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ОглавлениеThe instrument which has so vastly extended our knowledge of the Universe, which has enabled us to acquire observations of remarkable precision, and supplied the materials for many sublime speculations in Astronomy, was invented early in the seventeenth century. Apart from its special application as a means of exploring the heavens with a capacity that is truly marvellous, it is a construction which has also been utilized in certain other departments with signal success. It provided mankind with a medium through which to penetrate far beyond the reach of natural vision, and to grasp objects and phenomena which had either eluded detection altogether or had only been seen in dim and uncertain characters. It has also proved a very efficient instrument for various minor purposes of instruction and recreation. The invention of the telescope formed a new era in astronomy; and though, with a few exceptions, men were slow at first in availing themselves of its far-seeing resources, scepticism was soon swept aside and its value became widely acknowledged.
But though the telescope was destined to effect work of the utmost import, and to reach a very high degree of excellence in after times, the result was achieved gradually. Step by step its powers were enlarged and its qualities perfected, and thus the stream of astronomical discovery has been enabled to flow on, stimulated by every increase in its capacity.
There is some question as to whom may be justly credited with the discovery of its principles of construction. Huygens, in his ‘Dioptrics,’ remarks:—“I should have no hesitation in placing above all the rest of mankind the individual who, solely by his own reflections, without the aid of any fortuitous circumstances, should have achieved the invention of the telescope.” There is reason to conclude, however, that its discovery resulted from accident rather than from theory. It is commonly supposed that Galileo Galilei is entitled to precedence; but there is strong evidence to show that he had been anticipated. In any case it must be admitted that Galilei1 had priority in successfully utilizing its resources as a means of observational discovery; for he it was who, first of all men, saw Jupiter’s satellites, the crescent form of Venus, the mountains and craters on the Moon, and announced them to an incredible world.
It has been supposed, and not without some basis of probability, that a similar instrument to the telescope had been employed by the ancients; for certain statements contained in old historical records would suggest that the Greek philosophers had some means of extending their knowledge further than that permitted by the naked eye. Democritus remarked that the Galaxy or “Milky Way” was nothing but an assemblage of minute stars; and it has been asked, How could he have derived this information but by instrumental aid? It is very probable he gained the knowledge by inferences having their source in close observation; for anyone who attentively studies the face of the sky must be naturally led to conclude that the appearance of the “Milky Way” is induced by immense and irregular clusterings of small stars. In certain regions of the heavens there are clear indications of this: the eye is enabled to glimpse some of the individual star-points, and to observe how they blend and associate with the denser aggregations which give rise to the milky whiteness of the Galaxy.
Refracting lenses, or “burning-glasses,” were known at a very early period. A lens, roughly figured into a convex shape and obviously intended for magnifying objects, has been recovered from the ruins of Herculaneum, buried in the ejections from Vesuvius in the year 79 A.D. Pliny and others refer to lenses that burnt by refraction, and describe globules of glass or crystal which, when exposed in the sun, transmit sufficient heat to ignite combustible material. The ancients undoubtedly used tubes in the conduct of their observations, but no lenses seem to have been employed with them, and their only utility consisted in the fact of their shutting out the extraneous rays of light. But spectacles were certainly known at an early period. Concave emeralds are said to have been employed by Nero in witnessing the combats of the gladiators, and they appear to have been the same in effect as the spectacles worn by short-sighted people in our own times. But the ancients supposed that the emerald possessed inherent qualities specially helpful to vision, rather than that its utility resulted simply from its concavity of figure. In the 13th century spectacles were more generally worn, and the theory of their construction understood.
It is remarkable that the telescope did not come into use until so long afterwards. Vague references were made to such an instrument, or rather suggestions as to the possibilities of its construction, which show that, although the principle had perhaps been conceived, the idea was not successfully put into practice. Roger Bacon, who flourished in the 13th century, wrote in his ‘Opus Majus’:—“Greater things may be performed by refracted light, for, from the foregoing principles, follows easily that the greatest objects may be seen very small, the remote very near, and vice versâ. For we can give transparent bodies such form and position with respect to the eye and the object that the rays are refracted and bent to where we like, so that we, under any angle, see the objects near or far, and in that manner we can, at a great distance, read the smallest letters, and we can count atoms and sand-grains, on account of the greatness of the angle under which they are seen.”
