| Failure of the rule of Thomas of Lancaster. | 264 |
1315. | Revolts of Llewelyn Bren. | 267 |
1315. | Rising of Adam Banaster. | 267 |
1316. | The Bristol disturbances.. | 268 |
1315. | Edward Bruce's attack on the English in Ireland. | 268 |
1317. | Roger Mortimer in Ireland.. | 271 |
1318. | Death of Edward Bruce at Dundalk. | 272 |
| Lancaster's failure and the break up of his party. | 272 |
| Pembroke and the middle party. | 273 |
9 Aug. | Treaty of Leek and the supremacy of the middle party. | 274 |
1314–18. | Progress of Robert Bruce.. | 275 |
1319. | Renewed attack on Scotland. | 275 |
| Battle of Myton. | 276 |
| Rise of the Despensers. | 277 |
1317. | The partition of the Gloucester inheritance. | 279 |
1320. | War between the husbands of the Gloucester heiresses in South Wales. | 280 |
June, 1321. | Conferences at Pontefract and Sherburn. | 281 |
July. | The exile of the Despensers. | 281 |
| Break up of the opposition after their victory. | 282 |
23–31 Oct., 1321. | The siege of Leeds Castle. | 282 |
Jan.-Feb., 1322. | Edward's successful campaign in the march. | 284 |
11 Feb. | Recall of the Despensers. | 284 |
| The king's march against the northern barons. | 284 |
16 Mar. | Battle of Boroughbridge. | 285 |
22 Mar. | Execution of Lancaster. | 286 |
2 May. | Parliament at York and repeal of the ordinances. | 287 |
| The triumph of the Despensers. | 288 |