Читать книгу By Example: Twelve Personal Missions That Will Maximize Your Human Potential - Travis Slone - Страница 14



As you aim to live in, and appreciate the present moment, it is important to take note of the little things in life... to pause and count your blessings if you will. Take time to treasure even that which has been gained with little effort, and those things that are nearest to us every day.

Use mindfulness to increase your awareness of life’s true abundance. Recognize opportunities for positive change, and then create that change using the problem solving steps that were discussed earlier.

You will find in time that your PRESENT self will always be good enough for now, and the PRESENT moment will always contain exactly what you need if you can truly just be there. Everywhere we go for instance, there is air to breath, opportunity to lead, and a chance to live by example. Be thankful, be present, and enjoy the journey.

By Example:  Twelve Personal Missions That Will Maximize Your Human Potential

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