Fracastor, in a work published at Venice in 1538, states:—“If we look through two eye-lenses, placed the one upon the other, everything will appear larger and nearer.” He also says:—“There are made certain eye-lenses of such a thickness that if the moon or any other celestial body is viewed through them they appear to be so near that their distance does not exceed that of the steeples of public buildings.”
In other writings will also be found intimations as to the important action of lenses; and it is hardly accountable that a matter so valuable in its bearings was allowed to remain without practical issues. The progressive tendency and the faculty of invention must indeed have been in an incipient stage, and contrasts strongly with the singular avidity with which ideas are seized upon and realized in our own day.
Many important discoveries have resulted from pure accident; and it has been stated that the first bonâ fide telescope had its origin in the following incident:—The children of a spectacle-maker, Zachariah Jansen, of Middleberg, in Zealand, were playing with some lenses, and it chanced that they arranged two of them in such manner that, to their astonishment, the weathercock of an adjoining church appeared much enlarged and more distinct. Having mentioned the curious fact to their father, he immediately turned it to account, and, by fixing two lenses on a board, produced the first telescope!
This view of the case is, however, a very doubtful one, and the invention may with far greater probability be attributed to Hans Lippersheim in 1608. Galilei has little claim to be considered in this relation; for he admitted that in 1609 the news reached him that a Dutchman had devised an appliance capable of showing distant objects with remarkable clearness. He thereupon set to work and experimented with so much aptitude on the principles involved that he very soon produced a telescope for himself. With this instrument he detected the four satellites of Jupiter in 1610, and other successes shortly followed. Being naturally gratified with the improvements he had effected in its construction, and with the wonderful discoveries he had made by its use, we can almost excuse the enthusiasm which prompted him to attribute the invention to his own ingenuity. But while according him the honour due to his sagacity in devoting this instrument to such excellent work, we must not overlook the fact that his claim to priority cannot be justified. Indeed, that Galilei had usurped the title of inventor is mentioned in letters which passed between the scientific men of that time. Fuccari, writing to Kepler, says:—“Galileo wants to be considered the inventor of the telescope, though he, as well as I and others, first saw the telescope which a certain Dutchman first brought with him to Venice, and although he has only improved it very little.”
In a critical article by Dr. Doberck2, in which this letter is quoted and the whole question reviewed with considerable care, it is stated that Hans Lippersheim (also known as Jan Lapprey), who was born in Wesel, but afterwards settled at Middleberg, in the Netherlands, as a spectacle-maker, was really the first to make a telescope, and the following facts are quoted in confirmation:—“He solicited the States, as early as the 2nd October, 1608, for a patent for thirty years, or an annual pension for life, for the instrument he had invented, promising then only to construct such instruments for the Government. After inviting the inventor to improve the instrument and alter it so that they could look through it with both eyes at the same time, the States determined, on the 4th October, that from every province one deputy should be elected to try the apparatus and make terms with him concerning the price. This committee declared on the 6th October that it found the invention useful for the country, and had offered the inventor 900 florins for the instrument. He had at first asked 3000 florins for three instruments of rock-crystal. He was then ordered to deliver the instrument within a certain time, and the patent was promised him on condition that he kept the invention secret. Lapprey delivered the instrument in due time. He had arranged it for both eyes, and it was found satisfactory; but they forced him, against the agreement, to deliver two other telescopes for the same money, and refused the patent because it was evident that already several others had learned about the invention.”
The material from which the glasses were figured appears to have been quartz; and efforts were made to keep the invention a profound secret, as it was thought it would prove valuable for “strategetical purposes.” The cost of these primitive binoculars was about £75 each.
It is singular that, after being allowed to rest so long, the idea of telescopic construction should have been carried into effect by several persons almost simultaneously, and that doubts and disputes arose as to precedence. The probable explanation is that to one individual only priority was really due, but that, owing to the delays, the secret could not be altogether concealed from two or three others who recognized the importance of the discovery and at once entered into competition with the original inventor. Each of these fashioned his instrument in a slightly different manner, though the principle was similar in all; and having in a great measure to rely upon his individual faculties in completing the task, he considered himself in the light of an inventor and put forth claims accordingly. Not only were attempts made to assume the position of inventor, but there arose fraudulent claimants to some of the discoveries which the instrument effected in the hands of Galilei. Simon Marius, himself one of the very first to construct a telescope and apply it to the examination of the heavenly bodies, asserted that he had seen the satellites of Jupiter on December 29, 1609, a few days before Galilei, who first glimpsed them on January 7, 1610. Humboldt, in his ‘Physical Description of the Heavens,’ definitely ascribes the discovery of these moons to Marius; but other authorities uniformly reject the statement, and accord to Galilei the full credit.
