Читать книгу The Legacy: Book Two of the Lane Trilogy - Vicki Inc. Andree - Страница 5

Chapter One


“Who’s the new guy?” Tim Young whispered into Leesa Lane’s bejeweled ear. “Everyone’s curious about Lyza’s escort tonight. No one seems to know him from anywhere. Did she bring him from one of her long-distance projects?”

“Really, Tim, do you think I know all of Lyza’s business? We’re sisters, not clones.”

Tim sounded desperate. “Yes, but you’re twins. You have some kind of special ESP, right? Don’t hold out on us. He could be a good contact for future business. What family does he represent? Are they in investments, oil, real estate? Come on; give me some info!”

Leesa chuckled. She knew Lyza’s escort, but what little information she had about him would not be shared. She had made a pact with her sister not to reveal anything she knew about David Gabriel. But the fact that she knew so little made it difficult not to be drawn into the curiosity of the others.

Tim continued his speculation. “Come on, what does he do? He reeks of power. What corporation does Daddy own? Now there’s a confident man dancing with one of the richest women in the world.”

They sat at a small table next to the expanse of polished hardwood dance floor inside the Lane Mansion. The slow dance music played by the full orchestra reflected Leesa’s mother’s favorites from the forties. They sat alone at a table for eight. Leesa wanted to dance, but Tim wanted to talk. He wanted to ask questions about her sister. Questions, questions, questions. When will he shut up and ask me to dance? Finally Leesa could stand it no longer.

“Get a grip, Tim. Maybe we’ll find out something on the dance floor.” She nodded toward the exquisite couple dancing past them in a slow, romantic clutch.

Tim jumped up, remembering both his manners and that his date was the daughter of the hostess. He held out his hand in an overdone gesture of gallantry.

“May I have this dance, Miss Leesa?”

She took hold of his hand. “I’d be delighted.”

On the dance floor, he gently guided them through the crowd toward Lyza and her mystery date.

“Didn’t I see them together at the Lady Gaga concert last week?”

She grinned, but could tell he was not amused. “Like I said, Tim, I don’t know. I don’t have Lyza’s calendar either, so give me a break. There’s a new guy in town. Get over it. Besides, you can relax; he’s no threat to you!”

“All right. I’ll get my information elsewhere. And if it’s true that you don’t know anything, I’ll be sure not to share what I find out. Take that, you wicked woman.” He swung her around as the music switched from the slow dance to the fifties-style jitterbug.

“Now this is more like it.” Leesa laughed. Thank Heaven Mother only throws this benefit once a year.

Leesa smiled at Lyza across the crowded dance floor, giving her a thumbs-up behind Tim’s back. There would be questions tonight, but Leesa was assuring her sister that nothing had thus far been revealed. Then Leesa bumped into Gary and his dancing partner.

“Oops, excuse us.” Tim leaned over. “Gary, didn’t you escort Lyza to this shindig last year?”

“Guilty as charged. Last year, and each of the three years before. Leesa, remember how we all sneaked out early year before last and went bowling?” He stopped short. “Those were the days. Life goes on; maybe we’ve all grown up. I know you all thought I had a thing for her, and maybe I did at one time, but after the plane crash, she changed.”

Gary’s date said, “What! You can’t be serious. I mean about the bowling.”

Tim winked at Leesa. “Oh, he’s serious. Leesa and I went along, and it was a lot of fun. We got away with sneaking out and felt like successful criminals!”

“Evidently we did get away with it, because I got an invitation and had to come tonight.” Gary gave his date a hug. “But I forgive them. Julie’s wanted to attend the ‘Save the Orchids’ benefit for years. Who’s Lyza’s date tonight?”

Leesa rolled her eyes at Gary’s partner. “Who cares? Oh, that’s right, everybody!” Leesa wasn’t having fun anymore, so she decided to put speculation to an end. “He’s our cousin from Indianapolis.”

Gary looked ashen. “That’s your cousin? No way. Cousins don’t look at each other like that.” Gary glared at Leesa. “You’re lying.”

Leesa pulled Tim between her and Gary, taking a step back. “You’re being ridiculous, now let’s be minding our own business.”

