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Papineau, Hon. Louis Joseph, 679
Paquet, Hon. A. H., M.D., St. Cuthbert, 535
Paquet, Rev. Benjamin, Quebec, 531
Park, William A., M.P.P., Newcastle, N.B., 322
Parker, Rev. W. R., M.A., D.D., Toronto, 516
Partridge, Rev. F., M.A., D.D., Halifax, 644
Paton, Andrew, Sherbrooke, 448
Paton, Hugh, Montreal, 396
Patton, Hon. James, Q.C., LL.D., Toronto, 174
Payan, Paul, St. Hyacinthe, 638
Payzant, J. Y., M.A., Halifax, 778
Peck, Charles Allison, Hopewell Hill, 451
Pelland, B. L., Berthierville, 810
Pelletier, Hon. H. C., Judge, Rimouski, 275
Pelton, S. H., Q.C., Yarmouth, 296
Perley, William Dell, M.P., Wolseley, 665
Perrigo, James, M.A., M.D., M.R.C.S., Montreal, 284
Peters, Simon, J.P., Quebec, 459
Peterson, Peter Alexander, C.E., Montreal, 707
Pettit, Rev. Charles Biggar, M.A., Cornwall, 724
Phelan, Cornelius J. F. R., M.D., C.M., Waterloo, Q., 595
Phillips, Rev. Caleb T., Woodstock, 432
Philp, Rev. John, M.A., Montreal, 395
Piché, E. U., Berthierville, 780
Pickard, Rev. Humphrey, D.D., Sackville, 140
Pidgeon, J. R., J.P., Indiantown, 455
Pim, Richard, Toronto, 563
Pipes, Hon. W. T., Amherst, 791
Plumb, Hon. Josiah Burr, Niagara, 706
Pope, Edwin, Quebec, 512
Pope, Hon. James Colledge, 605
Pope, Hon. John Henry, M.P., Ottawa, 650
Pope, Hon. Joseph, Charlottetown, 417
Pope, P. W. T., Charlottetown, 428
Poupore, Wm. Joseph, M.P.P., Chichester, 645
Power, Hon. L. G., LL.B., Halifax, 503
Power, Michael Joseph, Halifax, 530
Prefontaine, R. F., B.C.L., M.P., Montreal, 779
Prévost, Major Oscar A., Quebec, 612
Price, Evan John, Quebec, 628
Price, Herbert Molesworth, Quebec, 594
Prince, Right Rev. John C., Bishop, 689
Prior, James, Merritton, 600
Proudfoot, Hon. William, Judge, Toronto, 270
Proulx, Hon. Jean Baptiste George, Nicolet, 607
Pugsley, Hon. William, D.C.L., St. John, 649
Purcell, Patrick, M.P., Summertown, 669, 816
Quinton, William A., M.P.P., Fairville, 632
Radenhurst, W. H., Perth, 719
Ratcliffe, John, 546
Ratcliffe, Rev. J. H., St. Catharines, 378
Raymond, Rev. Joseph Sabin, St. Hyacinthe, 686
Read, John, Stratford, 416
Read, Rev. P. C., M.A., Lennoxville, 704
Reddin, James Henry, Charlottetown, 54
Reddy, John, M.D., 85
Reed, Robert, St. John, 557
Reid, Rev. Charles Peter, Sherbrooke, 530
Rexford, Rev. Elson Irving, B.A., Quebec, 486
Reesor, Hon. D., Toronto, 704
Rice, Charles, Perth, 75
Richard, Rev. Cannon Louis, A.M., Three Rivers, 476
Richey, Hon. Matthew H., Q.C., D.C.L., Lieut.-Gov., Halifax, 380
Richey, Rev. Matthew, D.D., 471
Ritchie, Hon. J. N., Judge, Halifax, 193
Ritchie, Hon. Robert J., M.P.P., St. John, 702
Rivard, A. M., M.D., Sheriff, Joliette, 568
Robb, Alexander, Amherst, 179
Robb, David W., Amherst, 183