It is stated that Galilei’s first instrument magnified only three times, but he so far managed to amplify its resources that he was ultimately enabled to apply a power of 30. The lenses consisted of a double-convex object-glass, and a small double-concave eye-glass placed in front of the focal image formed by the object-glass. The ordinary opera-glass is constructed on a similar principle.
Fig. 1.
The Galilean Telescope.
The discoveries which Galilei effected with this crude and defective instrument caused a great sensation at the time. He made them known through the medium of a publication which he issued under the title of ‘Nuncius Siderus,’ or ‘The Messenger of the Stars.’ In that superstitious age great ignorance prevailed, bigotry was dominant, and erroneous views of the solar system were upheld and taught by authority. We can therefore readily conceive that Galilei’s discoveries, and the direct inferences he put upon them, being held antagonistic to the ruling doctrines, would be received with incredulity and opposition. His views were regarded as heretical. In consequence of upholding the Copernican system he suffered persecution, and had to resort to artifice in the publication of his works. But the marvels revealed by his telescope, though discredited at first, could not fail to meet with final acceptance, for undeniable testimony to their reality was soon forthcoming. They were not, however, regarded until long afterwards as affirming the views enunciated by their clever author. Ultimately the new astronomy, based on the irrepressible evidence of the telescope, and clad in all the habiliments of truth, took the place of the old fallacious beliefs, to form an enduring monument to Copernicus and Galilei, who spent their lives in advancing its cause.
No special developments in the construction of the telescope appear to have taken place until nearly half a century subsequent to its invention. Kepler suggested an instrument formed of two convex lenses, and Scheiner and Huygens made telescopes on this principle in the middle of the 17th century. Huygens found great advantage in the employment of a compound eyepiece consisting of two convex lenses, which corrected the spherical aberration, and, besides being achromatic, gave a much larger field than the single lens. This eyepiece, known as the “Huygenian,” still finds favour with the makers of telescopes.
Fig. 2.
Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in Flamsteed’s time3.
Huygens may be said to have inaugurated the era of long telescopes. He erected instruments of 12 and 23 feet, having an aperture of 2–⅓ inches and powers of 48, 50, and 92. He afterwards produced one 123 feet in focal length and 6 inches in aperture. Chief among his discoveries were the largest satellite of Saturn (Titan) and the true form of Saturn’s ring. Hevelius of Dantzic built an instrument 150 feet long, which he fixed to a mast 90 feet in height, and regulated by ropes and pulleys. Cassini, at the Observatory at Paris, had telescopes by Campani of 86, 100, and 136 French feet in length; but the highest powers he used on these instruments do not appear to have exceeded 150 times. He made such good use of them as to discover three of the satellites of Saturn and the black division in the ring of that planet. The largest object-glasses employed by Hevelius and Cassini were of 6, 7, and 8 inches diameter. This was during the latter half of the 17th century. In 1712 Bradley made observations of Venus, and obtained measures of the planet’s diameter, with a telescope no less than 212 feet in focal length. The instruments alluded to were manipulated with extreme difficulty, and observations had to be conducted in a manner very trying to the observer. Tubes were sometimes dispensed with, the object-glass being fixed to a pole and its position controlled by various contrivances—the observer being so far off, however, that he required the services of a good lantern in order to distinguish it!
The immoderate lengths of refracting-telescopes were necessary, as partially avoiding the effects of chromatic aberration occasioned by the different refrangibility of the seven coloured rays which collectively make white light. In other words, the coloured rays having various indices of refraction cannot be brought to a coincident focus by transmission through a single lens. Thus the red rays have a longer focus than the violet rays, and the immediate effect of the different refractions becomes apparent in the telescopic images, which are fringed with colour and not sharply defined. High magnifying powers serve to intensify the obstacle alluded to, and thus the old observers found it imperative to employ eye-glasses not beyond a certain degree of convexity. The great focal lengths of their object-lenses enabled moderate power to be obtained, though the eye-glass itself had a focus of several inches and magnified very little.
Sir Isaac Newton made many experiments upon colours, and endeavoured to obviate the difficulties of chromatic aberration, but erroneously concluded that it was not feasible. He could devise no means to correct that dispersion of colour which, in the telescopes of his day, so greatly detracted from their effectiveness. His failure seems to have had a prejudicial effect in delaying the solution of the difficulty, which was not accomplished until many years afterwards.
