Читать книгу TALMUD - Various Authors - Страница 42



MISHNAS I. to V. Concerning wine-filters. Laws concerning folding-beds, folding-chairs, etc. Question put by R. Kahana to Rabh. Rabh's reply and the explanation of same by the Gemara. The assertion that the Law will be forgotten by Israel, and R. Simeon's ben Jochai explanation of same. The advisability of investigating amongst the judges in Israel in times of trouble. Corrupt judges the hindrance to the resting of the Lord's Shekhina among the children of Israel. Zion's redemption must come through justice. The story of the young scholar who was accused before R. Ashi. The story told by R. Joseph concerning the goblet of wine served him by Mar Uqba. Concerning the soaking of laserpitium on Sabbath, Indisposition of R. A'ha bar Joseph, who was cured by laserpitium. Several sayings of R. Hisda, giving advice. How animals must be fed. Concerning straw on a bed. Concerning customary and unusual handling of things. Small men should not wear large shoes nor women torn shoes, 309-321


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