Читать книгу TALMUD - Various Authors - Страница 40



MISHNA I. How much straw may be removed for the accommodation of guests on Sabbath. The reward for hospitality. Different opinions concerning the merits of hospitality. The six things of which the interest is paid to man on earth and the principal in the world to come. The four additional things which include the previous six. Concerning one who judges his neighbor charitably, and his reward above. The story of the man who was hired by the father of Hyrcanos for three years, and who was not paid at the end of the term. The story of the pious man who ransomed a maiden from captivity. The story of R. Jehoshua and the Roman matron, and his disciples. Whether salt meat and salt fish may be handled, 276-281

MISHNA II. Concerning a basket set down for chickens to climb. Concerning a woman carrying her child. What may be done in the event of an animal falling into the water on Sabbath, 281, 282

MISHNA III. Concerning animals about to calve on a festival. What assistance may be given a woman about to give birth to child on a Sabbath. For how long a period may the Sabbath be violated on account of a woman lying-in? From what time is she considered to be lying-in? Where life is at stake, the ordinances may be put. to the most lenient construction. Every thing necessary for a sick person, where the illness is not dangerous, should be performed by a Gentile. Concerning bleeding. Meals after being bled. The duty of drinking wine after being bled, and advice to one who has no wine, On what days one should be bled and on what days one should not. Everything mentioned in Ezekiel xvi. 4 may be done for a woman lying-in on Sabbath, 282-287


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