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Table of Contents

Choice of Telescopes.—Refractors and Reflectors.—Observer’s Aims.—Testing Telescopes.—Mounting.—Eyepieces.—Requisite Powers.—Overstating Powers.—Method of finding the Power.—Field of Eyepiece.—Limited Means no obstacle.—Observing-Seats.-Advantage of Equatoreals.—Test-Objects.—Cheapness and increasing number of Telescopes.—Utility of Stops.—Cleaning Lenses.—Opera-Glasses.—Dewing of Mirrors.—Celestial Globe.—Observatories.

Choice of Telescopes.—The subject of the choice of telescopes has exercised every astronomer more or less, and the question as to the best form of instrument is one which has occasioned endless controversy. The decision is an important one to amateurs, who at the outset of their observing careers require the most efficient instruments obtainable at reasonable cost. It is useless applying to scientific friends who, influenced by different tastes, will give an amount of contradictory advice that will be very perplexing. Some invariably recommend a small refractor and unjustly disparage reflectors, as not only unfitted for very delicate work, but as constantly needing re-adjustment and resilvering6.

Others will advise a moderate-sized reflector as affording wonderfully fine views of the Moon and planets. The question of cost is greatly in favour of the latter construction, and, all things considered, it may claim an unquestionable advantage. A man who has decided to spend a small sum for the purpose not merely of gratifying his curiosity but of doing really serviceable work, must adopt the reflector, because refractors of, say, 5 inches and upwards are far too costly, and become enormously expensive as the diameter increases. This is not the case with reflectors; they come within the reach of all, and may indeed be constructed by the observer himself with a little patience and ingenuity.

Refractors and Reflectors.—The relative merits of refractors and reflectors7 have been so frequently compared and discussed that we have no desire to re-open the question here. These comparisons have been rarely free from bias, or sufficiently complete to afford really conclusive evidence either way. There is no doubt that each form of instrument possesses its special advantages: aperture for aperture the refractor is acknowledged to be superior in light-grasping power, but the ratio given by different observers is not quite concordant. A silver-on-glass mirror of 8-inches aperture is certainly equal to a 7-inch objective in this respect, while as regards dividing power and the definition of planetary markings, the reflector is equal to a refractor of the same aperture. The much shorter focal length of the reflector is an advantage not to be overlooked. A century ago Sir W. Herschel figured his specula to foci of more than a foot to every inch of aperture, except in the case of his largest instruments. Thus he made specula of 18½-inches and 24-inches diameter, the former of which had a focal length of 20 feet and the latter of 25 feet. The glass mirrors of the present time are much shorter, and the change has not proved incompatible with excellent performance. Calver has made two good mirrors of 17–¼-inches aperture, and only 8 ft. 4 in. focus. Mr. Common’s 5-foot mirror is only 27½ feet, so that in these instances the length of the tube is less than six times the diameter.

Fig. 12.

“The Popular Reflector” by Calver.

It has long been proved that refractors and reflectors alike are, in good hands, capable of producing equally good results; and we may depend upon it that, in spite of all argument and experiment, both kinds of telescope will continue to hold their own until superseded by a new combination, which hardly seems likely. If the observer is free from prejudice, he will have no cause to deplore the character of his instrument, always supposing it to be by a good maker. Be it object-glass or speculum, he will rarely find it lacking in effectiveness. It happens only too often that the telescope or the atmosphere is hastily blamed when the fault rests with the observer himself. Let him be persistent in waiting opportunities, and let the instrument be nicely adjusted and in good condition, and in the great majority of cases it will perform all that can reasonably be expected of it.

In choosing appliances for observational purposes, the observer will of course be guided by his means and requirements. If his inclination lead him to enter a particular department of research, he will take care to provide himself with such instruments as are specially applicable to the work in hand. Modern opticians have effected so many improvements, and brought out so many special aids to smooth the way of an observer, that it matters little in which direction he advances; he will scarcely find his progress impeded by want of suitable apparatus. In size, as also in character, the observer should be careful to discriminate as to what is really essential. Large instruments and high powers are not necessary to show what can be sufficiently well seen in a small telescope with moderate power. Of course there is nothing like experience in such matters, and practice soon renders one more or less proficient in applying the best available means.