Fig. 3.
Sir Isaac Newton4.
Fig. 4.
Gregorian Telescope.
The idea of reflecting-telescopes received mention as early as 1639; but it was not until 1663 that Gregory described the instrument, formed of concave mirrors, which still bears his name. He was not, however, proficient in mechanics, and after some futile attempts to carry his theory into effect the exertion was relinquished. In 1673 Cassegrain revived the subject, and proposed a modification of the form previously indicated by Gregory. Instead of the small concave mirror, he substituted a convex mirror placed nearer the speculum; and this arrangement, though it made the telescope shorter, had the disadvantage of displaying objects in an inverted position. But the utility of these instruments was not demonstrated in a practical form until 1674, when Hooke, the clever mechanician, gave his attention to the subject and constructed the first one that was made of the kind.
Fig. 5.
Cassegrainian Telescope.
In the meantime (1672) Sir Isaac Newton had completed with his own hands a reflecting-telescope of another pattern. In this the rays from the large concave speculum were received by a small plane mirror fixed centrally at the other end of the tube, and inclined at an angle of 45°; so that the image was directed at right angles through an opening in the side, and there magnified by the eye-lens. But for a long period little progress was effected in regard to reflecting-telescopes, owing to the difficulty of procuring metal well adapted for the making of specula.
Fig. 6.
Newtonian Telescope.
In 1729 Mr. Chester Moor Hall applied himself to the study of refracting-telescopes and discovered that, by a combination of different glasses, the colouring of the images might be eliminated. It is stated that Mr. Hall made several achromatic glasses in 1733. A quarter of a century after this John Dollond independently arrived at the same result, and took out a patent for achromatic telescopes. He found, by experiments with prisms, that crown and flint glass operated unequally in regard to the divergency of colours induced by refraction; and, applying the principle further, he obtained a virtually colourless telescope by assorting a convex crown lens with a concave flint lens as the object-glass. Dollond also made many instruments having triple object-lenses, and in these it was supposed that previous defects were altogether obliterated. Two convex lenses of crown glass were combined with a concave lens of flint glass placed between them.
Whether we regard Hall or Dollond as entitled to the most praise in connection with this important advance, it is certain that it was one the value of which could hardly be overestimated. It may be said to have formed a new era in practical astronomy. Instruments only 4 or 5 feet long could now be made equally if not more effective than those of 123 and 150 feet previously used by Huygens and Hevelius. All the troubles incidental to these long unmanageable machines now disappeared, and astronomers were at once provided with a handy little telescope capable of the finest performances.
Fig. 7.
Common Refracting-Telescope.
Reflecting-telescopes also underwent marked improvements in the eighteenth century. Short, the optician, who died in 1768, was deservedly celebrated for the excellent instruments he made of the Gregorian form. Towards the latter part of the century William Herschel, by indomitable perseverance, figured a considerable number of specula. Some of these were mounted as Newtonians; others were employed in the form known as the “Front view,” in which a second mirror is dispensed with altogether, and the rays from the large concave speculum are thrown to the side of the tube and direct to the eyepiece. This construction is often mentioned as the “Herschelian,” but the idea had long before been detailed by Le Maire. In 1728 he presented a paper to the Académie des Sciences, giving his plans for a new reflecting-telescope. He proposed to suppress the small flat speculum in Newtonians, and “by giving the large concave speculum a little inclination, he threw the image, formed in its focus, to one side of the tube, where, an eye-glass magnifying it, the observer viewed it, his back at the time being turned towards the object in the heavens; thus the light lost in the Newtonian telescope by the second reflexion was saved.”
Fig. 8.
The Le Mairean or Herschelian Telescope.
After making several instruments of from 18 to 24 inches aperture, Herschel began one of larger calibre, and it was finished on August 28, 1789. The occasion was rendered historical by the discovery of one of the faintest interior satellites of Saturn, Enceladus. The large telescope had a speculum 48 inches in diameter; the tube was made of rolled or sheet iron, and it was 39 ft. 4 in. long and 4 ft. 10 in. in diameter. It was by far the largest instrument the world had seen up to that time; but it cannot be said to have realized the expectations formed of its powers, for its defining properties were evidently not on a par with its space-penetrating power. Many of Herschel’s best observations were made with much smaller instruments. The large telescope, which was mounted in Herschel’s garden at Slough, soon fell into comparative disuse, and, regarding it as incapable of further usefulness, Sir John Herschel sealed it up on January 1, 1840.
