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tony on fishing


I’ve been fishing since I was a kid and I still get excited by it. Before I started to sell fish I was a fish cook, and now I own a chain of fish restaurants around Britain. So on my day off, what do I do? Go fishing, of course.

The great thing about fishing is the unpredictability of the whole thing. When you cast a line or a net, or a fishing rod, you don’t know what’s under the water. You might not catch anything. But when you do, it’s as if all your Christmases have come at once.

When people ask me what I like best about fishing, they want to know if the exciting bit is watching the rod and seeing the bite, or actually feeling the fish on the line. The thrill is definitely about the take and the play of the rod when you’re game fishing for trout or salmon. But with beach casting, it’s different. You start off all relaxed and floating, without a care in the world, and then suddenly, from out of nowhere, you see that bite. That’s the best thing in the world.

Tony & Giorgio

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