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Оглавление1 1. Religion meant connection only in the primitive Christian imagination of Lactantius. The true etymology is re-lego, from ‘legere’, respect for heritage, awe. [AM]
2 2. Vasilisk of Turov (d. 1824) was an Orthodox monk who lived in the wilderness in Siberia. He was canonized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2004. Zosima Verkhovskii (1768–1833) was an Orthodox schema monk (from the Greek word σχῆμα – image) who founded two convents. [AM]
3 3. Arsenii Troepol’skii (1804–70) was an Orthodox spiritual writer of the Hesychast tradition. [AM]
4 4. Ignatii Brianchaninov (1807–67) was a theologian of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was canonized as a saint in 1988. [AM]
5 5. Feofan the Recluse (1815–94) was a bishop, theologian, and a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church (canonized in 1988). [AM]
6 6. Neprestanno molites’!, p. 143. [Russian editors]
7 7. Palama, Triady I, 1, 7. [Bibikhin] See Sv. Grigorii Palama, Triady v zash-chitu sviashchenno-bezmolvstvuiushchikh, tr. Vladimir Bibikhin (St Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2014), p. 15. [O.E. Lebedeva]
8 8. The Way of a Pilgrim, p. 251. [Tr.]
9 9. This section is not in the English translation of The Way of a Pilgrim being used. See Otkrovennye rasskazy strannika dukhovnomu svoemu ottsu, ‘Prilozheniia. Tri kliucha ko vnutrennei molitvennoi sokrovishchnitse i svia-tootecheskie nastavleniia o molitve’, section B 1: ‘Izrecheniia Isikhiia presvitera Ierusalimskogo’, part 4, ‘Vnimanie – chtoby vsegda derzhat’ …’ (http://www.hesychasm.ru/library/strannik/txt05.htm). [Tr.]
10 10. This is one philosophy which is always only too much in evidence. There is another: ‘Why did I prefer vain reputation above all else? … Why did I not love the fair fragrance of the divine prayers and psalms, not bow my head before the bishops? Why did I shun, not the world, but the holiness of the heavenly way of life, angelic philosophy and never-waning glory?’ Archmandrite Mikhail (Kozlov), Zapiski i pis’ma (Moscow: Bogoroditse-Rozhdestvenskii Bobrenev monastyr’ Moskovskoi eparkhii, 1996), p. 53. He signs his letters ‘Makarii Kozlov, a sinful pilgrim’, or just ‘Makarii Kozlov, pilgrim’. [Bibikhin]
11 11. Otkrovennye rasskazy, ‘Prilozhenie (glavnye raznochteniia iz pervogo kazanskogo izdaniia 1881 goda i afonskoi panteleimonovskoi rukopisi No. 50/4/395)’, n.2, ‘Iz vsekh molitv …’. (http://www.hesychasm.ru/library/strannik/txt09.htm). [Tr.]
12 12. The Way of a Pilgrim, p. 246. [Tr.]
13 13. Vladimir Solov’ev (1853–1900) was a great Russian religious philosopher, poet, and mystical writer. See Solov’ev, Sophia, God and a Short Tale About the Antichrist: Also Including At the Dawn of Mist-Shrouded Youth, ed. and tr. Boris Jakim (New York: Semantorn, 2014). [AM]
14 14. Otkrovennye rasskazy, ‘Prilozhenie’, section A 4, ‘Nastavlenie Ignatiia i Kallista’, ‘Vedai i to chto …’. [Tr.]
15 15. Ibid., section B 1, ‘Izrecheniia Isikhiia Presvitera Ierusalimskogo’, part 15, ‘Dolzhno vseuserdno peshchis’ o sokhranii …’. [Tr.]
16 16. Bibikhin’s italics. [Tr.]
17 17. Otkrovennye rasskazy, ‘Prilozhenie’, section B 2, ‘Izrecheniia Filofeia Sinaiskogo’, part 7, ‘Vsiakii chas i vsiakoe mgnovenie …’. [Tr.]
18 18. Psalms, 16: 8. [Tr.]
19 19. See Heidegger, Being and Time. See ‘Angst’, ‘Boredom’, and ‘Fear’, in Inwood, A Heidegger Dictionary, pp. 15–18. [AM]
20 20. Y.M. Lotman and B.A. Uspensky, The Semiotics of Russian Culture, ed. Ann Shukman (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1984). [AM]