Fig. 13.

3-inch Refracting-Telescope, by Newton & Co.

An amateur who really wants a competent instrument and has to consider cost, will do well to purchase a Newtonian reflector. A 4½-inch refractor will cost about as much as a 10-inch reflector, but, as a working tool, the latter will possess a great advantage. A small refractor, if a good one, will do wonders, and is a very handy appliance, but it will not have sufficient grasp of light for it to be thoroughly serviceable on faint objects. Anyone who is hesitating in his choice should look at the cluster about χ Persei through instruments such as alluded to, and he will be astonished at the vast difference in favour of the reflector. For viewing sun-spots and certain lunar objects small refractors are very effective, and star-images are usually better seen than in reflectors, but the latter are much preferable for general work on account of three important advantages, viz., cheapness, illuminating power, and convenience of observation. When high magnifiers are employed on a refractor of small aperture, the images of planets become very faint and dusky, so that details are lost.

Observer’s Aims.—If the intending observer merely requires a telescope to exhibit glimpses of the wonders which he has seen portrayed in books, and has no intention of pursuing the subject further than as an occasional hobby, he will do well to purchase a small refractor between 3 and 4 inches in aperture. Such instruments are extremely effective on the Sun and Moon, which are naturally the chief objects to attract attention, and, apart from this, appliances of the size alluded to may be conveniently used from an open window. The latter is an important consideration to many persons; moreover, a small telescope of this kind will reveal an astonishing number of interesting objects in connection with the planets, comets, &c., and it may be employed by way of diversion upon terrestrial landscape, as such instruments are almost invariably provided with non-inverting eyepieces. Out-of-door observing is inconvenient in many respects, and those who procure a telescope merely to find a little recreation will soon acknowledge a small refractor to be eminently adapted to their purposes and conveniences.

Those who meditate going farther afield, and taking up observation habitually as a means of acquiring practical knowledge, and possibly of doing original work, will essentially need different means. They will require reflectors of about 8 or 10 inches aperture; and, if mounted in the open on solid ground, so much the better, as there will be a more expansive view, and a freedom from heated currents, which renders an apartment unsuited to observations, unless with small apertures where the effects are scarcely appreciable. A reflector of the diameter mentioned will command sufficient grasp to exhibit the more delicate features of planetary markings, and will show many other difficult objects in which the sky abounds. If the observer be specially interested in the surface configuration of Mars and Jupiter he will find a reflector a remarkably efficient instrument. On the Moon and planets it is admitted that its performance is, if not superior, equal to that of refractors. If, however, the inclination of the observer leads him in the direction of double stars, their discovery and measurement, he will perhaps find a refractor more to be depended upon, though there is no reason why a well-mounted reflector should not be successfully employed in this branch; and the cost of a refractor of the size to be really useful as an instrument of discovery must be something very considerable—perhaps ten times as great as that of a reflector of equal capacity. As far as my own experience goes the refractor gives decidedly the best image of a star. In the reflector, a bright star under moderately high power is seen with rays extending right across the field, and these appear to be caused by the supports of the flat.