During the next half-century we hear of no attempts being made to surpass the large instrument which formed one of the working-tools of Herschel. Then, however, Lord Rosse entered the field, and in the ‘Philosophical Transactions’ for 1840 described a reflector of 3-feet diameter which he had set up at his residence at Parsonstown, Ireland. In 1845 the same nobleman, distinguished alike for his scientific attainments as for his generosity and urbanity of disposition, erected another telescope, the large speculum of which was 6 feet in diameter, 5½ inches in thickness, and its weight 3 tons. Lord Rosse subsequently cast a duplicate speculum of 6 feet and weighing 4 tons. In point of dimensions this instrument far exceeded that of Herschel, and it is still in use, retaining its character as the largest, though certainly not the best, telescope in existence. Its tube is made of 1-inch deal, well bound together with iron hoops; it is 56 feet long and 7 feet in diameter.
Mr. Lassell soon afterwards made large specula. He erected one of 2-feet aperture and 20-feet focus at his residence at Starfield, near Liverpool, and in 1861 mounted one of 4-feet diameter and 37-feet focus. This instrument was for some time usefully employed by him at Malta. After Mr. Lassell’s return to England his great telescope remained in a dismantled state for several years, and ultimately the speculum was broken up and “consigned to the crucible of the bell-founder.”
It is not a little remarkable that Herschel, Rosse, and Lassell personally superintended and assisted in the construction of the monster instruments with which their names are so honourably associated.
In or about the year 1867 a telescope of the Cassegrainian form, and having a metallic speculum 4 feet in diameter and 28-feet focus, was completed by Grubb of Dublin for the observatory at Melbourne. This instrument, which cost something like £14,000, was found defective at first, though the fault does not appear to have rested with the optician.
Up to this period specula were formed of a metal in which copper and tin were largely represented. But the days of metal specula were numbered. Leon Foucault, in the year 1859, published a valuable memoir in which he described the various ingenious methods he employed in figuring surfaces of glass to the required curve. He furnished data for determining accuracy of figure. Formerly opticians had considerable trouble in deciding the quality of their newly-ground specula or object-glasses. They found it expedient to mount them temporarily, and then, by actual trial on difficult objects, to judge of their efficiency. This involved labour and occasioned delay, especially in the case of large instruments. Foucault showed that crucial tests might be applied in the workshop, and that glasses could be turned out of hand without any misgivings as to their perfection of figure.
Foucault’s early experiments in parabolizing glass led him to important results. By depositing a thin coating of silver on his specula he obtained a reflective power far surpassing that of metal. Thereafter metal was not thought of as a suitable material for reflecting-telescopes. Silver-on-glass mirrors immediately came into great request. The latter undoubtedly possess a great superiority over metal, especially as regards light-grasping power, the relative capacity according to Sir J. Herschel being as ·824 to ·436. Glass mirrors have also another advantage in being less heavy than those of metal. It is true the silver film is not very durable, but it can be renewed at any time with little trouble or expense.
With of Hereford, and after him Calver of Chelmsford, became noted for the excellency of their glass mirrors. They were found nearly comparable to refractors of the same aperture.
A tendency of the times was evidently in the direction of large instruments. One of 47·2-inches aperture (for which a sum of 190,000 francs was paid) was completed by Martin in 1875 for the Paris Observatory, but its employment since that year has not furnished a very successful record. The largest instrument of the kind yet made has a speculum 5 feet in diameter and 27½-feet focal length. It was placed in position in September 1888, and was made by the owner, Mr. Common, of Ealing, whose previous instrument was a 37-inch glass reflector by Calver. The 5-foot telescope is undoubtedly of much greater capacity than the colossal reflector of Lord Rosse, though it is not so large.
Mr. Calver has recently figured a 50-inch mirror for Sir H. Bessemer, but the mounting is not completed; and he is expecting to make other large reflectors, viz. one over 5 feet in diameter and another over 3 feet. The late Mr. Nasmyth also erected some fine instruments, and adopted a combination of the Cassegrainian and Newtonian forms to ensure greater convenience for the observer. Instead of permitting the rays from the small convex mirror to return through the large mirror, he diverted them through the side of the tube by means of a flat mirror, as in Newtonians. But this construction is not to be commended, because much light is lost and defects increased by the additional mirror.
