Читать книгу Infants and Children in Context - Tara L. Kuther - Страница 81

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Nine-year-old Christopher taunts his classmate, Josh, at recess: “Chicken! What are you afraid of? Everything!” He shoves Josh. Josh quietly walks away, head down and sniffling. This happens several times each week. Christopher and Josh’s classmates usually notice and most watch. Some laugh at the funny things Christopher says or when Josh trips as he slinks away and hopes that Christopher will leave him alone.

Christopher walks home alone after school. He usually takes the long way, walking around the block to avoid the older kids who hang out outside the convenience store on the corner. The older kids are friends with Christopher’s brother and they often tease Christopher, especially when his brother is there. Sometimes the kids take Christopher’s hat and laugh when he tries to retrieve it. No one in the neighborhood seems to notice. Christopher thinks it’s because no one cares.

Christopher returns to an empty home. After entering, he quickly and quietly walks through his home to be sure that it’s empty. His mother always reminds him to be sure that it’s safe before settling in. He feels silly but also a little bit nervous as he looks around. “You can’t be too careful,” he thinks to himself. Afterward Christopher locks the door and makes a snack.

Christopher’s mother usually doesn’t get home from work until 7 p.m. Christopher knows he should do his homework like his mother says, but what’s the point when he keeps getting Ds and Fs? Instead, Christopher plays video games. He likes to pretend that he’s in the game, running, leaping, and shooting at the bad guys. Christopher wants to be strong and tough so that nobody messes with him. “Not like that weakling Josh,” he thinks.

1 Describe Christopher’s behavior and interactions at school, in his neighborhood, and at home.

2 How might behaviorist and social learning theorists explain Christopher’s behavior at school? In his neighborhood? At home?

3 How might Erikson explain Christopher’s development and behavior?

4 Consider Christopher’s development and behavior from the perspective of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory. Specifically:Identify macrosystem influences on Christopher’s behavior.Discuss the interactions among mesosystem factors that might influence Christopher.Give examples of exosystem factors and discuss how they might influence Christopher’s behavior and development.How might the macrosystem affect Christopher?

Infants and Children in Context

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