Читать книгу Time Jumps. The Paradigm of Immortality - Владимир Баранчиков - Страница 18



– Peter! Let’s go on an excursion to the national park! – her proposal, although it was not original in essence (actually, Kalinkin found himself here for this), but it looked very impressive. Catherine stood naked, facing the window, wearing a cowboy hat and with a cigarette in her hand, and blew smoke rings into the ceiling. In the semi-darkness of the room, she looked like an olive statue from an ancient collection of treasures. Peter had just come out of the bathroom with water droplets on his wet skin and when he saw her, he involuntarily smiled.

– How natural she is in her shamelessness, – he thought. Keeping silent, he crept up behind her like a leopard and pressed her to him. Feeling his growing desire from the touch, the girl gasped and jokingly began to resist, bending as if trying to escape from his hands. The hat flew off her head, and then two struggling, springy bodies fell to the floor. He gently lay down on top of her, face to face, and pressed her wrists to the soft carpet. Catherine squeaked, forced to surrender to the mercy of the winner and smiled, looking into his eyes. Devils were playing in her pupils.

– We will definitely go, we will go together, my love, but… not today! – he answered mysteriously.

– Why not today? – she asked with the look of an offended child, pouting her lips, wanting to hear sincere words of love from him for the hundredth time.

– I can’t get away from you, Kat. You’ve bewitched me…

She jerked her hands free and pressed her palms against his chest.

– I really am a witch, I have Celtic blood mixed with Seminole genes! And you’re my type, just like Paul Bettany… And you’re brazenly taking advantage of it, you scoundrel, – she confessed and stretched contentedly, like a cat. – Meow…

– Indeed, I cannot and do not want to part with you. This is the first time with me…

– And have you said this to many women? – Catherine continued to skillfully take out his brain and woke up the beast in him.

– In English is no one! – Peter declared triumphantly, and confident in his rightness, in the role of a conqueror, he pounced on his prey to gently tear it apart.

– What are you thinking about now? – she tried to persist to the last.

– Should I eat you all at once, whole, or stretch the pleasure for a couple of weeks?

– I think that it is necessary both entirely and to stretch. I see that you are already ready to do it, you are completely hungry.., – the beautiful seductress whispered, smiling and lowering her eyelids from anticipation of pleasure.

It was as if they had plunged into a deep pool. There were a lot of suitable places in the hotel room for creativity, an intoxicating cocktail of Kama Sutra and fantasy: the same white carpet, luxurious bed, bathroom… Lovers, like timid animals, got out only to have a little refreshment in the restaurant and restore the balance of alcohol in the blood, and then they returned to the third floor by elevator. They drank a little, in small doses, without falling into a deep stupor. They got high not only from physical pleasures, but also from intellectual conversations with each other, rare mutual understanding. How could this happen in the communication of two people whose consciousness was formed in different cultures, on opposite points of the globe? Peter is a model of gallantry, a source of light jokes and bold hints, and Catherine is the embodiment of feminine charm: a charming smile and laughing, sly eyes. She had enough interesting subjects to discuss from history and medicine. Yes, she also loves cats! Peter, carried away, did not remain in debt, having screwed up the dangerous and extremely inappropriate topic of parrots. An image of Dasha appeared in his memory for a second and it flashed and faded then.

To a casual observer, the young couple seemed like cooing lovebirds, completely infatuated with each other, and none of the numerous restaurant audience dared to disturb their privacy. The waiters appeared and disappeared silently, quickly fulfilling the order, as if they were serving a royal couple, and with their whole appearance they showed courtesy with a serious mien on their face.

Time Jumps. The Paradigm of Immortality

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