Читать книгу The Legacy: Book Two of the Lane Trilogy - Vicki Inc. Andree - Страница 9

Chapter Five


Lyza looked up from her reading at the sound of a knock at her door. She realized the sun had gone down, and darkness veiled her window. After ditching her book, she answered the door to her wing of the estate. Usually the door stayed open for Leesa to come in anytime, but Lyza didn’t want Leesa to see her studying her Bible, so she had latched it when she got home from the office.

As soon as Lyza opened the door, Leesa started talking. “I have got to tell you about what happened today.” She flopped into the nearest chair.

Lyza adjusted the lighting to dim in the sitting room. “I got your e-mail. Kramer’s Island is going to open?”

Leesa nearly shrieked. “Yes! It will be spectacular! Tim and I are going to plan it at dinner tomorrow. I am so excited!”

“I’m excited with you. Can I come?”

Leesa frowned. “No. No, you can’t come to dinner with us.”

Lyza laughed. “I’m not talking about dinner, silly. I’m talking about the grand opening!”

“Of course you’re invited to the grand opening. I wouldn’t want you to miss it!”

Lyza decided to egg her sister’s earlier frown on. “I’m glad to hear I can come to the grand opening, but why can’t I go to dinner with you guys?”

Leesa took a deep breath. “Let me ask you something. How are things going with the new man in your life?”

“David is wonderful. Why do you ask?”

“I think I’m in love with Tim.”

Lyza’s mouth dropped open. Tim’s been around since we were kids. He’s the guy our parents used to call when we needed dates to social affairs. Sure, we continued the tradition. Me and Gary, Leesa and Tim—the fabulous four went everywhere together, but as friends. “Tim’s your best friend. This seems weird. Are you sure?”

Leesa’s face glowed. “I’m very sure. Tomorrow night is important. You can’t horn in on my dinner with him.”

Lyza shrugged. “Like I have time; I’m dealing with a bushel of problems right now. Between Father spying on David and Bill wanting to ship me off to Cairo on a special project, I’m strung out tonight.”

Leesa got up and walked towards Lyza’s kitchen. “Father’s spying on David? Well, that is so like him. You didn’t really expect he wouldn’t, did you?”

Lyza followed her. “I suppose you’re right. What are you doing?”

Leesa stood in front of the refrigerator. “Do you have anything to eat up here? How’s David taking it?”

Lyza smiled, remembering their lunch conversation. “Yes, there’s food. Help yourself. And as far as David goes, he’s amused. Father brought some photos to my office this morning and demanded to know about David. When I wouldn’t tell him anything, he made the big reveal!”

Leesa rifled through items in the refrigerator. “What reveal?”

“He showed me pictures of David with other women.”

Leesa looked around the refrigerator door at Lyza. “No kidding? He had David followed and caught him with other women?”

“Yes!” Lyza laughed. “He was hugging them and holding their hands. And it all took place right outside the church! It was all outside his church, get it? They were parishioners leaving the morning service.”

Leesa gave up her search and closed the refrigerator door. “Did Father know?”

“I have no idea, but he knows now because I told him.”

Leesa picked a banana from the fruit bowl on the countertop. “You told him David is a Christian pastor?”

Lyza beamed. “He already knew. He threatened me about seeing him again. But it was funny; I guess it was sort of like a God thing. As soon as Father left my office, David called, and we met for lunch!”

“Oh, Lyza, I think you’ve really fallen for this guy. This is not going to be easy for you or for David because you live in two different worlds, financially and socially.”

“Don’t talk to me about falling in love. What about you and Tim?”

Leesa peeled the banana and took a bite before she answered. “Tim is different, Lyza. He’s been around forever. His parents and Mother and Father socialized for years. They’re part of our social strata and…”

“Stop right there, Leesa. They may be invited to parties, and they may be friends of our parents, but they work for Father. They provide services and subcontractors for our projects. They’re not exactly on the same social or financial scales as we are either.” Lyza hated this about the family. She had jumped to defend her relationship with David. “But you are right, this is the twenty-first century, and our generation is not as class-conscious.”