Testing Telescopes.—No amateur should buy an instrument, especially a second-hand one, without testing it, and this is a delicate process involving many points to be duly weighed. Experience is of great service in such matters, and is, in fact, absolutely necessary. Even old observers are sometimes misled as to the real worth of a glass. In such cases, there is nothing like having a reliable means of comparison, i.e. another telescope of acknowledged excellence with which to test the doubtful instrument. In the absence of such a standard judgment will be more difficult, but with care a satisfactory decision may be arrived at. The Moon is too easy an object for the purpose of such trials; the observer should rather select Venus or Jupiter. The former is, however, so brilliant on a dark sky, and so much affected with glare, that the image will almost sure to be faulty even if the glass is a good one. Let the hour be either near sunrise or sunset, and if the planet has a tolerably high altitude, her disk ought to be seen beautifully sharp and white. Various powers should be tried, increasing them each time, and it should be noticed particularly whether the greater expansion of the image ruins the definition or simply enfeebles the light. In a thoroughly good glass faintness will come on without seriously impairing the definite contour of the object viewed, and the observer will realize that the indistinctness is merely occasioned by the power being relatively in excess of the light-grasp. But in a defective telescope, a press of magnifying power at once brings out a mistiness and confuses the details of the image in a very palpable manner. Try how he will, the observer will find it impossible to get rid of this, except, perhaps, by a “stop” which cuts off so much light that the instrument is ineffective for the work required of it. The blurred image is thought, at the moment of its first perception, to be caused by the object being out of focus, and the observer vainly endeavours to get a sharper image until he finds the source of error lies elsewhere. A well-figured glass ought to come very sharply to a focus. The slightest turn of the adjusting-screw should make a sensible difference. On the other hand, an inferior lens will permit a slight alteration of focusing without affecting the distinctness, because the rays from the image are not accurately thrown to a point. Jupiter is also a good test. The limbs of the planet, if shown clean and hard, and the belts, if they are pictured like the finely cut details of an engraving, will at once stamp a telescope as one of superior quality. Saturn can also be examined though not, perhaps, so severe a test. The belts, crape ring, Cassini’s division, ought to be revealed in any telescope of moderate aperture. If, with regard to any of these objects, the details apparently run into each other and there is a “fuzzy” or woolly aspect about them which cannot be eliminated by careful focusing, then either the atmosphere or the telescope is in fault. If the former, another opportunity must be awaited. An observer of experience will see at a glance whether the cause lies in the air or the instrument. The images will be agitated by obnoxious currents, if the defects are due to the atmosphere, but if the glass itself is in error, then the objects will be comparatively tranquil but merged in hazy outlines, and a general lack of distinctness will be apparent. Perhaps the best test of all as to the efficiency of a telescope is that of a moderately bright star, say of the 2nd or 3rd magnitude. With a high power the image should be very small, circular, and surrounded by two or three rings of light lying perfectly concentric with each other. No rays, wings, or extraneous appearance other than the diffraction rings should appear.

This, however, specially applies to refractors, for in reflectors the arms of the flat occasion rays from any bright star; I have also seen them from Mars, but of course this does not indicate an imperfect mirror. If there is any distortion on one side of the image, then the lenses are inaccurately centred though the instrument may be otherwise good, and a little attention may soon set matters right. When testing a glass the observer should choose objects at fairly high altitudes, and not condemn a telescope from a single night’s work unless the evidence is of unusually convincing character. If false colour is seen in a silver-on-glass reflector it is originated by the eyepiece, though not necessarily so in a refractor. The object-glass of the latter will be sure to show some uncorrected colour fringing a bright object. A good lens, when exactly focused, exhibits a claret tint, but within the focus purple is seen and beyond the focus green comes out. In certain cases the secondary spectrum of an object-glass is so inadequately corrected that the vivid colouring of the images is sometimes attributed by inexperienced observers to a real effect. A friend who used a 3-inch refractor once called on me to have a glimpse of Jupiter through my 10-inch With-reflector. On looking at the planet he at once exclaimed “But where are the beautiful colours, Mr. Denning?” I replied to his question by asking another, viz., “What colours?” he answered, “Why, the bright colours I see round Jupiter in my refractor?” I said, “Oh, they exist in your telescope only!” He looked incredulous, and when he left me that night did not seem altogether pleased with the appearance of Jupiter shorn of his false hues!

