Читать книгу Time Jumps. The Paradigm of Immortality - Владимир Баранчиков - Страница 6



Jumping in time has opened another unique transformation associated with the change of age – the renewal of the soul. Peter’s feelings were rejuvenated and cut on a sharp edge, painfully wounding the heart – an unforgettable amorous adventure full of desperate, sudden passion. Peter had experienced enough shocks, but the intuitive female trust in him, a stranger, could not fail to amaze him. She was the first to reach out to the weak… he found it simply humiliating to introduce himself as some fictional Alik – it would be treachery towards the person who invited him to his house. After jumping through time, he became different, and not only physically, but undoubtedly transformed internally, as if somewhere there, in the portal, he was injected with the elixir of happiness. And a chance meeting turned into not only acquaintance with a beautiful woman, but also the process of studying oneself in a new guise, and this knowledge never ceased to amaze and delight.

An easy, non-binding conversation over a glass of excellent cognac, warm smiles… And Galina? But Galina is no there, she is in another, old world… Peter no longer remembered about her and did not feel any remorse. Here, next to him, sat a charming blonde, and opposite her was an ardent admirer in his face, with an updated appearance and a new attitude. A subtle, gambling psychological game: cautious, studying looks like a timid attempt to touch souls, vague fears of disturbing the charming atmosphere of reinforcing mutual arrangement… Fear of making a hasty, unsuccessful step, pronouncing an optional, misinterpreted word, distorting the inner world of the interlocutor in the first hours of acquaintance… A sweet, fascinating duel of tete-a-tete contemplation. Peter surprised himself by demonstrating a previously unknown heightened sensuality and tact, seriousness of intentions, which sincerely pleased Daria. The drug of her beauty penetrated more and more into his bubbling blood, it pleased her and at the same time frightened her. No, he’s not a gigolo, she thought, and floated on the waves of a soul-seizing feeling of favor, attraction to this man. Respectful, unobtrusive courtship, sincere trust and sympathy at one truly wonderful moment were able to weaken the resistance of the impregnable fortress, and the awakened young hormones sounded the signal to attack. In response to a timid kiss, she gently hugged him and leaned her head on his shoulder. And then their bodies were struck by an electric discharge of passion. Peter involuntarily squeezed Daria in his arms, and she even cried out in surprise and pain…

When their naked hot bodies desperately touched, Peter clearly felt the gates opening with difficulty, and the priceless feeling of the triumph of youth simultaneously fell upon them, taking them to heaven – it seemed to last forever. So they were flying out of time, somewhere high above the clouds, clinging to each other, two halves that finally met in this crazy world, and no force could separate them. He is indefatigable, affectionate and rude at the same time; and she turned out to be a real reward, a luxurious gift to a fine connoisseur of beauty – natural and ardent, with a burning feeling of unrequited love, filled to the brim with desire that stunned both him and herself.

Finally, they fell from heaven, lying on a crumpled sheet with cigarette lights in their hands, these torches of triumph, exhausted, with bodies as light as fluff, and occasionally let out trickles of tobacco smoke to the ceiling. The subconscious gradually gave way to the mind, returning the reality of the world, but the feeling of ecstasy, touching the unearthly, divine, did not let them go. Smiling at something of her own, hidden, Daria gently touched her palm to his chest and whispered softly:

– How fast your heart beats…

– It runs to you.

– You’re so hairy – here and here, – she remarked with the coolness of an executioner, taking a drag on her cigarette. Peter noticed that she tends to change the direction of the conversation abruptly, as if two people got along in her: subtly emotional and coldly reasonable.

– Almost Neanderthal, do you want me to show you my passport?

– I know that without a passport. You’re a wild beast, and you almost tore me apart.

– Consider it a compliment? – Peter asked, obviously flattered. But Daria was in no hurry to give up so quickly.

– Why did you come to the store again, were you sure that I would agree? – she abruptly changed the subject again after a pause.

– I wasn’t sure about anything, you know…

– Do you think I’m an adventurer? Well, tell me, just be honest!

Daria pleased Peter with the lack of commercialism and standard ladies’ stereotypes, did not build any far-reaching plans, believing a simple cute guy, and did not regret it at all.

– Do you have another cigarette? – Peter asked and clicked the lighter. – I haven’t found the answer for myself yet: which one of us is the perfect adventurer…

– If we had children, they would be reckless – like dad and mom, – she said philosophically. And then, not allowing him to appreciate the natural female fantasy, she suddenly leaned on him with elastic breasts:

– And if I click here, what will happen? – sensitive fingers gently touched his flesh. – Does it hurt?

– Nice, press again. Today I will die of physical exhaustion, like a racehorse at a racetrack, but happy, – he sighed resignedly.

– You think too highly of yourself! Just try to give up, we haven’t finished our race yet, there are still three laps to go! – the skilled rider jokingly threatened and unceremoniously settled down on top of him as in the saddle.

Time Jumps. The Paradigm of Immortality

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