Читать книгу Time Jumps. The Paradigm of Immortality - Владимир Баранчиков - Страница 16



Returning from a meeting with the president, Peter struggled to understand what exactly caused his distrust, or rather, misunderstanding in a conversation with the first person of America. Whether due to sound skepticism, or due to old age, the news of a catastrophe of universal scale did not cause the owner of the Oval Office not only an acute, but even a visible reaction. The owner sat in an armchair at a large table – a gift from Queen Victoria to President Hayes in 1880. Peter modestly sat opposite in the same black suit from Keaton, next to the time machine, and looked around curiously, involuntarily comparing his impressions with the sensations of meeting with the first person of Russia. The whole atmosphere of the conversation in this world-famous hall with a ceiling at least five meters high, artfully draped with gold curtains, windows and numerous doors, parquet covered with a blue oval carpet, in the center of which the American coat of arms was emblazoned, inspired calm confidence and conservatism in traditions and views. After completing his brief statement, Peter waited for an answer, but the president was in no hurry to express his attitude to what he heard. Surprise? Shock? It seemed to Kalinkin that no event could shake the psychological Aikido developed over decades, inherent in a wise man and an experienced politician. What can not be said about taste and political views. Taking office in early 2021, the Democrat installed busts of figures symbolizing progress in his office: Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy… He also hung portraits of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, outlining continuity as his political credo. There is also a moonstone, a tribute to the American space program, science and the American dream. The pause lasted for a good five minutes, and Peter had the opportunity to adequately appreciate all the splendor of the interior and the taste of its creators. Of course, he did not know in the face of these outstanding figures of America, looking with some arrogance at an uninvited guest from canvases and pedestals, guarding the tranquility of the owner – his office guardian spirits.

Finally, after a sleepy reflection of the interlocutor, in response to his rather emotional story (of course, in good American English), he received a leisurely and verified message in his formulations, which boils down to the following:

– If I’m not mistaken, in 2007, during the presidency of George W. Bush, we created a special scientific council for the study of Yellowstone. The volcano began to be seriously studied by the best American geophysicists and seismologists. Even intelligence officers and the US Secretary of Defense joined the work. Meetings were held every month, which were personally chaired by the President. But as far as I know, by now scientists have come to the conclusion that the information about the impending catastrophe has been significantly exaggerated. But even if you believe such forecasts, many questions involuntarily arise. For example, why is there so little talk about this in the press and on television? The fact is that the United States Government has recognized that it is inappropriate to cover this topic, since humanity is unable to prevent the impending catastrophe. Moreover, creating panic and rocking the boat – there are so many challenges and problems in modern society. By the way, the UN has supported and approved our position.

– As in the case of UFOs? – Peter licked his dry lips with excitement.

– Of course, as in the case of the so-called “flying saucers”. And this position has proven its viability over time. Moreover, it seems to me the only true one, – the president wearily raised his eyelids, but still found the strength to express gratitude to the strange visitor:

– However, is this your first time in the United States? I can instruct you to organize an excursion to Yellowstone, or even a representative scientific symposium with your participation, if you consider it appropriate.

– Thank you, Mr. President, – Peter politely declined the offer. – It is unlikely that my opinion represents any scientific weight in this matter. Of course, it’s not easy to believe what I saw with my own eyes…

– Nevertheless, thanks for the warning, we appreciate the concern to preserve the unshakable foundations of the existing world order and the power of our country as a guarantor of stability on the whole planet. – The President straightened up in his chair, making it clear with his intonations that the audience was over.

Without thinking twice, Kalinkin typed “Yellowstone” on the display right in the Oval Office – he was smart enough to listen to the President’s advice.

– Thank you for the conversation, – Peter politely said goodbye, and in response received a slight nod of the head of a tired, gray-haired elderly man, already managing the country and a good half of the world with difficulty – however, as well as himself. It seemed that he would pay dearly to send to hell all this hateful establishment, to ride a young mustang and ride back to the flow of time, to his exuberant youth.

Time Jumps. The Paradigm of Immortality

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