Читать книгу A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services - Valerie Mathieu - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Title Page




6  PART 1: Understanding the Fundamentals of Customer Orientation in B2B Services Introduction to Part 1 1 Customer Orientation 1.1. Outlines and challenges of customer orientation 1.2. Marketing as the source of customer orientation 1.3. The manager’s customer orientation in response to marketing issues 2 Reality and Challenges of Service 2.1. Economy and service: from data to discourse 2.2. Defining the service 2.3. Characteristics of the service 3 Markers of B2B 3.1. Reality of the market 3.2. The relational issue

7  PART 2: Knowing the Customer Introduction to Part 2 4 Modeling the Industrial Sector 4.1. Direct market 4.2. Indirect actors 5 Understanding the Purchase 5.1. Buying center concept 5.2. Buying process 6 Identifying Service Targets 6.1. Different types of targets 6.2. Target satisfaction challenge

8  PART 3: Making the Most of the Offer Introduction to Part 3 7 Acting Against the Risk of Commoditization 7.1. Understanding the phenomenon of the offer commoditization 7.2. Countering the commoditization of the offer 8 Formalizing Your Offer 8.1. Positioning the offer 8.2. Design of the service offer 8.3. Plasticity of the service offer 9 Taking Care of One Commercial Action 9.1. Commercial proposal 9.2. Commercial negotiation

9  PART 4: Delivering the Service Delivering the Service Part 4 10 Unlocking Human Potential 10.1. Associating the client 10.2. Mobilizing the team 11 Managing Service Operations 11.1. Operational efficiency 11.2. Manager’s responsibility for customer-oriented operations 12 Marketing the Tangibles 12.1. Tangible elements of the service 12.2. Challenges of tangibles

10  Conclusion

11  References

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 1Table 1.1. Over-quality and customer delight

2 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Defining one’s marketTable 4.2. Dual segmentation for B2B services

3 Chapter 7Table 7.1. Total cost of ownership in business tourism

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Servuction (Eiglier 2004, p. 15). For a color version of this figure...

2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. The new aircraft painting service industry. For a color version of t...

3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Supply chain of a home goods manufacturer. For a color version of th...Figure 4.2. Supply opportunities for the water supply chain. For a color version...

4 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. The gap model (Parasuraman et al. 1985). For a color version of this...



Table of Contents

Title Page




Begin Reading



10  Index

11  End User License Agreement











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A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services

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