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How Organizations Are Responding


In response to these changes, some organizations are taking the usual “head in the sand” approach. On the issue of more participation, insecure senior executives are simply reminding themselves that they are the boss, and insisting that only their judgment and decisions count. On social technologies, instead of figuring out how they can facilitate collaboration and group judgment, many firms still ban their use altogether. One survey of chief information officers found that 54 percent ban all social media use at work (though it's likely that many of their employees find a way to access Facebook anyway).19 With data and analytics, many senior executives continue to trust their gut; another survey suggested that 40 percent of decisions are still based on it—and we think that's probably lower than the true number.20

But many executives have looked around, have seen that the world is changing, and are moving with, or even ahead of, the patterns of change. The organizations we describe in this book have embraced new approaches to judgment building and have already applied it to important decisions. They're consulting more people and drawing from their expertise, adopting some form of collective leadership, applying data and analysis to decisions, and supporting it all with new technology. They are focusing on either big, strategic decisions or the daily tactical decisions that are critical to successful execution of strategy. Leaders are still exercising their responsibilities, but they are doing so in more participative and humble ways. There is no gimmickry here—the organizations we describe are all simply doing their homework in various ways, and they are getting better decision results.

Judgment Calls

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