Читать книгу Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913 - Various - Страница 8

Informal Porch Suppers


If you are fortunate enough to possess a wide porch or a stretch of lawn do not forget your less fortunate friends, and give an occasional informal party there while the weather is still fine. Food always tastes so much better in the fresh air and when friends are present it makes the affair nothing more than a kind of glorified picnic. There are few more pleasant ways of entertaining than by giving a porch party. It is very little trouble to arrange an affair of this kind – less than the average picnic indeed – and grown people usually enjoy it more as it is much more comfortable to sit in a chair before a real table than to perch on a log or rock while eating. A porch party is an ideal way of entertaining for the woman who has to do her own work. Most of the dishes can be prepared the day before, making the serving easier.

If not convenient to have a large table a number of small card tables placed close together will answer the purpose. Charming table sets of white crepe paper can be bought for very little and save very materially in the doing up of the linen.

Prepare as much as possible early in the day. If you have sandwiches wrap them in a damp napkin; if cold drinks are wanted have them well chilled, your glasses and straws handy, have your silver and china ready at hand so that when your guests arrive you may devote your time and attention to them. The following menus are not hard to prepare and the dishes will be found most palatable and suited to every purse: Veribest Canned Meats, the standby of the housewife who combines economy of time with excellence of quality, are used in many of them. There is a wide range of these meats delicious and many ways of using them. Every pantry should have at least one shelf devoted to them so that the housewife need never be at a loss for the basis of a good meal.




CREAMED CHICKEN, served in roll,














Ham Moussé

One tablespoonful granulated gelatine, one half cup hot water, one can Veribest Deviled Ham, teaspoonful mustard (mixed), one half cup rich cream.

Dissolve the gelatine in the hot water, and add to the ham; season with the mustard, add the cream beaten stiff and pour into a mould which has been previously wet with cold water. Chill. Turn out to serve and garnish with parsley.

Creamed Chicken

Make a plain white sauce of one tablespoonful butter, one tablespoonful flour and one cup of milk with seasoning of salt and pepper. When this is ready add the contents of a can of Veribest Boned Chicken, gently pulling apart the flakes of meat with a fork. When thoroughly heated serve in a roll which has been hollowed out for the purpose, with a garnish of cooked asparagus stalks.

Tongue Toast

Remove the contents of a can of Veribest Lunch Tongue and cut in dice. Add a little cream and the beaten yolk of one egg. Simmer for a few minutes and serve on squares of toast.

Potatoes au Gratin

Dice enough cold boiled potatoes to measure one pint. Put one tablespoonful of butter and the same amount of flour in a saucepan with a little salt and pepper. Cook till well mixed, then add one cupful of milk and stir until smooth and thick. Add the potatoes and simmer five minutes, then pour into a buttered, shallow baking dish. Mix one scant cupful of fine, dry bread crumbs with one tablespoonful of melted butter, spread over the potatoes and place in a hot oven until the crumbs are a golden brown, then serve hot.

Marshmallow Pudding

Make a plain lemon jelly, adding a little sherry wine if desired. Put a layer of sliced marshmallows in the bottom of the mold, and when the jelly has begun to set spread a little of it over them. Continue with jelly and marshmallows till the mold is full, then put away to harden. Serve with whipped cream.

A Dainty Dessert

Lemon and grape juice frappé is another cool dessert that is also light. To make it, boil a pint of water with two cupfuls of granulated sugar for ten minutes and cool it. Then add a little cinnamon and half a cupful of lemon juice, and lastly a quart of Armour's grape juice. Freeze and serve in cups, with a little of the grape juice.

Shelving Responsibility

"I'll ask my husband."

"I don't think my husband would allow me to do that."

"I'm sure Jack would say 'No.'"

Do you know the wife who, whenever she does not want to do anything, always places the responsibility on her husband's shoulders?

She knows quite well that she can do almost anything she likes with her husband, and that there are really precious few things that he would say "No" to her doing, but she finds that to say her husband would never allow her to do this, or that, is a very easy way of saying "No" to people without offending them.

But it's not quite fair on the husband really, because, after a time, people begin to think that he really must be rather a bear to be so strict with his wife.

And he gets disliked, very often, accordingly.

If you don't want to do a thing, say so; don't make your husband the scapegoat.

Of course the wife who does this kind of thing never dreams that people will blame her husband: it's just a convenient fiction to her.

But people are apt to think less of her husband because of it.

So you'll be wise to find some other excuse when excuses are necessary. — Exchange.

Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913

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