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Gravel, Rev. J. A., St. Hyacinthe, 750
Graveley, Lieut.-Col. John Vance, Cobourg, 216
Gray, James, Perth, 93
Green, Harry Compton, Summerside, 184
Greenwood, Stansfield, Coaticook, 679
Griffin, Martin J., Ottawa, 436
Guest, Sheriff G. H., Yarmouth, 566
Guevrement, Hon. J. B., Sorel, 780
Guilbault, Edouard, Joliette, 597
Guillet, Major George, M.P., Cobourg, 409
Guthrie, Donald, Q.C., M.P.P., Guelph, 49
Guy, Michel Patrice, N.P., Montreal, 726
Haanel, E. E., F.R.S.C., PhD., Cobourg, 526
Hale, Frederick Harding, M.P., Woodstock, 363
Hale, Hon. Edward, 518
Hale, Hon. John, 552
Haliburton, Hon. Thomas Chandler, 443
Hall, Francis Alexander, Perth, 82
Hall, John Smythe, Jr., B.A., B.C.L., Q.C., M.P.P., Montreal, 357
Hall, Robert Newton, B.A., LL.D., Q.C., M.P., Sherbrooke, 685
Hamilton, Hon. C. E., Q.C., Winnipeg, 472
Hamilton, Robert, D.C.L., Lennoxville, 742
Hammond, John, St. John, 521
Hanington, Hon. Daniel L., Q.C., M.P.P., Dorchester, 245
Harper, J. M., M.A., PhD., F.E.I.S., Quebec, 231
Harris, Christopher Prince, Moncton, 86
Harris, John Leonard, Moncton, 354
Harris, Joseph A., Moncton, 126, 815
Harris, Michael Spurr, Moncton, 108
Harris, Very Rev. W. R., B.D., St. Catharines, 224
Harrison, Hon. Archibald, Maugerville, 175
Harrison, Thomas, LL.D., Fredericton, 107
Hart, John Semple, Perth, 621
Hatt, Samuel Staunton, Quebec, 286
Haythorne, Hon. Robert Poore, Charlottetown, 657
Hearn, David A., M.P.P., Arichat, 225
Heavysege, Charles, 32
Hemming, E. J., D.C.L., Drummondville, 71
Henderson, D., M.P., Acton, 777
Hensley, Hon. J., Judge, Charlottetown, 427
Hetherington, George A., M.D., L.M., St. John, 298, 815
Hewson, C. W. U., M.D., L.R.C.P., L.M., Amherst, 312
Hill, Andrew Gregory, P.M., Niagara Falls, 53
Hill, Hon. G. F., St. Stephen, 763
Hincks, Sir Francis, 812
Hind, Professor H. Y., M.A., Windsor, N.S., 308
Hingston, William Hales, M.D., L.R.C.S., D.C.L., Montreal, 436
Hinson, Rev. Walter, Moncton, 50
Hodder, Edward M., M.D., 647
Holmes, Hon. Simon H., Halifax, 163
Honan, Martin, Three Rivers, 773
Honey, John S., Montreal, 772
Hopper, Rev. J. E., M.A., D.D., St. John, 336
Hossack, William, Quebec, 330
Hould, J. B. L., LL.B., Three Rivers, 625
Howard, R. P., M.D., L.R.C.S.E., Montreal, 511
Howe, Henry Aspinwall, T.C.D., M.A., LL.D., Montreal, 565
Howe, Hon. Joseph, 587
Hudspeth, Adam, Q.C., M.P., Lindsay, 463
Huggan, W. T., Charlottetown, 805
Humphrey, John Albert, M.P.P., Moncton, 186
Hunt, Henry George, St. Catharines, 126
Hunter, Rev. Samuel J., D.D., Hamilton, 66
Hunton, Sidney Walker, M.A., Sackville, 197
Inch, James R., M.A., L.L.D., Sackville, 322
Inches, P. R., M.D., M.R.C.S., St. John, 133
Inglis, George, Owen Sound, 643
Ingram, Andrew B., M.P.P., St. Thomas, 301
Irvine, Hon. George, Q.C., D.C.L., Quebec, 564
Irvine, Matthew Bell, C.B., C.M.G., Com.-General, Quebec, 337
Irving, Andrew, Pembroke, 352
Irving, J. D., Brigade Major, Charlottetown, 105
Ives, Herbert Root, Montreal, 629
Jack, William Brydone, M.A., D.C.L., 260
Jaffray, Robert, Toronto, 675
Jamieson, Philip, Toronto, 676
Jarvis, Frederick William, 171
Jennings, Rev. John, D.D., 462
Jetté, Hon. L. A., LL.D., Judge, Montreal, 432
Johnson, Hon. F. G., Montreal, 114
Johnston, C. H. L., M.D., L.R.C.S., St. John, 234
