Читать книгу The 3 Apple a Day GI Diet: The Amazing Superfood for Fast-track Weight Loss - Tammi Flynn - Страница 6



How much do you want to know?

1. Ready to start the plan today? Go to Quick Start.

2. Want to learn just the basics? Read only the Key Points at the end of parts I–V (Key Points from Part I, Key Points from Part II, Key Points from Part III, and Key Points from Part IV).

3. Want to know the science behind the plan? Read this book from cover to cover.

Ideas to jump-start your motivation

• Take pictures of yourself in a swimsuit (two-piece), front and back, and decide if you want to make a change.

• Train for a marathon.

• Take your doctor’s advice to shape up.

• Train to climb Mt Everest.

• Create a get-fit contest in your office.

• Train like an athlete.

• Enrol your family in a “Fit Family Group” and get healthy together.

• Buy an expensive swimsuit in a smaller size and plan a trip to Hawaii.

• Go to your twentieth high-school reunion and check out an old flame or, better yet, the prom queen who snubbed you because you used to be fat!

The 3 Apple a Day GI Diet: The Amazing Superfood for Fast-track Weight Loss

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