Читать книгу Infants and Children in Context - Tara L. Kuther - Страница 190

Key Terms


 Prenatal development 62

 Ovulation 63

 Fallopian tube 64

 Germinal period 65

 Cleavage 65

 Blastocyst 65

 Implantation 65

 Embryo 65

 Embryonic period 65

 Amnion 66

 Placenta 66

 Neural tube 66

 Indifferent gonad 66

 Fetal period 66

 Fetus 66

 Lanugo 67

 Vernix caseosa 67

 Age of viability 67

 Teratogen 68

 Sleeper effects 69

 Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders 71

 Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) 71

 Spina bifida 75

 Anencephaly 75

 Prenatal care 77

 Labor 79

 Breech position 81

 Cesarean section 81

 Natural childbirth 81

 Doula 81

 Apgar scale 83

 Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) 83

 States of arousal 84

 REM sleep 84

 Preterm 85

 Small for date 85

 Low birthweight 85

 Very low birthweight 85

 Extremely low birthweight 85

 Kangaroo care 88

Infants and Children in Context

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