Johnston, Hon. J. W., Judge, Dartmouth, 266
Jolicœur, Phillippe Jacques, Q.C., Quebec, 602
Joliffe, Rev. William John, B.C.L., Quebec, 324
Joncas, Louis Zephrim, M.P., Grand River, 355
Jones, Hon. A. G., P.C., M.P., Halifax, 385
Jones, Sir David, 345
Jones, R. V., A.M., PhD., Wolfville, 466
Jones, Rev. Septimus, M.A., Toronto, 637
Jones, Simeon, St. John, 387
Joseph, Abraham, Quebec, 274
Kay, Rev. John, Hamilton, 198
Keating, Edward Henry, C.E., Halifax, 214
Keirstead, Rev. Elias M., M.A., Wolfville, 493
Kellond, Robert Arthur, Toronto, 102
Kelly, Francis, J.P., Joliette, 565
Kelly, Samuel James, M.D., M.S., Joliette, 535
Kelly, Thomas Eugene, Joliette, 527
Kelly, Thomas, Judge, Summerside, 84
Kemble, William, Quebec, 345
Kennedy, George, M.A., LL.D., Toronto, 142
Kennedy, George Thomas, M.A., B.A.Sc., F.G.S., Windsor, 229
Kennedy, James Thomas, Indiantown, 331, 815
Kenny, Thomas Edward, M.P., Halifax, 729
Ker, Rev. Robert, Mitchell, 295
Kerr, W., M.A., Q.C., LL.D., Cobourg, 290
Kerr, W. W. Hastings, Q.C., Montreal, 619
Kilgour, Robert, Toronto, 278
Killam, Amasa Emerson, M.P.P., Moncton, 398
Kincaid, Robert, M.D., Peterboro’, 591
King, Edwin David, M.A., Q.C., Halifax, 249
King, James, Quebec, 562
Klein, Alphonse B., Walkerton, 771
Klotz, Otto, Preston, 26
Knowles, Charles William, Windsor, N.S., 310
Labelle, Capt. Jean B., M.P., Montreal, 189
Labelle, Rev. F. X. A., St. Jerome, 358
Lacerte, Elie, M.D., Three Rivers, 618
Lachapelle, E. P., M.D., Montreal, 261
Lafrance, Charles Joseph, Quebec, 622
Lake, John Neilson, Toronto, 96
Laliberté, Jean Baptiste, Quebec, 353
Lamarche, Felix Oliver, Berthierville, 582
Lambly, William Harwood, Inverness, 170
La Mothe, G. J. B., Montreal, 94
Langevin, Hon. Sir Hector Louis, K.C.M.G., Q.C., M.P., Ottawa, 748
La Rocque, Basile, M.D., St. John’s, 732
La Rocque, Gedeon, M.D., Quebec, 484
La Rocque, Rev. Paul S., St. Hyacinthe, 701
La Rocque, Right Rev. Bishop Charles, 689
La Rocque, Right Rev. Bishop Joseph, 712
Larue, Hon. Jules Ernest, Judge, Quebec, 628
La Rue, Thomas George, Quebec, 370
Laurie, Maj.-Gen. J. W., M.P., Oakfield, 356, 816
Laurier, Hon. Wilfrid, B.C.L., Q.C., M.P., Quebec, 592
Laviolette, Hon. J. G., M.L.C., Montreal, 320
Law, William, M.P.P., Yarmouth, 356
Lawson, John A., Charlottetown, 460
Lawson, Prof. Geo., PhD., LL.D., F.I.C., F.R.S.C., Halifax, 717
Leach, Ven. Archdeacon William Turnbull, D.C.L., LL.D., 134
Leblanc, P. E., M.P.P., Montreal, 782
Leclerc, Rev. J. U., Montreal, 753
Lefebvre, Guillaume, Waterloo, Q., 721
Lefebvre, Joseph Herbert, Waterloo, Q., 587
Le May, Léon Pamphile, Quebec, 220
Lemieux, François Xavier, M.P.P., Quebec, 601
LePan, Frederick N. D’Orr, Owen Sound, 68
Lewis, W. J., M.D., M.P.P., Hillsborough, 316
Long, Thomas, Collingwood, 81
Longley, Hon. James Wilberforce, M.P.P., M.E.C., Halifax, 186
Longworth, Hon. John, Q.C., 329
Loranger, Hon, L. O., Judge, Montreal, 299
Lord, Major Artemas, Charlottetown, 219
Lorrain, Right Rev. Narcisse Zephirin, Bishop, Pembroke, 193
Lount, William, Q.C., Toronto, 743
Lugrin, Charles H., A.M., Fredericton, 382
Lugrin, Charles S., Fredericton, 407
Lyall, Rev. William, LL.D., Halifax, 233
Lyman, F. S., B.A., B.C.L., Montreal, 313
McCaffrey, Charles, Nicolet, 544
McCallum, G. A., M.D., Dunville, 418
