Читать книгу The Legacy: Book Two of the Lane Trilogy - Vicki Inc. Andree - Страница 6

Chapter Two


Tim was hot on the trail of Lyza and her mysterious date. “Where did they go?”

Leesa stopped dancing. “Are you still trying to hunt Lyza down? I think it’s time to go back to our table.”

Begrudgingly, he followed her to their table. “They were right next to us, then disappeared into nowhere.” He shrugged and looked back at the flock of people on the dance floor. Other couples decided to take a break during the orchestra’s intermission and seated themselves around the table.

Tim started quizzing people. “Have you seen Lyza and her date?”

One of the young ladies answered, “No, not for a while. Who is that guy she’s with?”

Leesa raised both eyebrows. “That seems to be the question of the evening. ‘Who is Lyza dancing with tonight?’” She whispered, “His name is Bond, James Bond. If I tell you any more, he’ll have to kill you.”

The women at the table laughed. Some of the men snickered.

One of the men pointed at Lawrence and Lana, who were whispering together at their own table. “Speculation abounds.”

Tim looked at Leesa. “Since when does she bring someone we don’t know? There’s something going on, that’s for sure.”

The orchestra began playing “Mac the Knife.”


Out in the hall, David took Lyza’s hand. “Look, if you feel uncomfortable or threatened in any way, we can leave. Let me take you away from all of this. We can go to a quiet place and sit and talk.”

“David, I would love to leave. A couple years ago, Leesa and I left early and weren’t even missed.” Lyza laughed. “We went bowling. It was a scream. Nobody ever mentioned us leaving early, so we know they had no clue that we left. This year is different. My date isn’t a friend of the family who is expected to escort me to events such as these. You’re the center of attention tonight, because no one knows who you are or where you come from.”

David shook his head. “Wait a minute. Leesa knows me.”

“Leesa has met you and knows a little bit about you, but she’s sworn to secrecy.”

“Sworn to secrecy? Now that sounds ominous. Am I that much of a threat?”

Lyza looked into his deep blue eyes. “Oh, yes, you certainly are a threat.” Grinning provocatively, she gave him a little peck on the nose.

“Well, what does the ‘center of attention’ and the ‘obvious threat’ do for the rest of the evening if we stay?”

Lyza took his hand and pulled him toward the back entrance. “Let’s go outside. We can walk the gardens. I’ll give you a tour of the grounds where I grew up.”

They stepped through glass doors into the beautiful evening.

“Look, David, we’ve got a clear night. Just look at those stars.”

David looked into the sky. “They’re magnificent. I can’t look at the sky without thinking of Him.”

Lyza moved closer. “Of Him? Oh, you mean God.”

David looked down at Lyza. “Yes, I mean God, the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe and everything in it. It’s amazing to see His handiwork all around us. Just think: He made all we see and so much more beyond what we can see. Have you ever studied astronomy?”

“Oh, I’m sure I did sometime. I just never paid much attention. I’ve forgotten. Let’s see… I can tell you the planets, but I couldn’t tell you if that’s what we’re standing under. There’s the Big Dipper.” Lyza pointed almost directly above them. “I’ve taken a lot for granted in the past. I never thought about God creating stars or the universe—or anything, for that matter. After the plane crash, I knew He existed, but before then everything just was, and I never ever thought about how it got here.”

David followed her gaze to the Big Dipper. “It’s amazing, when you study the things God created all around us. But the stars, those magnificent stars, teach us so much about Him and about us. For instance, did you know that there is only one star in our solar system?”

“It’s the sun. It sounds weird to call the sun a star, but I do remember that the sun is a star, it’s very hot, and it’s ninety-three million miles away.”

“You do know about the sun. Do you know how big it is?”

Lyza led him to a stone bench in the center of the rose garden. “No, how big is it?” They sat down, still watching the sky.

David turned to Lyza. “It’s about one million times the size of the earth.”

Her eyes widened. “No kidding?”

“To be more exact, it’s nine hundred sixty thousand times larger than the earth. I once went to a concert, and the speaker was Louie Giglio. I’ll never forget when he said, ‘If the earth was a golf ball, the sun would be fifteen feet in diameter. That is so big you could put nine hundred sixty thousand Earths inside the sun.’ That blew me away because the sun is one of the smaller stars in the universe.”