Roberts, C. G. D., M.A., Windsor, N.S., 368
Robertson, Andrew, Montreal, 314
Robertson, George, St. John, 336
Robertson, Henry, LL.B., Collingwood, 808
Robertson, Hon. T., Judge, Hamilton, 799
Robertson, N., Walkerton, 776
Robillard, Alexander, M.P.P., Russel, 486
Robinson, D. A., M.D., Coaticook, 751
Robinson, Samuel Skiffington, Orillia, 252
Robitaille, Louis Adolphe, Quebec, 663
Roche, William, Jr., M.P.P., Halifax, 217
Rogers, Henry Cassady, Peterboro’, 147, 816
Rogers, Lieut.-Col. R. Z., Grafton, 765
Rogers, Rev. Jabez A., Windsor, N.S., 534
Rolland, Hon. J. B., Montreal, 793
Rose, George Maclean, Toronto, 731
Rose, Hon. John E., LL.D., Judge, Toronto, 737
Rosebrugh, John W., M.D., Hamilton, 314
Ross, Alexander Milton, M.D., Montreal, 118
Ross, Hon. David Alexander, Q.C., Quebec, 300
Ross, Hon. James Gibb, Quebec, 648
Ross, Hon. William, Halifax, 189
Ross, James Duncan, M.D., Moncton, 136
Rottot, Jean Philippe, M.D., Montreal, 128
Rourke, James, St. Martin’s, 375
Rousseau, Joseph Thomas, St. Hyacinthe, 518
Routhier, Hon. A. B., LL.D., Quebec, 755
Roy, Rouer Joseph, Q.C., Montreal, 667
Ruel, James Rhodes, St. John, 228
Russell, Willis, Quebec, 535
Rutherford, John, J.P., Owen Sound, 289
Ryan, Hon. Patrick George, M.P.P., Caraquet, 736
Saint-Cyr, D. N. D., Quebec, 379
Saint-Pierre, Henri C., Montreal, 69
Sanderson, Rev. Dr. G. R., Sarnia, 65
Sandford, Hon. W. E., Hamilton, 753
Sangster, Charles, Kingston, 423
Scarth, William Bain, M.P., Winnipeg, 624
Schiller, Charles Edward, Montreal, 677
Scott, Capt. Peter Astle, R.N., 700
Scott, Hon. Richard W., Q.C., Ottawa, 758
Scott, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, Winnipeg, 715
Sears, Lieut. James Walker, Toronto, 606
Sedgewick, Robert, Q.C., Halifax, 422
Sénécal, Hon. Louis Adelard, Montreal, 452
Senkler, William Stevens, Judge, Perth, 52
Seymour, James, St. Catharines, 544
Shakespeare, Noah, Victoria, 297, 816
Shannon, Hon. S. L., D.C.L., Halifax, 756
Shaw, Lieut.-Col. James, 68
Shearer, James Traill, Montreal, 654
Shehyn, Hon. Joseph, M.P.P., Quebec, 539
Shields, John, Toronto, 551
Shorey, Hollis, Montreal, 651
Shortt, Rev. William, B. D., Walkerton, 747
Sicotte, Hon. Louis Victor, St. Hyacinthe, 438
Sifton, Hon. John Wright, Brandon, 46
Silver, William Chamberlain, Halifax, 318
Simcoe, Lieut.-General John Graves, 181
Sinclair, Donald, Walkerton, 757
Skinner, Hon. Charles N., Q.C., St. John, 401
Slack, Edward, Waterloo, Q., 463
Slaven, John Wallace, Orillia, 650
Smart, William Lynn, Hamilton, 468
Smith, Andrew, F.R.C.V.S., Toronto, 726
Smith, A. Lapthorn, B.A., M.D., Montreal, 681
Smith, G. B., M.P.P., Toronto, 791
Smith, Rev. H. Percy W., Dunnville, 209
Smith, Rev. James Cowie, M.A., B.D., Guelph, 680
Smith, Rev. John, Toronto, 515