McCaul, Rev. John, D.D., Toronto, 165
McClelan, Hon. Abner Reid, Hopewell, 349
McConnell, J., M.D., M.C.P.S.O., Toronto, 367
McConnell, J. B., M.D., C.M., Montreal, 386
McConnel, William George, Berthierville, 490
McConville, Joseph Norbet Alfred, Joliette, 541
McCosh, John, Orillia, 74
McDonald, A. R., River du Loup (en bas), 279
McDonald, Hon. J., Chief Justice, Halifax, 712
McDonald, Rev. Clinton Donald, B.A., B.L., B.D., M.A., PhD., B.Sc., Thorold, 505
McEachran, Professor Duncan McNab, F.R.C.V.S., Montreal, 162
McGee, Hon. T. D’Arcy, B.C.L., M.R.I.A., 302
McHenry, Donald C., M.A., Cobourg, 482
McIsaac, Angus, Judge, Antigonish, 388
McIsaac, Colin F., M.P.P., Antigonish, 395
McIlwraith, Thomas, Hamilton, 722
McIntyre, Right Rev. P., D.D., Charlottetown, 110
McKinnon, Hon. John, M.P.P., Whycocomagh, 410
McKnight, Robert, Owen Sound, 392
McLachlan, Alexander, Erin, 411
McLelan, Hon. Archibald Woodbury, M.P., 703
McLellan, Hon. David, M.P.P., Indiantown, 433
McLeod, Hon. Neil, M.A., Charlottetown, 220
McLeod, Howard Douglas, St. John, 387
McLeod, Hon. J. D., M.L.C., Pictou, 764
McLeod, Rev. Joseph, D.D., Fredericton, 137
McMaster, Hon. William, Toronto, 286
McMicken, Hon. Gilbert, Winnipeg, 346
McMillan, John, M.D., Pictou, 711
McNeil, Hon. Daniel, Port Hood, 381
McNeill, John Sears, M.P.P., Barton, 180
McNicoll, David, Montreal, 662
McPherson, R. B., Thorold, 154
McRitchie, Rev. George, Prescott, 215
Macallum, A., M.A., LL.B., Hamilton, 738
MacCallum, D. C., M.D., M.R.C.S., Montreal, 138
MacColl, Evan, Kingston, 95
MacCoy, W. F., Q.C., M.P.P., Halifax, 190
Macdonald, Augustine Colin, Montague, 354
Macdonald, Charles De Wolf, B.A., Pictou, 285
Macdonald, Duncan, St. John’s, 630
Macdonald, Hon. A. A., Lieut.-Gov., Charlottetown, 466
Macdonald, Hon. John, Senator, Toronto, 579
Macdonald, L. G., Q.C., St. John’s, 543
Macdonald, Lieut.-Col. C. J., Halifax, 268
Macdonald, Rev. J. C., Charlottetown, 199
Macdonald, R. Tyre, Sutton, 811
Macdonald, Right Hon. Sir John Alexander, G.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., Ottawa, 670
Macdonnell, Rev. D. J., B.D., Toronto, 196
MacDowall, D. H., M.P., Prince Albert, 611
MacFarlane, Foster, M.D., Fairville, St. John, 39
Macfarlane, Thomas, Ottawa, 88
MacGillivray, Hon. A., Antigonish, 767
Machin, Henry Turner, Quebec, 554
Mackay, Alexander Howard, B.A., B.Sc., F.S.Sc., Pictou, N.S., 210
Mackay, N. E., M.D., C.M., M.R.C.S., Halifax, 269
Mackay, W., M.D., M.P.P., Reserve Mines, 556
Mackenzie, Hon. A., P.C., M.P., Toronto, 522
Mackenzie, J. M., Moncton, 798
MacKinnon, Tristiam A., Montreal, 502
Mackintosh, Charles H., Ottawa, 446
Maclaren, James, Buckingham, 540
MacLean, Alexander, Ottawa, 284
MacLeod, Rev. John M., Charlottetown, 46
MacMahon, Hon. Hugh, Judge, Toronto, 733
Macpherson, Alexander, Montreal, 778
Macpherson, Henry, Judge, Owen Sound, 200
MacVicar, Rev. Malcolm, PhD., LL.D., Toronto, 30
Madill, Frank, M.A., M.P., Beaverton, 528
Magnan, Adolphe, N.P., Joliette, 637
Mara, J. A., M.P., Kamloops, 784
Martin, Joseph, LL.B., Quebec, 555
Mason, T. G., Toronto, 811
Masson, Hon. Louis François Roderique, 346, 816
Masson, James, Q.C., M.P., Owen Sound, 666
Matheson, David, Ottawa, 688
Matheson, Hon. Roderick, 459
Matheson, Lieut.-Col. Arthur James, Perth, 465
