Читать книгу The Care and Keeping of You 1 - Valorie Schaefer - Страница 13



You don’t have to be an Olympic

athlete to be healthy. Just put down

that video game, get off the couch,

and get moving! Skate to a friend’s

house or dance to your favorite

music. The busier you keep your

body, the better you’ll feel.

Just Don’t

No girl can look and feel her best

with cigarette smoke, alcohol, or

drugs in her body. Though drinking

and smoking may seem “grown-up,”

the truth is, they’re bad for your

health. And drugs can destroy your

family and future. A smart girl turns

her back and walks away from so-

called friends who put pressure on

her to “just try it.”

Your body is yours and yours

alone. You have the right to pro-

tect it and keep it private from

anyone—family, friend, or stranger.

If any person touches you in a way

that makes you feel uncomfort-

able, tell an adult you trust imme-

diately. You should never keep a

secret that is harmful to you or

protect anyone who is hurting you.

The Care and Keeping of You 1

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