The music ended. Tim and Leesa made their way back to their table, dodging people and chairs. Tim seated Leesa, then went for drinks. While Leesa sat alone, she eavesdropped on her parents’ conversation at the table next to hers.

Lawrence directed a question to his dripping-in-diamonds wife, Lana. “Who’s the young man?”

Lana looked at the crowd spread before the head table. “Oh, who? Where?”

Several friends stopped talking with her as she stretched her neck to locate the elder (by eight minutes) of her two daughters. “Yes, there she is. Oh, doesn’t she look lovely tonight?”

Everyone sprinkled around the table agreed. “Yes, yes.”

“And who is that young man?” Leesa heard Lawrence ask Lana again.

Leesa watched Lana squint to see across the room. “He’s very handsome, but I don’t recognize him. Have you seen him before?”

Lawrence stood. “Never, I’m quite sure.”

Lana stood and tilted her head. “Should we call security? I mean, I think he’s a guest. Look how they dance so close. Lyza looks like she very much enjoys his company. Did they come together?”

Leesa started to panic. Oh, no, this just gets better and better. Lyza, you owe me big-time. Now I have to stop Father from calling security. She turned toward her parents’ table when Lawrence took a step towards the foyer.

Leesa got to her feet when she heard him tell Lana that he was going to check the guest list.

He turned to Leesa. “We’ll find out who this mystery man is right now.”

Lawrence approached the security guard in a small room off the entrance, with Leesa two steps behind him. The guard sat at a desk with several computer monitors in front of him. He sat straight at the sight of Lawrence. “James, I’d like a look at the guest list, if you don’t mind.”

Leesa giggled, nervous from the excitement, thinking, if you don’t mind? Of course James doesn’t mind. You’re his boss. Leesa minded, but it was out of her control. She shrugged as James handed over a clipboard with the names of those in attendance.

Lawrence inspected the list of invitees and found no new name. Then he looked again at Lyza’s name, and it simply stated ‘Lyza Lane and guest.’ Lawrence wrinkled his brow for a second as Leesa looked over his shoulder. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Afraid Lawrence might do something to embarrass Lyza, Leesa tried talking to him. “Father, I know you have valid concerns.”

He started back to his table and stopped. “You bet I have concerns. Lyza’s accident took its toll. She was in a plane crash, for God’s sake. And you know as well as I do that she hasn’t been the same since her recovery. Sometimes I wonder if she’ll ever be her old self, and I’m not about to let some young man take advantage of the situation.”

Leesa found Tim at their table, two glasses of champagne sitting in front of him. She sat next to him and put her hand on his arm. “Sorry, I had a mission.”

Tim lifted his glass. “Here’s to a successful mission.”

She clinked her glass on his and took a sip. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lawrence coming up behind her.

“Glad to see you two. Hope you’re enjoying yourselves.” He smiled and took hold of Leesa’s elbow. “Can I steal her away for a few moments, Tim? I promise to give her right back.”

Tim turned toward the bar. “Sure, I’ll get us more champagne.”

Leesa frowned as Lawrence took her elbow, pulling her away. “Father, what are you doing?”

Lawrence bent down and whispered. “Who is that young man dancing with Lyza? You know more than you’re telling.”

“Oh, come on, now.” Leesa threw her hands into the air. “That’s all I’ve heard tonight. Everyone wants to know who Lyza’s with. Please. You know, I’m here, too.”

“I know you are here. I also know the man who brought you, and I happen to know him well. However, that’s not the case with your sister, and you know since the accident—”

“Oh, do I ever know! Since the accident, everything is about Lyza. You know, Father, she’s all right. She’s a thirty-two-year-old woman. She was one of six survivors in a horrible plane crash, and all of them are doing just fine. Let her have some fun.” Leesa wasn’t about to tell her father the little she knew about the mystery man, but she felt she had to say something to calm him.

Her voice softened. “All I know is that Lyza met him some time ago. He’s not exactly a stranger. I’ve met him, and he’s a nice man. All right?”

“Well, I don’t know why she doesn’t have his name on the guest list. I find that, well, secretive.”