“That’s unreal. Nine hundred sixty thousand Earths would fit into the sun? Are you sure?

“Louie Giglio wouldn’t lie.”

“That blows me away, too. Sometimes it’s hard to get my head around the fact that God cares so much for me. With creations like the sun, how does He even see me? Yet I know He sees me, because He came to me when my Swiss Air flight fell out of the sky. I have so much to learn, and no one to talk to about it, certainly not my family. They’d never understand that when I cried out to God, Jesus showed up. Jews don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah. My parents aren’t religious, but they’re loyal to their Jewish heritage.”

They faced each other, and light shone from their eyes. Joy and happiness radiated from David as he felt the presence of the Lord there in the garden outside the Lane Mansion with Lyza.

Leesa called from the lanai, “Lyza! Lyza! Lyza, are you out there? Yes, you are. I see you, so don’t try to hide.”

Lyza put her finger to her lips and answered in a loud whisper, “Okay, you found me. What’s happening in there?”

David looked up at Leesa. Leesa is nothing like Lyza.

Leesa stepped near the wrought iron railing. “Mother decided to do a mixer-type dance. Everyone ends up with a different partner so people get to meet other people. Guess who she wants to meet?”

“Seriously?” Lyza leaned against David.

Leesa grinned. “No, but I shook you up, didn’t I? Everyone wants to know who your date is.”

“Leesa, we’re having a good time. I’m not sixteen anymore, so I guess I can have a date without the inspection crew.”

Leesa brushed the hair from her eyes. “We both know better. Father will check David out. Bringing him here tonight opened the door. I’ve already been grilled. Everyone keeps asking, ‘Where did she meet him? How long has she known him?’ It’s the topic of the evening; forget the orchids.”

Lyza pleaded, “Leesa, please. Oh, I think we’re going to leave before we stop enjoying the evening.”

“Unless you’re ready for the big reveal, you probably should.” Leesa backed through the French doors and closed them.

David took her hand. “Are you ready for the big reveal?”

“I’m ready for whatever presents itself. There’s no reason this has to be such a big deal. We’re on a date. We’re not getting married.”

Not tonight, anyway, David thought. “Is there a way to the car from here?”

“Great idea. Let’s go to my place.”

“Your place sounds great, but let’s go somewhere people won’t be calling or dropping by to check me out.”

“You name it. I trust you.”


Leesa tried to hide, but Lawrence caught her coming into the ballroom. “Where did she go? I saw her here a few minutes ago. You know better than to hold out on your father.”

“Really, Father, I have no idea. Where’s Mother? I’m sure she would like to dance.”

“Your mother can dance anytime she wants to. I’m talking to you right now.”

“You can talk to me, but I’m off to find Tim before the orchestra leaves.” Leesa quickly turned and knocked over a mermaid, one of the smaller ice sculptures. “See what you made me do?”

Stepping around the several pieces of ice, she made her way to the bar. She spotted Tim, Gary, and Julie, with another vaguely familiar couple.

Leesa motioned to Tim. “Watch out for attacking ice sculptures. One tried to get me, but I struck it down!”

Gary sounded sour. “I’m surprised you didn’t jump up on the pedestal tonight for all of us to view.”

“Wow, what does that mean?” Tim challenged.

Gary stood. “Nothing, but it’s obvious that Leesa would like a little attention. That’s your job, buddy.”

“Thanks for reminding me what a jerk you are. I had nearly forgotten, but then that might be why Lyza’s with someone else tonight.”

Gary took Julie’s hand. “Touché. Mark one up for the Tim. Let’s dance.”

Leesa whispered in Tim’s ear. “Remember year before last? We talked about it earlier.”

“I remember it well. How would you like to go bowling tonight?”

“I would absolutely love it. Tim, you’re the best!”

The sound system blared. “Ladies and gentlemen, a word from our hostess and sponsors, Lana and Lawrence Lane.”

Lana walked onto center stage. “We want to thank everyone here for their support of the ‘Save the Orchids’ campaign. I also want to thank everybody who has worked so hard for the cause. Orchids are the most beautiful flowers on this earth. There are thousands of species of orchids, and they sort of remind me of the people in my life. I hope you all appreciate the fact that when I think of you, my dear friends, I see beautiful orchids.”