Mounting.—Too much care cannot be given to the mounting of telescopes, for the most perfectly figured glass will be rendered useless by an inefficient stand; a faulty lens, if thoroughly well mounted, will do more than a really good one on a shaky or unmanageable mounting. Whatever form is adopted, the arrangement should ensure the utmost steadiness, combined with every facility for readily following objects. A man who has every now and then to undergo a great physical exertion in bodily shifting the instrument is rendered unfit for delicate work. The telescope should be provided with every requisite for carrying on prolonged work with slight exertion on the part of the observer. Unless the stand is firm there will be persistent vibrations, especially if the instrument is erected in the open, for there are very few nights in the year when the air is quite calm. These contingencies should be provided against with scrupulous attention if the observer would render his telescope most effective for the display of its powers, and avoid the constant annoyance that must otherwise follow.

Fig. 14.

Huygens’s negative eyepiece.

Fig. 15.

Ramsden’s positive eyepiece.

Eyepieces.—Good eyepieces are absolutely essential. Many object-glasses and specula have been deprecated for errors really originated by the eyepiece. Again, telescopes have not unfrequently been blamed for failures through want of discrimination in applying suitable powers. A consistent adaptation of powers according to the aperture of the telescope, the character of the object, the nature of the observation, and the atmospheric conditions prevailing at the time, is necessary to ensure the best results. If it is required to exhibit a general view of Jupiter and his satellites to a friend, we must utilize a low power with a large field; if, on the other hand, we desire to show the red spot and its configuration in detail, we must apply the highest power that is satisfactorily available. The negative or Huygenian eyepiece is the one commonly used, and it forms good colourless images, though the field is rather small. The positive or Ramsden eyepiece gives a flatter and larger field, but it is not often achromatic. A Kellner eyepiece, the feature of which is a very large field, is often serviceable in observations of nebulæ, clusters, and comets. Telescopes are sometimes stated to bear 100 to the inch on planets, but this is far beyond their capacities even in the very best condition of air. Amateurs soon find from experience that it is best to employ those powers which afford the clearest and most comprehensive views of the particular objects under scrutiny. Of course when abnormally high powers are mentioned in connection with an observation, they have an impressive sound, but this is all, for they are practically useless for ordinary work. I find that 40, or at the utmost 50 to the inch, is ample, and generally beyond the capacities of my 10-inch reflector. A Barlow lens used in front of the eyepiece raises the power about one third, and thus a whole set of eyepieces may be increased by its insertion. It is said to improve the definition, while the loss of light is very trifling. I formerly used a Barlow lens in all planetary observations, but finally dispensed with it, as I concluded the improved distinctness did not compensate for the fainter image. A great advantage, both in light and definition, results from the employment of a single lens as eyepiece. True, the field is very limited, and, owing to the spherical aberration, the object so greatly distorted near the edges that it must be kept near the centre, but, on the whole, the superiority is most evident. By many careful trials I find it possible to glimpse far more detail in planetary markings than with the ordinary eyepiece. Dawes, and other able observers, also found a great advantage in the single lens, and Sir W. Herschel, more than a century ago, expressed himself thus:—“I have tried both the double and single lens eye-glass of equal powers, and always found that the single eye-glass had much the superiority in light and distinctness.”

