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Living in Japan


Looking for a place to live is one of the most important matters for newcomers to Japan. Three ways are available to search for apartments or houses: using the Internet, looking over a real estate lease information magazine, and visiting a real estate agent. The listings show various kinds of floor plans; among these, the studio and the 1K (one room, plus kitchen) apartment are the most common. In this lesson, you will learn some technical terms commonly used when searching for housing.

1 Introductory Quiz

Look at the illustrations below and refer to the words in Vocabulary. Then try the following quiz.

Which apartment will Ichiro and Kaori choose? Write the appropriate letters (A, B) in the parentheses.

2 Vocabulary

Study the readings and meanings of these words to help you understand the Introductory Quiz.

3 New Characters

Twelve characters are introduced in this lesson. Use the explanations to help you understand and remember the characters. Study the compound words to increase your vocabulary.

広 交 活 利 家 賃 理 礼 身 向 好 私


hiro-i, (biro-i), kō

ひろ・い、(びろ・い)、コウ broad, wide, spread

Roof 广 and 厶 arm combined, 広 means the space in the house where one can stretch arms widely. Thus 広 means wide.

広い ひろい hiroi spacious
広場 ひろば hiroba plaza
広大な こうだいな kōdai na vast
広間 ひろま hiroma hall, spacious room
広義 こうぎ kōgi broad sense
手広い てびろい tebiroi extensive
広々 ひろびろ hirobiro extensive


maji-waru, kō

まじ・わる、コウ intersection, exchange

Six 六 people are at work and interacting 乂. Thus 交 means to cross or exchange.

交わる まじわる majiwaru to intersect
交通 こうつう kōtsū transportation
交番 こうばん kōban koban, police box
外交 がいこう gaikō diplomacy
国交 こっこう kokkō diplomatic relations
社交的 しゃこうてき shakōteki sociable
交代する こうたいする kōtai suru to take turns
交付 こうふ kōfu deliver


katsu, (ka’)

カツ、(カッ) life, activity

舌 is a pictograph of a tongue. Tongue 舌 and water combined, 活 suggests wet tongue. Thus 活 means life and by extension activity.

生活 せいかつ seikatsu living
生活費 せいかつひ seikatsuhi living expense
活動 かつどう katsudō activity
活発な かっぱつな kappatsu na lively
活用 かつよう katsuyō practical use
自活する じかつする jikatsu suru to support oneself



リ advantage, interest

Grain 禾 and a plow 刂 combined, 利 means profitable, because if you plow the earth, you will reap more grain, which is a benefit to you.

便利な べんりな benri na convenient
利用する りようする riyō suru to use
利用者 りようしゃ riyōsha user
有利な ゆうりな yūri na advantageous
不利な ふりな furi na disadvantageous
利子 りし rishi interest (on a loan)


ie, ka, ya

いえ、カ、ヤ house, family, person

Pigs 豕 were important animals in ancient China, and they were kept in the house 宀 where people lived. The original meaning is to roof animals like pigs, but it has changed to mean a building with a roof.

いえ ie house
家内 かない kanai wife
大家 おおや ōya landlord/landlady
家計 かけい kakei house economy
家事 かじ kaji house work
家出 いえで iede run away from home



チン fare, wages

任 is a combination of a person イ and the load the person is carrying, thus meaning responsibility. 任 combined with money 貝, 賃 means the amount of money one is responsible to pay.

家賃 やちん yachin rent
電車賃 でんしゃちん denshachin train fare
賃料 ちんりょう chinryō rent
賃金 ちんぎん chingin wages
賃貸 ちんたい chintai leasing
工賃 こうちん kōchin wages
手間賃 てまちん temachin wages



リ reason, logic, principle

The king, or ruler, 王 of the village 里 is reasonable.

管理費 かんりひ kanrihi administrative fee
管理 かんり kanri management
管理人 かんりにん kanrinin supervisor, caretaker, superintendent
無理な むりな muri na impossible
理学部 りがくぶ rigakubu faculty of science
料理 りょうり ryōri cooking
修理 しゅうり shūri repair
理事 りじ riji director



レイ bow, thanks, etiquette

礼 combines shrine ネ, and a line suggesting to bow. Thus 礼 means bow.

れい rei bow, thanks, etiquette
礼金 れいきん reikin key money
お礼 おれい orei thanks
無礼 ぶれい burei rudeness
祭礼 さいれい sairei religious festival
目礼 もくれい mokurei nod, greet by eyes
非礼 ひれい hirei impolite
洗礼 せんれい senrei baptism


mi, shin

み、シン body

This is a pictograph resembling a pregnant woman. Thus it means to be filled with many things like muscles; a body.

身分 みぶん mibun status
身分証明書 みぶん しょうめいしょ mibun shōmeisho identification card
出身地 しゅっしんち shusshinchi hometown
中身 なかみ nakami contents
終身 しゅうしん shūshin for life
自身 じしん jishin oneself
前身 ぜんしん zenshin antecedents


mu-ku, kō

む・く、コウ face toward

The air flows out through the window 口 of a house toward one direction.

南向き みなみむき minamimuki facing south
方向 ほうこう hōkō direction
前向きに まえむきに maemuki ni positively
外人向け がいじんむけ gaijin muke for foreigners
向学心 こうがくしん kōgakushin love of learning
向上心 こうじょうしん kōjōshin desire to improve oneself
意向 いこう ikō intention


su-ki, kō

す・き、コウ fond

Women 女 like 好 children 子.

好きな すきな suki na fond
好物 こうぶつ kōbutsu favorite food
好意 こうい kōi good will
好意的 こういてき kōiteki friendly
好人物 こうじんぶつ kōjimbutsu good natured person
好男子 こうだんし kōdanshi handsome man
好学 こうがく kōgaku love of learning
好都合 こうつごう kōtsugō favorable


watakushi, (watashi), shi

わたくし、(わたし)、シ I, private

禾 is grain. ム is the figure of an arm holding grain. Thus 私 means to take in the grain or whatever belongs to an individual.

わたくし/わたし watakushi/watashi I
私立 しりつ shiritsu private (institution)
私語 しご shigo private talk
私費 しひ shihi one’s own expense
私用 しよう shiyō private engagement
私生活 しせいかつ shiseikatsu private life
私室 ししつ shishitsu private room

4 Practice

I. Write the readings of the following kanji in hiragana.

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate kanji.

5 Advanced Placement Exam Practice Questions

You are looking for a studio apartment. Compare two options, #1 and #2, and decide which one you will choose.

Write which option you selected and compare at least THREE aspects (similarities and/or differences) between #1 and #2. Also write reasons for your selection.

Your writing should be 300 to 400 characters or longer. Use the desu/masu or da (plain) style, but use one style consistently. Also, use kanji wherever kanji from the AP Japanese kanji list is appropriate. You have 20 minutes to write.

Essential Japanese Kanji Volume 2

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