She motioned for Lawrence to come join her and put the microphone in his hand.

“Well, what can I add to that?” Everyone politely laughed. “We just want to thank you all for coming back year after year. Of course, you all know that the orchid cause is something Lana picked up years ago—before we knew anything about global warming. Therefore, I must commend her on her vision and fortitude. Thank you, honey. You’re doing a great job here.”

He turned back to the audience. “Even though I must admit we miss her at Lane Unlimited. Lift your glasses to toast my wife, the woman who saves the orchids.”

“Hear, hear,” murmured the crowd. Glasses clinked, and the orchestra began playing “I’ll Always Love You.” Lawrence reached over to clasp Lana’s hand as they stepped down to the dance floor, beginning a romantic dance. Lawrence whispered in Lana’s ear, “Where’s Lyza?”

Lana whispered back, “The other question is, where is Leesa?”

Lawrence relaxed a bit. “You mean they’re both gone? Well, that may be a good thing. I don’t blame them for not sticking around. They’re young and energetic and get bored easily. Remember the year they snuck out and went bowling?”

“You knew about that?”

Lawrence grinned slyly. “Of course I knew about that. I keep track of my girls. And, Lana, I mean all of my girls. You know as well as I do, it’s for everyone’s protection.”


David drove along Highway 101 with the top down until they found a deserted spot to turn off and park near the beach. The moon reflected off waves, and the stars sparkled.

David turned off the ignition. “This has been a special evening.”

Lyza looked across the water. “It has been for me. I admit I often wonder what you think of all the glitz surrounding me. Only recently I’ve come to realize how little all of it means. I hope you won’t judge me too severely for the circumstances under which I was born.”

David smiled and put his arm around her. “I’m not judging you on any level, Lyza, except to think that you’re an incredible woman. Usually when someone is concerned about being judged, I say, ‘But for the grace of God go I.’ However, considering the riches and opportunity into which you were born, it would seem inappropriate.”

“‘For the grace of God go I.’ What does that mean?”

“It means something like: I, myself might have suffered a similar fate, except for the mercy of God.”

“Is it in the Bible?”

“It’s not specifically quoted in the Bible, but the message is alluded to throughout the Bible.”

“I’ve been reading the Bible for the first time in my life. I feel things changing. Things appear so different from how they did in the past. It’s as though I’m seeing the whole world with new eyes. Nothing is the same since the accident. And you know what?”

David drank in her blue eyes. “What?”

She leaned toward him. “I’m glad the accident happened! What am I saying? Two hundred eighty-six people died. Only six of us survived, and I myself nearly died. Maybe I shouldn’t say I’m glad that it happened—but if it had to happen, that I’m glad I was there. I can say it to you and I know you understand. If I hadn’t been in the crash of Swiss Air 688, I would never have found this new relationship with Jesus. Even though, mind you, it is difficult because I cannot yet… I cannot bring myself to tell my Jewish family what happened.”

“Lyza, it will be in God’s perfect timing that you reveal it. He is in control, and I don’t think you’re supposed to be burdened with everything all at once. You are new to the faith, and you need time to digest it, to discover what an astonishing gift you have, to wear it, and to walk in it. Don’t feel guilty about not telling them. God will arrange it in His time.”

“I feel such peace right now. Sitting here with you under His beautiful star-studded sky. I wish the whole world could feel like this all the time.”

“Someday, Lyza, someday they will.” David started the car and drove back to take Lyza home. After passing the security gates and reaching the massive teak front doors, David hugged Lyza. “It’s been wonderful spending time with you, Lyza. Thank you for giving me a peek into your life and sharing this evening with me.”

She started to say something. He placed his finger lightly on her lips. “Good night, Lyza.” He kissed her on the forehead and walked back to his borrowed car.


Red glowing numbers on the digital clock in the hallway read eleven. Cook entered the first door on the right. “Sorry, I’m late. I thought everybody might be gone. This is as early as I could get away from the benefit. I had to make sure the caterers and staff finished serving.”

Eight bleary eyes turned toward her. Evelyn stood and offered Cook a chair at the table. “We’re not used to staying up so late, but we knew tonight would be important, and we have the room all night if we need it. The pastor here is very supportive of any groups meeting for Bible study or prayer, whether they are part of his congregation or not.”

