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For the Automobile Visitor


It is the frequent experience of the housewife living in the country or suburbs these days to receive unexpected visits from friends who are touring in automobiles, and she finds she must have something attractive, dainty and nourishing ready at a moment's notice to supplement the cup of tea or coffee so welcome after a hot, dusty trip. It is a wise plan to keep a variety of Summer Sausage on hand, as in a very few minutes delicious sandwiches may be prepared with this, these sandwiches having the charm of novelty. It is impossible to deal in a short article with the many varieties of Summer Sausage, but there are three or four which can be touched upon. To have a thorough understanding of their goodness one must not only read about them but taste them. They are the staple diet in many foreign countries and in the Armour brand the native flavoring has been done with remarkable faithfulness – so much so that large quantities are shipped from this country every week to the countries where they originated.

Cervelat: This sausage is made of finest pork chopped fine, smoked and air dried. It is highly spiced. A very delicious way to serve this is to cut thin slices of white bread in rounds just the size of the sausage. Put the meat, cut very thin, between the slices of bread and toast for a minute with a very hot fire. This keeps the exposed sides absolutely dry and the sandwich can be eaten without a fork.

German Salami: This sausage will be much appreciated by people who like the smoky flavor of ham and bacon. In it the meat is chopped a little coarser than in the Cervelat, and the spicing is the same as that used in Germany. Serve cut very thin, with rye or bran bread.

Lackschinken: This is a very delicately flavored German titbit. It is made of boneless pork loins cured in mild sweet pickle before smoking. It makes delicious sandwiches with white or brown bread sliced thin and lightly buttered.

Mortadella, a favorite Italian sausage, is made from lean pork ham meat chopped very fine. The flavoring is delicious, the careful blending of spices giving a distinctly foreign touch.

In many restaurants throughout the country they serve, as in foreign countries, a slice or two of Summer Sausage as an appetizer before beginning the meal. This custom is rapidly spreading into the home, and Summer Sausage now has an established place in the daily bill of fare.

Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913

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