Mathews, Rev. George D., D.D., Quebec, 258
Mathieu, Hon. Michel, Judge, Montreal, 265
Mathison, George, Quebec, 66
Maunsell, Lieut.-Col. G. J., Fredericton, 102
Maynard, Rev. T., M.A., D.D., Windsor, 491
Medley, Rev. C. S., B.A., Sussex, 284
Meek, Edward, Toronto, 725
Mellish, John Thomas, M.A., Halifax, 246, 816
Mercier, Hon. Honoré, M.P.P., Premier, Quebec, 234
Meredith, Sir William Collis, K.B., D.C.L., LL.D., Quebec, 223
Merritt, Jedediah Prendergast, St. Catharines, 714
Methot, Joseph Edouard, Three Rivers, 648
Méthot, Right Rev. M. E., A.M., D.D., Quebec, 342
Miller, John Stewart, M.P.P., Centreville, 341
Milligan, Rev. George M., B.A., Toronto, 79
Mills, John Burpee, M.P., Annapolis, 666
Mitchell, Hon. James, St. Stephen, 39
Mitchell, Samuel E., Pembroke, 217
Moffat, William, Pembroke, 413
Moles, Robert George, Arnprior, 327
Molony, Thomas J., LL.B., Quebec, 655
Monk, Hon. S. C., LL.D., Judge, Montreal, 537
Montagu, Walter H., M.D., M.P., Dunville, 686
Montgomery, Donald, Charlottetown, 568
Moodie, Mrs. Susanna, 710
Moody, James Cochrane, M.D., Windsor, 435
Moody, Rev. John T. T., D.D., Yarmouth, 247
Moore, Alvan Head, Magog, 567, 816
Moore, Dennis, Hamilton, 792
Moore, Paul Robinson, M.D., Sackville, 35
Moreau, Right Rev. Bishop L. Z., St. Hyacinthe, 584
Morin, Eusebe, St. Hyacinthe, 611
Morin, Louis Edmond, Quebec, 385
Morris, John Lang, B.C.L., Q.C., Montreal, 747
Morrison, Alfred Gidney, Halifax, 464
Morison, Lewis Francis, St. Hyacinthe, 697
Morrow, John, Toronto, 223
Morse, Hon. W. AD, Judge, Amherst, 222
Morson, W. A. O., Charlottetown, 92
Motton, Robert, Q.C., Halifax, 783
Mountain, Right Rev. G. J., Bishop, Quebec, 439
Mountcastle, Clara H., Clinton, 292
Mowat, Hon. O., Q.C., LL.D., Toronto, 559
Mowatt, Rev. Andrew Joseph, Fredericton, 38
Murchie, James, St. Stephen, 221
Murphy, Martin, C.E., Halifax, 319
Murphy, Owen, M.P.P., Quebec, 208
Murray, Lieut.-Col. John Robert, Halifax, 717
Murray, William, Sherbrooke, 800
Nantel, G. A., M.P.P., St. Jerome, 669
Nault, Joseph, St, Hyacinthe, 450
Nelles, Rev. Samuel Sobieski, D.D., LL.D., 363
Nelson, Hon. Hugh, Lieut-Governor, Victoria, 649
Nettleton, John, Collingwood, 161
Nolin, Charles, Sheriff, St. John’s, 502
Norman, Rev. Richard Whitmore, M.A., D.C.L., Montreal, 74
Normand, Telesphore Euzebe, Three Rivers, 682
Norquay, Hon. John, M.P.P., Winnipeg, 479
Noyes, John Powell, Q.C., Waterloo, Q., 605
O’Connor, Hon. John, 412
Ogden, Charles Kinnis, Three Rivers, 511
Ogden, W. W., B.M., M.D., Toronto, 716
Ogilvie, Hon. A. W., Senator, Montreal, 131
Ostigny, Joseph Henry, Joliette, 545
O’Sullivan, D. A., M.A., D.C.L., Toronto, 592
Otter, Lieut.-Col. William Dillon, Toronto, 620
Ouellette, Rev. J. R., St. Hyacinthe, 677
Ouimet, Hon. Gédéon, Q.C., D.C.L., Quebec, 450
Ouimet, Hon. Lieut.-Col. Aldric Joseph, LL.B., Q.C., M P., Montreal, 413
Oulton, Alfred E., Judge, Dorchester, 394
Owens, John, St. John, 548
Owens, William, M.P.P., Lachute, 410
Pacaud, Ernest, Quebec, 405
Pacaud, Gaspard, M.P.P., Windsor, 558
Palmer, Caleb Read, J.P., Moncton, 135
Panneton, Louis Edmond, Q.C., B.C.L., LL.D., Sherbrooke, 351, 816
A Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography: Being Chiefly Men of the Time

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