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Table of Contents

Of him that said there were but two commandementes. i. 11
Of the wyfe who lay with her prentys and caused him to beate her husbande disguised in her rayment. ii 12
Of John Adroyns in the dyuyls apparell. iii. 14
Of the Ryche man and his two sonnes. iv. 18
Of the Cockolde who gained a Ring by his iudgment. v. 19
Of the scoler that gave his shoes to cloute. vi. 20
Of him that said that a womans tongue was lightest of digestion. vii. ib.
Of the Woman that followed her fourth husbands bere and wept. viii. 21
Of the Woman that sayd her woer came to late. ix. 22
Of the Mylner with the golden thombe. x. 23
Of the horseman of Irelande that prayde Oconer for to hange up the frere. xi. ib.
Of the preest that sayd nother Corpus meus nor Corpum meum. xii. 26
Of the two freres whereof the one loued nat the ele heed nor the other the tayle. xiii. 27
Of the welche man that shroue hym for brekynge of hys faste on the fryday. xiv. 28
Of the merchaunte of London that dyd put nobles in his mouthe in hys dethe bedde. xv. 30
Of the mylner that stale the nuttes of the tayler that stale a shepe. xvi. 31
Of the foure elementes where they should sone be founde. xvii. 36
Of the woman that poured the potage in the iudges male. xviii. 37
Of the wedded men that came to heuen to clayme theyr herytage. xix. 39
Of the merchaunte that charged his sonne to fynde one to synge for hys soule. xx. 40
Of the mayde wasshynge clothes that answered the frere. xxi. 42
Of the thre wyse men of Gotam. xxii. ib.
Of the graye frere that answered his penytente. xxiii. 43
Of the gentylman that bare the sege borde on hys necke. xxiv. 44
Of the merchantes wyfe that sayd she wolde take a nap at a sermon. xxv. 47
Of the woman that said and she lyued another yere she wolde haue a cockoldes hatte of her owne. xxvi. 48
Of the gentylman that wysshed his tothe in the gentylwomans tayle. xxvii. ib.
Of the Welcheman that confessyd hym howe he had slayne a frere. xxviii. 49
Of the Welcheman that coude nat gette but a lytell male. xxix. 50
Of the gentyll woman that sayde to a gentyll man ye haue a berde aboue and none benethe. xxx. 51
Of the frere that sayde our Lorde fed fyue M. people with iii fysshys. xxxi. 52
Of the frankelyn that wold haue had the frere gone. xxxii. 53
Of the prest that sayd Our Lady was not so curyous a woman. xxxiii. 54
Of the good man that sayde to his wyfe he had euyll fare. xxxiv. 55
Of the frere that bad his childe make a laten. xxxv. ib.
Of the gentylman that asked the frere for his beuer. xxxvi. 56
Of the thre men that chose the woman. xxxvii. ib.
Of the gentylman that taught his cooke the medycyne for the tothake. xxxviii. 58
Of the gentylman that promysed the scoler of Oxford a sarcenet typet. xxxix. 60
Of mayster Skelton that broughte the bysshop of Norwiche ii fesauntys. xl. 62
Of the yeman of garde that sayd he wolde bete the carter. xli. 65
Of the fole that saide he had leuer go to hell than to heuen. xlii. 66
Of the plowmannys sonne that sayde he sawe one to make a gose to creke swetely. xliii. 67
Of the maydes answere that was wyth chylde. xliv. ib.
Of the seruaunt that rymyd with hys mayster. xlv. 68
Of the Welcheman that delyuered the letter to the ape. xlvi. 69
Of hym that solde ryght nought. xlvii. 71
Of the frere that tolde the thre chyldres fortunes. xlviii. 72
Of the boy that bare the frere his masters money. xlix. 74
Of Phylyp Spencer the bochers man. l. 75
Of the courtear and the carter. li. 76
Of the yong man that prayd his felow to teche hym hys paternoster. lii. 77
Of the frere that prechyd in ryme expownynge the ave maria. liii. 78
Of the curat that prechyd the Artycles of the Crede. liv. 80
Of the frere that prechyd the x commaundementis. lv. 82
Of the wyfe that bad her husbande ete the candell fyrste. lvi. 84
Of the man of lawes sonnes answer. lvii. ib.
Of the frere in the pulpet that bad the woman leve her babelynge. lviii. 85
Of the Welcheman that cast the Scotte into the see. lix. 86
Of the man that had the dome wyfe. lx. 87
Of the Proctour of Arches that had the lytel wyfe. lxi. 89
Of ii nonnes that were shryuen of one preste. lxii. ib.
Of the esquyer that sholde haue ben made knight. lxiii. 91
Of hym that wolde gette the maystrye of his wyfe. lxiv. . 92
Of the penytent that sayd the shepe of God haue mercy vpon me. lxv. 93
Of the husbande that sayd he was John daw. lxvi. 94
Of the scoler of Oxforde that proued by souestry ii chykens iii. lxvii. 95
Of the frere that stale the podynge. lxviii. 97
Of the frankelyns sonne that cam to take orders. lxix. 98
Of the husbandman that lodgyd the frere in his own bede. lxx. 99
Of the preste that wolde say two gospels for a grote. lxxi. 100
Of the coutear that dyd cast the frere ouer the bote. lxxii. 101
Of the frere that prechyd what mennys sowles were. lxxiii. ib.
Of the husbande that cryed ble vnder the bed.lxxiv. 102
Of the shomaker that asked the colyer what tydynges in hell. lxxv. 103
Of Seynt Peter that cryed cause bobe. lxxvi. 104
Of hym that aduenturyd body and soule for hys prynce. lxxvii. 105
Of the parson that stale the mylners elys. lxxviii. 106
Of the Welchman that saw one xl's better than God. lxxix. ib.
Of the frere that said dyryge for the hoggys soule. lxxx. ib.
Of the parson that sayde masse of requiem for Crystes soule. lxxxi. 108
Of the herdeman that sayde: ryde apace, ye shall haue rayn. lxxxii. 109
Of hym that sayde: I shall haue neuer a peny. lxxxiii. 110
Of the husbande that sayde his wyfe and he agreed well. lxxxiv. 111
Of the prest that sayde Comede episcope. lxxxv. ib.
Of the woman that stale the pot. lxxxvi. 112
Of mayster Whyttyntons dreme. lxxxvii. 113
Of the prest that killed his horse called modicus. lxxxviii. 114
Of the Welcheman that stale the Englysshmans cocke. lxxxix. 115
Of hym that brought a botell to a preste. xc. ib.
Of the endytement of Jesu of Nazareth. xci. 116
Of the frere that preched agaynst them that rode on the Sonday. xcii. 117
Of the one broder that founde a purs. xciii. 118
Of the answere of the mastres to the mayde. xciv. 119
Of the northern man that was all harte. xcv. ib.
Of the burnynge of olde John. xcvi. ib.
Of the courtear that ete the hot custarde. xcvii. 121
Of the thre pointes belonging to a shrewd wyfe. xcix. 122
Of the man that paynted the lamb upon his wyfes bely. c. 123
Shakespeare Jest-Books

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