Читать книгу A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services - Valerie Mathieu - Страница 18 Commitment of top management


Top managers must have a strong and clear message about their commitment to customer orientation. The discourse must transmit a vision centered on this orientation, be able to mobilize energies by carrying a deep meaning beyond the conventional and act on the cognitive and affective organizational systems7. The speech must be concrete, illustrated with real examples, stories and real-life experiences and animated by symbols in order to be as mobilizing as possible. The speech must be followed by strong and clear decisions about the organization, its structure and the chosen strategy. To be effective, customer orientation must be based on more fluid decision-making processes and more cross-functional collaboration between teams and departments. New organizational and management methods, like the agile method, which puts the customer at the heart of the process and encourages team autonomy and accountability, are likely to be effective in supporting the implementation of customer orientation.

Guillaume Faury, successively CEO of Airbus Helicopter, then of the civil aviation branch of Airbus and finally of the Airbus Group, has always put the customer first in his speeches:

We are starting the year under a new brand, Airbus Helicopters, which is for us much more than a new name, it touches the DNA of Airbus, it touches ambitions like customer satisfaction, quality, safety, industrial efficiency.8

The first challenge for Airbus is obvious. It’s about serving our customers and ramping up production.9

We need to prepare the Airbus of tomorrow in order to better serve our customers, increase our competitiveness and grow in a sustainable way.10

A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services

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