Smaller telescopes of the kind we have been referring to have become extremely popular: and deservedly so. They are likely to maintain their character in future years; for the Newtonian form of instrument, besides being thoroughly effective in critical work, is moderate in price and gives images absolutely achromatic. Moreover, it is used with a facility and ease which an experienced observer knows how to appreciate. Whatever may be the altitude of the objects under scrutiny, he is enabled to retain a perfectly convenient and natural posture, and may pursue his work during long intervals without any of the fatigue or discomfort incidental to the use of certain other forms of instrument.
Returning now to refractors: many years elapsed after Dollond patented his achromatic object-glass before it was found feasible to construct these instruments of a size sufficient to grasp faint and delicate objects. Opticians were thwarted in their efforts to obtain glass of the requisite purity for lenses, unless in small disks very few inches in diameter. It is related that Dollond met with a pot of uncommonly pure flint glass in 1760, but even with this advantage of material he admitted that, after numerous attempts, he could not provide really excellent object-glasses of more than 3–¾-inches diameter. It may therefore be readily imagined that a refractor of 4½ or 5-inches aperture was an instrument of great rarity and expense. Towards the latter part of the 18th century Tulley’s price was £275 for a 5-inch equatoreally mounted.
Fig. 9.
10-inch Reflecting-Telescope on a German Equatoreal, by Calver.
In later years marked improvements were effected in the manufacture of glass. A sign of this is apparent in the fact that, in 1829, Sir James South was enabled to purchase a 12-inch lens. Four years before this the Dorpat telescope, having an objective of 9½ inches, had created quite a sensation. As time went on, still larger glasses were made. In 1862 Alvan Clark & Sons, of New York, U.S.A., finished an instrument of 18½-inches aperture, at a cost of £3700; and in 1869 Cooke & Sons mounted a 24·6-inch object-glass for the late Mr. Newall, of Gateshead. The latter instrument was much larger than any other refractor hitherto made, but it was not long to maintain supremacy. One of 25·8 inches and 29-feet focus was finished in 1872 by Alvan Clark & Sons for the Naval Observatory, Washington, at a cost of £9000. Another, of similar size, was supplied by the same firm to Mr. McCormick, U.S.A. Several important discoveries, including the satellites of Mars, were effected with the great Washington telescope. A few years later a 27-inch was completed by Grubb for the Vienna Observatory, and quite recently the four largest refractors ever made have been placed in position and are actively employed in various departments of work. These include a 29-inch by Martin for the Paris Observatory, a 30-inch by Henry Bros. for Nice, a 30-inch by A. Clark & Sons for Pulkowa, and a 36-inch, also by A. Clark & Sons, for the Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton in California. The latter has no rival in point of size, though rumours are current that still larger lenses are in contemplation. The tube of the 36-inch is 56 feet long and 3½ feet in diameter at the ends, but the diameter is greater in the middle. It is placed within a great dome 75 feet in diameter. The expense of the entire apparatus is given as follows:—Cost of the dome, $56,850; of the visual objective, $53,000; of the photographic objective, $13,000; of the mounting, $42,000. Total, $164,850. This noble instrument—due to the munificence of one individual, the late Mr. James Lick, of Chicago, who bequeathed $700,000 for the purpose—may be regarded as the king of refracting-telescopes. Placed on the summit of Mount Hamilton, where the atmosphere is exceptionally favourable for celestial observations, and utilized as its resources are by some of the best observers in America, we may confidently expect it to largely augment our knowledge of the heavenly bodies.
The great development in the powers of both refracting and reflecting-telescopes, as a means of astronomical discovery, exemplifies in a remarkable degree the ever-increasing resources and refinements of mechanical art. In 1610 Galilei, from his window at Padua, first viewed the moon and planets with his crude instrument having a power of 3, and he achieved much during the remaining years he lived, by increasing it tenfold, so that at last he could magnify an object 30 times. Huygens laboured well in the same field; and others who succeeded him formed links in the chain of progress which has almost uninterruptedly run through all the years separating Galilei’s time from our own. The primitive efforts of the Florentine philosopher appear to have had their sequel in the magnificent telescope which has lately been erected under the pure sky of Mount Hamilton. The capacity of this instrument relatively to that of earlier ones may be judged from the fact that a power of about 3300 times has lately been employed with success in the measurement of a close and difficult double star. Could Galilei but stand for a few moments at the eyepiece of this great refractor, and contemplate the same objects which he saw, nearly three centuries ago, through his imperfect little glasses at Padua, he would be appalled at the splendid achievements of modern science.