managing director of htnk – the Amsterdam based premier fashion recruitment & consultancy agency – I get applications from people all over the world who want to make it big in fashion. Ever since the start of the ‘Next Designer’ or ‘Models’ television shows, a lot of people discovered their own inner designer star within themselves. In the eyes of the general public, fashion appears to be equivalent to glamour, but what a lot of people don’t know is that this may well be the most intensive, life-consuming, demanding business there is. As a result, the fashion business is filled with people with extreme persistence, vision and talent, and therefore, it is indeed a lot of fun to work in, but definitely not for the reasons most people may think.

This book presents a practical overview, basic but detailed, of the heart of every fashion company: development and production. These are in most cases the teams that work together most intensively with all other departments – from design to legal, sales and marketing. This obviously makes this book a Bible for everyone with ambitions for careers in the buying, product development, and of course, production area. But they are not the only ones for whom this is relevant; for all those fashion professionals who work in design, marketing, sales, csr, legal and financial departments, this book will provide some insight into why they occasionally find their production colleagues reaching their boiling points, running through corridors screaming and banging their heads against walls. Now they will know that the moment has come to hand over that chocolate bar, bring some good coffee and take that head massage thingy out of its drawer. Your colleagues need you now.

Considering all the ‘Green is the new black’ slogans people keep throwing around nowadays, this book can create an understanding, a deeper awareness of where clothing comes from. I would like to believe that if people knew more about where exactly garments come from and how much effort and work has been put into their creation, they will treat them differently. From that perspective, I would highly recommend the general reader curious about clothes to give this book a go as well.

So, why is this book this relevant for such a large group of people? Because it hasn’t existed before. Fashion is an industry that really lacks the documented methodology found in many other industries. This is so in spite of the fact that clothing is a basic need; people all over the world deal with clothing every day and the industry has a significant influence on several countries’ economies, environments and everyday life. I think, therefore, it is our job to invest in this industry’s innovations that will turn the negative aspects of this business into positive ones. Innovation can only exist when information and methods are shared and discussed. Therefore, I’m very honoured to have met this most dedicated and talented fashion professional, Susie Breuer, who found the courage and extreme persistence to document this whole process, the core of every fashion company, whilst continuing to carry on her demanding job as a consultant for one of the most high end – and demanding – designer labels in the world. Huge respect.


Mariëtte Hoitink,

HTNK Fashion recruitment & consultancy


Blue is the New black

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