Leesa laughed. “Oh, Father, lighten up.” She walked back toward the ballroom.

Lawrence frowned at the disrespect, and she heard him mutter, “Young people today.”

Leesa let him pass and followed him through the crowd to his table, where Tim had joined Lana, who was intently watching the young couple as they gave the orchestra a round of applause.

Lana’s right eyebrow arched. “Who is he?”

Lawrence stood to full height. “I’m calling my investigators in the morning. It’s some fellow she met recently, probably at some board meeting. In any case, I plan to find out more soon.” Leesa cringed.


“You look beautiful tonight, Lyza,” David whispered in her ear as they began dancing to “Moon River.”

She pulled apart just enough to look up at him and smile. Lyza loved dancing. “That’s because I’m dancing with you. Has anyone ever told you that you’re a wonderful dancer?”

“You’re flirting.” He grinned down at her. “It’s so cute on you.”

She pressed her cheek into his shoulder and smiled. She was having the time of her life. “Sure, you say that now, but wait until my feet start hurting, and I get cranky. Then you won’t think I’m so cute.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “I cannot even imagine what cranky—you did say ‘cranky’?—looks like on Lyza Lane.”

She remembered her life before the accident. “Oh, be glad you haven’t seen it. It’s not pretty. I’ve been told it borders on scary. I have a lot to unlearn.”

“You know what? I think you’re perfect just the way you are. I love dancing with you.”

“I’m enjoying this evening immensely. Thank you for coming. I know this type of affair isn’t really your thing, but you came anyway. I appreciate it.”

“I’m glad you asked me. This is an exquisite evening. Like I said, I’m enjoying myself. There must be every kind of orchid in the world represented here. I suppose that’s as it should be, since this is the annual ‘Save the Orchids’ benefit. Now, how many years is it—the eleventh?”

Lyza felt her face warm. “Tonight is mother’s kick off for the second decade of saving the orchids. That’s why she decided to hold it here again. Mother discovered orchids were in danger of becoming extinct. She loves orchids and couldn’t bear the thought of a world without orchids. Now it all seems too silly.”

David held her a little closer. “Orchids add much beauty to this world. This room is a perfect example. I feel like I’m in the rainforest. Everything here seems bigger than life. Even those ice sculptures look like something da Vinci created, although they probably wouldn’t be in the rainforest.”

Lyza laughed. “Ice sculptures in the rainforest? Yes, that’s Mother, sparing no expense to fuel her fantasies. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. You’re oblivious to all the attention you’re getting.”

David swiveled his head around to survey the entire room. “I’m getting attention? How? What do you mean?”

“Leesa’s date keeps looking over here. In fact, they keep following us around the dance floor. I think he wants an introduction.”

“It’s all right. You can introduce me. I don’t mind.”

Lyza tensed slightly. “No, no, I want to keep you all to myself for a while. No introductions tonight.”

“Keep me to yourself? Lyza, I’m not here to make any impressions. I’m here just to be with you, but I understand. I’m way beyond my social status here. It’s all right, Lyza, I really do understand.”

“I know that, but—oh, no, it’s Father. He’s coming over here, and I don’t want to talk with him.”

Lyza started leading the dance, and they crossed to the other side of the room toward an exit door. She pushed open the door, and they stood in a lavish wide hallway. “We can hide here. I can count on Father getting distracted in a few minutes.”

David Gabriel laughed. “You’re hiding me from your father? Listen, Lyza, I understand the wide gap in our social standings, but do you think it’s wise? I’m not afraid to meet your father. We can leave, or I can go. Whichever.”

She smiled a different smile this time; it had just a tinge of mischief in it. “I’m not willing to share you with my father right now. Sometime in the future I will, but not tonight.”

David looked over her shoulder to see a waiter walk by the end of the hall. “I don’t know exactly what’s going on here, but I trust you. By that I mean, I trust that what you are doing is all right, and that no one is going to get hurt over this.”

“No one is going to get hurt. This isn’t all about social status. I hope you don’t think I’m that small.” Then she thought, Though truthfully, I might be somewhat.

The Legacy: Book Two of the Lane Trilogy

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