Cook looked around the room at her prayer group. “Thank you for staying. All I can say is that God will surely bless you.”

Doris set a cup of coffee in front of Cook. “Now tell us all about the orchids benefit. It’s always so exquisite. I want to hear everything.”

Jack held up his hand. “Please, Doris, it’s late. Can’t you have that conversation another time? We’re here to pray.”

“Well, we’ve been praying for the last two hours. We’ve prayed for your family. We’ve prayed for everyone’s concerns, and we’ve even prayed for you, Beverly.”

Cook smiled. “Thank you, all of you. I appreciate all the prayer I can get. Don’t ever stop. Doris, let’s meet next week, and I’ll tell you all about the benefit then. Jack’s right, it’s late, and tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”

Jack leaned back in his chair. “Thank Heaven. At least Beverly’s thinking tonight.”

Doris looked at Evelyn and Jane. “Are you girls all right with meeting next week for a gab session?”

They nodded.

Cook opened her calendar. “How about Tuesday night, seven o’clock, at Chick-fil-A?”

Everyone agreed and made notes for themselves.

Cook put her book back in her purse and looked at Jack. “You’re welcome to come. You know that, don’t you?”

He laughed. “I know it. Thanks, Beverly. I think I’ll pass this time. How can we pray for you and the Lane family tonight?”

“For over thirty years, I’ve prayed for this family to find Jesus. We’ve had so much answered prayer over the years, but nothing in regard to their salvation. You know, I felt it was my mission when I first went to work for them. Over the years, I’ve gotten discouraged many times, but with friends like you and the good Lord, I’ve stood firm in the gap for them. Remember, when Lyza was in that horrible plane crash, God answered our prayers, and she was one of the few survivors.”

Jane added, “And even the newscasters said it was a miracle. Six people lived, and I think around two hundred eighty perished.”

“Yes, it was a miracle. Then she was in that coma, and we prayed her through that. God is faithful. I’m excited about the change in her. She’s not the ambitious, driven personality she used to be. I see a peace about her, and I wonder. She’s holding something back, and I wonder if I dare ask.”

Doris put her hand over her heart. “You mean you think…?”

“I have a feeling. It’s only a feeling, but the other day I saw her on the grounds sitting under a tree, reading. I couldn’t see for sure from that distance, but I think it was a Bible. If something’s happened, it would be difficult for her to be open about it.”

Jane spoke up. “Because the family is Jewish, and they think Christianity is a lie.”

“Exactly. And who knows how her father would react? He blames Christians for his parents’ death at Auschwitz. If he knew I was Christian, he would fire me instantly.”

Evelyn shook her head. “After all you’ve done for them? I mean, practically raising the twins and even moving into their estate to take care of them as adults? You’re the one he called after the plane crash and had you move back into the Lane estate while Lyza recovered. Beverly, don’t you think, after all these years, he’s figured it out?”

Cook smiled. “Trust me. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t even know my real name is Beverly. I’m ‘Cook.’” She started laughing. “I’m sort of like the dishwasher or some appliance. I’m useful, I’m dependable, I’m familiar, and I don’t argue. Really, he’s much too busy with the corporate world to check me out. Another thing, I’ve been with them since before my twentieth birthday. In some ways, he thinks of me as family. I’m the only staff he talks with, and that happens rarely.”

Jane laughed with the others. “What an exciting life you lead.”

Jack interrupted the laughter. “I hate to put a damper on this party, but let’s pray. I need to get to bed.”

“Before we pray, I want to thank all of you again for staying. The Lord says in His Word that where two or more are gathered, He is in their midst. So He is with us now.”

Cook bowed her head, and everyone followed. “Most gracious heavenly Father, You are Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords. We worship You in spirit and truth. We thank You for Your provision in all things, and we are thankful that You want to hear our concerns. Tonight we come to You with the Lane family on our hearts. I feel like the persistent widow, Lord; I keep coming back, asking for the same thing again and again. All of us here tonight agree on this request. We ask for the salvation of the Lane family. Reveal Yourself to them in an unmistakable way they can’t ignore. Make Yourself real to them. Take the blinders off their eyes and let them see their Savior, Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. If they aren’t ready, prepare them, Lord. Make them ready, and we beg You to do it soon. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.”

The Legacy: Book Two of the Lane Trilogy

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