Читать книгу Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913 - Various - Страница 7
Everyday Uses of Armour's Grape Juice
ОглавлениеGive your family Armour's Grape Juice as an everyday beverage and their bodies will be kept healthy without drugs.
Instead of serving fruit in the morning serve a wineglassful of Armour's Grape Juice undiluted. If taken at the beginning of breakfast do not add ice. For children, water may be added if desired.
In moistening mincemeat use Armour's Grape Juice instead of jelly or wine. In making "Brown Betty" use Armour's Grape Juice instead of water and molasses and you will find it richer and more delicious.
In making sauce for all kinds of fruit puddings, use Armour's Grape Juice, hot or cold, thickened when necessary with a little cornstarch.
When making fruit salad to be served as a dessert, pour over the mixed fruits, immediately before serving, a cup of Armour's Grape Juice.
In serving grape fruit, after carefully removing the white pith, pour over each portion a wineglassful of Armour's Grape Juice.
Many people find it difficult to take raw eggs when recommended by their doctor. This difficulty is removed by breaking the egg into a glass of Armour's Grape Juice. The egg is swallowed easily and in addition to the nourishment obtained there is the tonic value of the rich fruit from which the grape juice is taken.
The Sweet Places
I want to go back to the sweet mysterious places,
The crook in the creek-bed nobody knew but me,
Where the roots in the bank thrust out strange knotty faces,
Scaring the squirrels who stole there timidly.
I want to lie under the corn and hear it rustle,
Cool and green in a long, straight, soldierly row,
I am tired of white-faced women and men of iron.
I want to go back where the country grasses grow.
To the well-remembered pasture's shadiest corner,
Where under the trees the wild ferns wove their laces;
Hearing the whip-poor-will's voice in its strange, rich sadness —
I want to go back to the old beloved places.
Sleep lifts the flower-soul with gentle hand,
And breathes upon it till the petals close
Softly and drowsily; and, faint, there grows
A melody from some far shining strand.
The waking vision's holden to, till, fanned
By vagrant winds from distant ports, it blows
The singing lips of dreams into the rose.
The white Night leans to kiss the nodding land.
Thus, in a kindred way, will Brother Death
At the appointed hour let fall his breath
Upon my soul, which such kind dreamlessness
Of pillowing, after Life's storm and stress.
I shall lie unafraid, my petals furled,
To bloom anew within some fairer world.
– Exchange
To Bleach White Silk
When either white silk fabric or embroidery has become yellowed from careless washing, it may be bleached in the following manner:
Dissolve two ounces each of salt and oxalic acid in six quarts of cold water.
Soak the silk in this until the yellow tinge disappears. This will take about an hour in ordinary cases.
Rinse immediately in several clear waters.
VERIBEST CANNED MEATS – save work and worry