Smith, John H., Buffalo, 56
Smith, Robert Barry, Moncton, 331
Smith, Robert Herbert, Quebec, 462
Smith, William, M.P., Columbus, 503
Spencer, Charles Worthington, Montreal, 507
Spencer, E. E., M.P.P., Frelighsburg, 382
Sprague, Thomas Farmer, M.D., Woodstock, 145
Starnes, Hon. Lieut-Col. Henry, Montreal, 749
Steadman, James, Fredericton, 543
Steele, Rev. D. A., A.M., Amherst, 264
Steeves, Chipman Archibald, Moncton, 326
Steeves, James Thomas, M.D., St. John, 151
Stennett, Rev. Canon Walter, M.A., Cobourg, 272
Stephen, Alexander, Halifax, 762
Stephen, Sir George, Baronet, Montreal, 231
Stephenson, Major James, Montreal, 665
Sterling, Alexander Addison, Fredericton, 705
Stevens, Hon. Gardner Green, Waterloo, Q., 585
Stevens, Rev. Lorenzo Gorham, A.M., B.D., Portland, N.B., 25
Stevenson, Major S. C., Montreal, 492
Stewart, George Jr., D.C.L., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.C., Quebec, 227
Stewart, John, Woodstock, 204
Stewart, Rev. William James, Portland, N.B., 37
St. George, Percival Walter, C.E., Montreal, 134
St. George, Rev. Charles, Iberville, 720
Stockton, Alfred Augustus, D.C.L., PhD., LL.D., M.P.P., St. John, 116
Strachan, Right Rev. John, LL.D., D.D., 371
Strange, Major-General T. B., Kingston, 784
Stratford, John H., Brantford, 58, 816
Strothard, Rev. James, Halifax, 334
Stuart, Sir Andrew, Knight, Quebec, 640
Sturdee, Henry L., M.A., Portland, N.B., 426
Sutherland, Hugh McKay, Winnipeg, 620
Sutherland, Rev. Alexander, D.D., Toronto, 86
Sullivan, Hon. W. W., Charlottetown, 429
Sweeny, Right Rev. John, D.D., R.C. Bishop, St. John, 455
Taché, Eugene Etienne, Quebec, 376
Taillon, Alphonse Antoine, Sorel, 537
Talbot, Hon. Thomas, 157
Tartre, Joseph Raphael, M.P., Waterloo, Q., 593
Taschereau, His Eminence Elzéar-Alexandre, Cardinal, Quebec, 625
Taschereau, Hon. Henry T., B.L., B.C.L., Judge, Montreal, 410
Taschereau, Hon. H. E., Judge, Ottawa, 434
Taschereau, Hon. J. T., LL.D., Quebec, 610
Taylor, Henry, Perth, 78
Tellier, Hon. Louis, Judge, St. Hyacinthe, 443
Tessier, Jules, M.P.P., Quebec, 608
Tetreau, Rev. F., St. Hyacinthe, 508
Thomas, N. W., Coaticook, 763
Thomas, Rev. B. D., D.D., Toronto, 379
Thompson, David, 727
Thompson, Hon. J. S. D., Q.C., M.P., Ottawa, 283
Thompson, Lieut.-Col. D. C., Quebec, 394
Thorne, William Henry, St. John, 306
Thornton, John, Coaticook, 439
Tilley, Sir S. L., K.C.M.G., Fredericton, 60
Tims, Frank Dillon, Quebec, 545
Tomkins, Rev. John, 652
Tooke, Benjamin, Montreal, 699
Torey, Edgar J., 705
Torrance, David, 400
Torrance, Hon. F. W., B.C.L., Montreal, 393
Torrance, Rev. Robert, D.D., Guelph, 33
Torrington, Frederick Herbert, Toronto, 546
Tourangeau, Adolphe G., Quebec, 477
Trenaman, Thomas, M.D., Halifax, 554
