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Conclusion of Lecture 3 of 23 September 1997. [Bibikhin]

1 1. See Timaeus in: Plato, Timaeus. Critias. Cleitophon. Menexenus. Epistles, tr. R.G. Bury, Loeb Classical Library 234 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1929). The reference is to pp. 49–51. [AM]

2 2. The reference is to Bibikhin’s lecture series on ‘Property (the Philosophy of Ownership)’, delivered in the Philosophy faculty of Moscow State University over three semesters in spring and autumn 1993 and spring 1994. [Russian editors]

3 3. Pavel Florenskii (1882–1937) was a notable theologian and priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was also a philosopher, mathematician, and inventor. [AM]

4 4. See Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus: An Edition of the Fragments with Translation and Commentary, ed. Charles H. Kahn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981), fragment LXXXVIII, p. 69. [AM]

5 5. See Nicholas of Cusa, Learned Ignorance or Docta Ignorantia, tr. Jasper Hopkins (Minneapolis: Arthur Banning, 1985). [AM]

6 6. Plato, Timaeus, 56b. [AM]

7 7. ‘Ἀγɛωμέτρητος μηδɛὶς ɛἰσίτω’ this injunction was said to be engraved on the gates of Plato’s Academy. [AM]

8 8. Vladimir Bibikhin, ‘Tochka (otryvok iz kursa “Pora”). Tochki – Puncta’, in Ezhekvartal’nyi katolicheskii zhurnal, posviashchennyi problemam religii, kul’tury i obshchestva, nos 3–4 (2) (Moscow: IFTI sv. Fomy, 2002), pp. 74–103; see also Bibikhin, Vitgenshtein: smena aspekta. [Russian editors]

9 9. Nikolai Kuzanskii, Sochineniia, 2 vols (Moscow: Mysl’, 1979–80). [Bibikhin]

10 10. See David Hilbert, The Foundations of Geometry (North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2016). [AM]

11 11. English-language source not identified. [Tr.]

12 12. Nicolai Hartmann, ‘Zur Lehre vom Eidos bei Platon und Aristoteles’, in Kleinere Schriften (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1957), vol. 2, p. 136. [Russian editors]

13 13. Plato, The Epinomis; or, The Philosopher, Plato in Twelve Volumes, tr. W.R.M. Lamb (London: Heinemann, 1925), vol. 9, 992a. [Tr.]

14 14. Platon, Sochineniia, eds Aleksei Losev and Valentin Asmus, 4 vols (Moscow: Mysl’, 1990), vol. 3 (2), p. 638. [Russian editors, Tr.]

15 15. Nicolai Hartmann, Platos Logik des Seins [Plato’s Logic of Being] (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1965), pp. 21–8. [Russian editors, Tr.]

16 16. Ibid., p. 10. ‘Die Theorie des “Timaios” stellt, inhältlich betrachtet, eine Synthese von Atomistik und Ideenlehre dar, wie man sie bei der natürlichen Gegensatzstellung dieser beiden Lehrbegriffe eigentlich für unmöglich halten sollte. Eine gründliche Untersuchung des geschichtlichen Themas, das hier vorliegt, fehlt bis heute noch. Die klassische Geschichtsschreibung der Philosophie in den letzten hundert Jahren hat hier eine jener zahlreichen Lücken, die eine Folge ihres mangelnden philosophischen Problemverständnisses sind.’ Hartmann, ‘Zur Lehre vom Eidos’, p. 136. [AM]

17 17. The reference is to the ancient Greek sorites (paradox), ‘The Heap’. The moment when a handful of elements becomes a ‘heap’ is indeterminate. The paradox is attributed to Eubulides of Miletus. See: Roy A. Sorensen, ‘Sorites Arguments’, in Kim Jaegwon, Ernest Sosa, and Gary S. Rosenkrantz, eds, A Companion to Metaphysics (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009), p. 565. [AM]

18 18. See Plato, Parmenides (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1996), 144a–b. [AM]

The Woods

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