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When you come to study in Japan for a while, a homestay is a good way to get to know the daily customs of Japanese life, as well as everyday life and special events in that particular area of the country. You may talk with the neighbors, the family’s relatives and their friends, and better understand how the Japanese relate to each other. Taking a trip with your host family is another great opportunity to learn. And, as a homestay provides you with the basic essentials like furniture, you won’t have to buy those for yourself. If you would like to set up a homestay, you can consult with the university or company you’re affiliated with. In this lesson, you will learn terminology related to homestays and host parents.

1 Introductory Quiz

Look at the illustrations on page 22 and refer to the words in Vocabulary. Then try the following quiz.

You received this letter from your friend who lives with a Japanese host family.

Which are the correct contents of the letter? Write ○ (correct) or × (wrong) in the spaces provided.

2 Vocabulary

Study the readings and meanings of these words to help you understand the Introductory Quiz.

3 New Characters

Fourteen characters are introduced in this lesson. Use the explanations to help you understand and remember the characters. Study the compound words to increase your vocabulary.

遠 父 母 働 親 相 太 登 録 犬 近 集 短 皆


tō-i, en

とお・い、エン far

The loose way to go to the destination is a longer way to go. Thus 遠 means far.

遠い とおい tōi far
遠回し とおまわし tōmawashi indirect
遠回り とおまわり tōmawari roundabout way
遠近法 えんきんほう enkinhō law of perspective
遠来 えんらい enrai from afar
遠方 えんぽう empō afar


chichi, fu

ちち、フ father

As mature men in the family were traditionally responsible for wood cutting, a hand 乂 with an ax signifies father.

お父さん *おとうさん otō san father (polite)
ちち chichi father
父母会 ふぼかい fubokai parents’ association
義父 ぎふ gifu father-in-law
父上 ちちうえ chichiue father (polite)
父方 ちちかた chichikata paternal


haha, bo

はは、ボ mother

A human figure with pronounced breasts suggests nursing; thus this kanji means mother.

お母さん *おかあさん okā san mother (polite)
はは haha mother
父母 ふぼ fubo father and mother; parents
母国 ぼこく bokoku mother land
母国語 ぼこくご bokokugo mother tongue
生母 せいぼ seibo one’s real mother
母上 ははうえ hahaue mother (polite)
母方 ははかた hahakata maternal


hatara-ku, dō

はたら・く、ドウ work

働 combines a man イ, heavy 重, and power 力, suggesting a man working, moving heavy things.

働く はたらく hataraku to work
労働者 ろうどうしゃ rōdōsha worker
働き口 はたらきぐち hatarakiguchi job
働き者 はたらきもの hatarakimono hard worker
働き手 はたらきて hatarakite worker


oya, shin

おや、シン parent

Parents 親 stand 立 on a tree 木 and watch 見 the children.

Essential Japanese Kanji Volume 2

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