Trueman, Hermon Silas, M.D., Sackville, 335
Tupper, Hon, Sir Charles, G.C.M.G., C.B., D.C.L., Ottawa, 642
Turcotte, Hon. Arthur, Q.C., Three Rivers, 445
Turnbull, Lieut.-Col. James Ferdinand, Quebec, 403
Turnbull, William Wallace, St. John, 143
Tyrwhitt, Lieut.-Col. R., M.P., Bradford, 461
Underhay, J. C., M.P.P., Bay Fortune, 415
Unsworth, Joseph Lennon, Charlottetown, 653
Ure, Rev. Robert, D.D., Goderich, 375
Ussher, Right Rev. B. B., M.D., Montreal, 19
Valin, Pierre, Vincent, Chateau Richer, 383
Vallee, Thomas E. A., M.D., Quebec, 538
Van Horne, William C., Montreal, 469
Van Koughnet, S. J., Q.C., Toronto, 795
Van Wyck, Rev. James, Toronto, 152
Vaughan, William, St. Martins, 458
Vidal, Major Henry Beaufort, Toronto, 533
Wade, Edward Harper, Quebec, 430
Waddell, John, M.D., 29
Wainwright, William, Montreal, 736
Walker, Thomas, M.D., St. John, 538
Wallace, Joseph James, Truro, 298
Wallace, Rev. Robert, Toronto, 418
Wallbridge, Hon. Lewis, 374
Wallis, Herbert, Montreal, 81
Wanless, John, M.D., Montreal, 128
Watson, George, Collingwood, 125
Webster, Walter Chester, Coaticook, 678
Weeks, Otto Swartz, M.P.P., Halifax, 668
Wedderburn, Hon. W., Judge, Hampton, 150
Weir, W., Montreal, 527
Weldon, R. C., B.A., PhD., M.P., Halifax, 661
Weller, C. A., Judge, Peterborough, 673
Wells, Hon. R. M., Toronto, 639
Welton, Rev. Daniel Morse, D.D., Toronto, 529
Whelan, Hon. Edward, Charlottetown, 414
Whidden, Charles Blanchard, Antigonish, 190
White, Hon. Thomas, M.P., Ottawa, 744
Whitney, Henry A., Moncton, 364
Wickwire, William Nathan, M.D., Halifax, 265
Wild, Rev. Joseph, M.A., D.D., Toronto, 82
Wilkinson, W., Judge, Bushville, Chatham, 270
Willets, Rev. Charles E., M.A., D.C.L., Windsor, N.S., 687
Williams, Rev. John Æ., D.D., Toronto, 294
Williams, Rev. William, D.D., Cobourg, 175
Williams, Richard Wellington, Three Rivers, 495
Williams, Right Rev. James W., D.D., Bishop, Quebec, 434
Williams, Thomas, Moncton, 140
Wilmot, Hon. R. D., Fredericton, 765
Willmott, J. B., M.D.S., D.D.S., Toronto, 173
Wilson, Daniel, LL.D., F.R.S, Toronto, 338
Wilson, J. C., M.P., Montreal, 149
Wilson, Rev. Robert, St. John, 80
Withall, William John, Montreal, 520
Wood, Rev. Enoch, D.D., 585
Wood, Robert Edwin, Peterborough, 244
Woodland, Rev. James Barnaby, Yarmouth, 311
Woodward, J. R., B.A., Sherbrooke, 685
Workman, Joseph, M.D., Toronto, 204
Worthington, Edward D., A.M., M.D., F.R.C.S., Sherbrooke, 456
Wright, Aaron A., Renfrew, 57
Wright, Philemon, 631
Young, Edward, Windsor, 800
Young, Hon. Charles, LL.D., Q.C., Charlottetown, 18
Young, Hon. James, Galt, 740
Young, Sir William, LL.D., 398
A Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography: Being Chiefly Men of the Time

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