Читать книгу TALMUD - Various Authors - Страница 33



MISHNAS I., II., III., IV., and V. Throwing from private into private by way of public ground. What constituted the sin of the wood-gatherer. The mysterious scrolls found by Rabh in the house of his uncle R. Hyya concerning the principal acts of labor. What was the name of the wood-gatherer. Arraignment of R. Aqiba by Jehudah ben Bathyra for slandering Zelophchad, by naming him as the wood-gatherer, and for slandering Aaron, by stating that he had been punished by leprosy. Reward for merit comes more quickly than retribution for wickedness. Regulations concerning pits in public ground for the Sabbath. Throwing from a distance of four ells against a wall. Throwing within four ells, when the object thrown rolled to a greater distance. Throwing at sea for a distance of four ells, and throwing from the sea to land, or from one ship to another. Throwing a thing on Sabbath and recollecting that it was Sabbath immediately afterwards. If the thing thrown was caught by another. The rule concerning what constitutes committing an act through error, involving the liability for a sin-offering, 189-203


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