“Whatever you say.” Leesa yawned and tossed the banana peel in the trash. “It must be after midnight. I’ve got a big day tomorrow. Actually, I had a big day today, and it just hit me. I’m exhausted.”

“I should get to bed myself.” Leesa closed the door behind her, leaving Lyza to her thoughts.

Lyza retrieved the Bible from the drawer where she had hidden it and turned to the Book of Philippians, chapter 4.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Lyza bowed her head.


The next morning, Lyza went down to the kitchen early. She was surprised to see Cook and Leesa deep in conversation. They hushed as soon as she walked in.

“Good morning. What are you two plotting?”

Cook turned toward the pantry. “We were just deciding this morning’s menu. What would you like?”

Lyza reached over to a plate in front of Leesa. “I’ll have coffee and one of those chocolate chip cookies.”

Leesa scooted the plate between them. “Okay, you caught me. I’ll share.”

“Where did this come from?” Lyza glanced at the newsprint color photo of her and David on the front of Today’s Celebs lying on the kitchen bar. “Who would actually buy one of these horrible gossip papers?’

“Guilty,” Cook admitted. “All the commotion got to my curiosity, and I caved. I’m sorry you saw it.”

Leesa confessed, “Cook didn’t buy it; I did.”

Lyza picked it up and examined it as closely as she had in her office the day before. “Well, it’s old news, isn’t it? He really is a good-looking man.”

“I’ll say,” Cook agreed. “Are you girls going to the office early today?”

“I am. Want to ride with me?” Leesa offered Lyza.

“No, I’m going to want my car today, but thanks.”

Leesa grabbed two more cookies, her attaché case and the paper, then hurried through the house to the garage exit. Lyza poured another cup of coffee and sat down again.

“Cook, you don’t have to lie for Leesa. She can handle me when she does something that ticks me off. I couldn’t believe this one. I knew you wouldn’t go out and buy one of those lying tabloids.”

“Oh, girl, that paper didn’t lie. Everything was factual. It was an invasion of your privacy, that’s all. You’re famous, and it’s happened before, and believe me, it will happen again.” Cook came over and put her arm around Lyza’s shoulders. “Everyone knows you’re the tough one around here, and no matter what they do, you can take it. You’ve got your parents, and you’ve got me, and it looks like you’ve got this nice-looking man here to help you out. No worries, sweetie.”

Lyza gave Cook a hug. “I love you, too, Cook. I guess I had better go to the office. Bill’s setting things up for me to look into a deal in Cairo.”

“In Cairo? Girl, you need to spend some time at home. You’re barely recovered from…”

“Yes, I know.” Lyza turned to leave.


Bill had set things in motion for Lyza’s trip to Egypt. Fueled and ready to go, the Lane Jet I sat on the tarmac. Armed with her updated computer, she carried all the necessary information for her inspection. Her support team expected her in Cairo in two days. She knew one day would be travel, and part of one would be recuperating from jet lag. She barely had time to go home and pack.

She called Cook. “It looks like I’ll be leaving sometime this evening. Can you put some things together for me, and I’ll come home just to add a few things?”

“Of course, dear. I’ll get the basics ready. You can do the rest.”

Lyza tried to brush off her annoyance with Bill. She felt he pushed this assignment off on her. She merely expressed interest, and he acted like she committed to the project. Very well. I’ll go on an inspection and fact-finding mission. Then I can hand the project off to one of the other agents.

On the drive home to pick up her things, she noticed a call message on her cell. “Hi, this is David. Just checking in to see how you are doing today. Give me a call when you can. Sorry I missed you.”

His voice sounded good. She calmed down for the first time since her meeting with Bill that morning. David’s voice soothed her. She pulled over and called him.


“Hi, David, it’s—”

His voice brightened. “I know who it is: Lyza! How are you doing today?”

She watched the traffic pass by her. “I’m really doing well. So glad you called. I’m just about to leave for Cairo.”

His words sounded measured. “I hope your trip is successful. I’d like to see you when you get back.”

