Читать книгу Infants and Children in Context - Tara L. Kuther - Страница 59

What Do You Think?


Consider the problem of community violence from a bioecological perspective.

1 How might community violence influence individuals through the mesosystem and microsystem?

2 Identify exosystem and macrosystem factors that might influence the prevalence of community violence.

3 How can we help children and families? Identify microsystem, mesosystem, and exosystem factors that might help children and families cope with community violence. ●

A second criticism arises from the sheer complexity of the bioecological model and its attention to patterns and dynamic interactions. We can never measure and account for all of the potential individual and contextual influences on development at once, making it difficult to devise research studies to test the validity of the model. Proponents, however, argue that it is not necessary to test all of the model’s components at once. Instead, smaller studies can examine each component over time (Jaeger, 2016; Tudge et al., 2016). In any case, bioecological systems theory remains an important contribution toward explaining children’s development and is a theory that we will consider throughout this book. The Lives in Context feature further examines the effects of contextual factors on development.

Infants and Children in Context

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