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Dear American Girl,

I am a preteen, and all of a sudden

growing up is becoming a big and

important issue. I don’t feel comfortable

talking to my parents about it. I feel like

it’s too personal to talk to an adult about.

Please help me.

Published by American Girl Publishing

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Editorial Development: Michelle Nowadly Watkins, Andrea Weiss, Carrie Anton,

Mary Richards, Barbara Stretchberry

Creative Director: Kym Abrams

Managing Art Director: Marilyn Dawson, Camela Decaire

Design: Ingrid Hess, Camela Decaire

Production: Jeannette Bailey, Sarah Boecher, Tami Kepler, Judith Lary, Kristi Lively

Medical Consultant: Lia Gaggino, MD, Cara Natterson, MD

This book is not intended to replace the advice of or treatment by other health-care

professionals. It should be considered an additional resource only. Questions and concerns about

mental or physical health should always be discussed with a doctor or other health-care professional.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Schaefer, Valorie Lee.

The care & keeping of you 1 : the body book for younger girls / Valorie Schaefer ;

Cara Natterson, MD, medical consultant ; illustrated by Josée Masse.


Summary: “Our best-selling body book for girls just got even better! With all-new illustrations and updated content for girls

ages 8 and up, it features tips, how-tos, and facts from the experts. You’ll find answers to questions about your changing

body, from hair care to healthy eating, bad breath to bras, periods to pimples, and everything in between. Once you feel

comfortable with what’s happening, you’ll be ready to move on to The Care & Keeping of You 2!”—Provided by publisher.

ISBN 978-1-60958-083-4 (pbk.)1. Girls—Health and hygiene—Juvenile literature.2. Grooming for girls—Juvenile literature.3.

Preteens—Juvenileliterature.I. Masse, Josée, ill.II. Natterson, Cara Familian, 1970–. III. Title.

RA777.25 .S333 2013613/.042422012045846

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The Care and Keeping of You 1

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