“David, I would love to see you then. I’ll call you the minute I get back.”

His tone lifted. “I’ll be here. You said you were going to Cairo.”

“Yes, I’ll be in Cairo. It’s a property inspection and shouldn’t take long. When I get back, I’ll meet with the Lane staff to decide if we want to take it on. It’ll take more time to get there than the inspection. Crazy, isn’t it?” She decided to spare him any more details.

“I’m looking at a map of Israel right now. The Middle East is so interesting, my favorite part of the world. You’ll be close to Israel. Someday I want to go there to visit all the places Jesus walked. I’ll be thinking of you while you’re gone.”

Lyza sighed. “I’ll be thinking of you too.”

“Take care, and go with God’s blessings.”

“Take care. Bye.” She wanted to add, “Love you,” and stopped herself just in time.

I’m sick and tired of this job. She felt the pressure to produce mounting. Does anyone have this kind of responsibility at my age? Have I even had a life?

She gunned the engine and sped home. She slowed down for the security gate, and she called ahead to ask Cook to have the limo ready to take her to the private airstrip near the Lane Mansion. As soon as she got to her room, she threw clothes together with no regard to fashion. The more she packed, the more upset she got. It isn’t just this trip. The last ten years I’ve traveled more than any one person I know. I’ve never had a life of my own. I’m a Lane, the daughter of Lawrence and Lana Lane. I’m an heiress of Lane Unlimited, and I belong to the conglomerate. I might as well be in the military for all the choice I get about my own life. Now I know how Prince William must feel.

Family-owned and wealthy beyond imagination, Lyza started to cry. Tears of anger, regret, and pain rolled down her face, dripping onto her packed bag. She zipped it up, threw it on the floor, fell on it, and wept.

Her cell phone rang. Security informed her the limo had arrived and waited just outside the front door. She answered, “Yes, I’ll be right down.”

Twenty minutes later, she pulled herself together enough to walk out to the long black limo. The driver, a Lane Unlimited employee, went in to get her bags. Lyza’s large round sunglasses coupled with a light scarf helped hide her red eyes. She kept her head turned away until she got into the car and felt like her tears had been undetected.

Her mind kept telling her what a loser she was. She tried again and again not to go there, but anger kept rising in her. Then tears would come again. I have to get myself together before we reach the jet and I have to get out of the limo. What can I think of to take the place of the anger?

I discovered a well-kept secret. The secret is that I really am a person, an individual, and I have a specific purpose in life. It’s not to be a Lane Unlimited puppet.

What could she think of to get her mind off this pity party? She could think about shopping trips in Paris with Leesa. When she thought of that, it made her think of Leesa with concern. Does Leesa know anything about being her own person?

Then she remembered something David told her soon after she first met him, at a counseling session for the survivors of Swiss Air flight 688. He said we are not our own; we have been bought and paid for. The price was expensive, making us quite valuable in the sight of God. Lyza started to relax.

The tears stopped as she remembered that meeting. David explained that Jesus had sacrificed Himself on a cross to give us life and take our sin away. That is the hope believers have, that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son so that whoever believes in Him shall not die, but will have everlasting life. David also said that God sent Jesus to save the world, not to condemn it, though I found that hard to believe at the time.

We’re Jewish, but we’re not religious. We believe in God; doesn’t every Jew?

The other thing every Jew does is reject Jesus, right? No. David said that not all the Jews rejected Jesus when He was here on earth. All of the disciples were Jewish, as Jesus was. Jesus was a rabbi here on earth, and He taught Jews.

David had said to read Psalm 23 if she ever had a battle on her mind, if she ever felt alone. She decided to get her Bible out after she boarded. In the meantime, she meditated on the words she’d read just the other night. “Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, present your requests to the Lord.”

She boarded the jet and opened her bag. She found her Bible, settled in, and began reading Psalm 23. From there she read Psalm 24, and then she read the entire Book of Psalms. After that, she fell asleep for the rest of the sixteen-hour flight.

The Legacy: Book Two of the Lane Trilogy

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