Requisite Powers.—For general purposes I believe three eyepieces are all that is absolutely requisite, viz., a low power with large field for sweeping up nebulæ and comets; a moderate power for viewing the Moon and planets; and a high power for double stars and the more delicate forms on the planets. For a 3-inch refractor, eyepieces of about 15, 75, and 150 would be best, and for a 10-inch reflector 40, 150, and 300. For very difficult double stars a still higher power will be occasionally useful, say 250 for the refractor, and 500 for the reflector. The definition usually suffers so much under high powers, and the tremors of the atmosphere are brought out so conspicuously, that the greater expansion of the image of a planet does not necessarily enable it to present more observable detail. The features appear diluted and merged in hazy outlines, and there is a lack of the bright, sharply determinate forms so steadily recognized under lower magnifiers. In special cases great power may become essential, and, under certain favourable circumstances, will prove really serviceable, but, in a general way, it is admitted that the lowest power which shows an object well is always the best. I have occasionally obtained very fair views of Saturn with a power of 865, but find that I can perceive more of the detail with 252. Some daylight observations of Venus were also effected under very high power, and, though the definition remained tolerably good, I found as the result of careful comparison that less power answered more satisfactorily. But it would be absurd to lay down inviolable rules in such cases. Special instruments, objects, and circumstances require special powers, and observers may always determine with a little care and experience the most eligible means to support their endeavours. One thing should be particularly remembered, that the power used must not be beyond the illuminating capacity of the instrument, for planetary features appear so faint and shady under excessive magnifiers that nothing is gained. To grasp details there must be a fair amount of light. I have seen more with 252 on my 10-inch reflector than with 350 on a 5–¼-inch refractor, because of the advantage from the brighter image in the former case.

Overstating Powers.—It seems to be a fashionable imposition on the part of opticians to overstate magnifying powers. Eyepieces are usually advertised at double their true strength. My own 10-inch reflector was catalogued as having four eyepieces, 100 to 600, but on trial I found the highest was no more than 330. This custom of exaggerating powers seems to have long been a privileged deception, and persons buying telescopes ought to be guarded against it. Dr. Kitchiner says it originated with the celebrated maker of reflectors, James Short, and justly condemns it as a practice which should be discontinued. I suppose it is thought that high powers advertised in connection with a telescope have an exalted sound and are calculated to attract the unwary purchaser; but good instruments need no insidious trade artifices to make them saleable. The practice does not affect observers of experience, because it is well understood, and they take good care to test their eyepieces directly they get them. But the case is different with young and inexperienced amateurs, who naturally enough accept the words of respectable opticians, only to find, in many cases, that they have been misleading and a source of considerable annoyance.

Method of finding the Power.—The magnifying power of a telescope may be determined by dividing the focal length of the object-glass or mirror by the focal length of the eye-lens. Thus, if the large glass has a focus of 70 inches and the eye-lens a focus of one inch, then the power is 70. If the latter is only ¼-inch focus, the resulting power will be 280. But this method is only applicable to single lens eyepieces. We may, however, resort to several other means of finding the powers of the compound eyepieces of Huygens or Ramsden. Let the observer fix a slip of white cardboard, say 1 inch wide, to a door or post some distance off, and then (with a refractor) view it, while keeping the disengaged eye open, and note the exact space covered by the telescopic image of the card as projected on the door seen by the other eye. The number of inches included in the space alluded to will represent the linear magnifying power. A brick wall or any surface with distinct, regularly marked divisions will answer the same purpose, the number of bricks or divisions covered by the telescopic image of one of them being equivalent to the power. But it should not be forgotten that a telescope magnifies slightly less upon a celestial object than upon a near terrestrial one owing to the shorter focus, and a trifling allowance will have to be made for this. Another plan may be mentioned. When the telescope is directed to any fairly bright object or to the sky, and the observer removes his eye about 10 inches from the eyepiece, a sharply defined, bright little disk will be perceived in the eye-lens. If the diameter of this disk is ascertained and the clear aperture of the object-glass or mirror is divided by it, the quotient will be the magnifying power. Thus, if the small circle of light is ·2 inch diameter and the effective aperture of the large glass 5 inches, then the power is 25. If the former is ·02 inch diameter and the latter 7·5 inches, the power will be 375. The dynamometer is a little instrument specially designed to facilitate this means of fixing the magnifying power. It enables the diameter of the small luminous circle in the eye-lens to be very accurately measured, and this is a most important factor in deriving the power by this method.

Fig. 16.

Berthon’s Dynamometer. Horne & Thornthwaite London.

Field of Eyepiece.—Observers often require to know the diameter of the fields of their eyepieces. Those engaged in sweeping up comets, nebulæ, or other objects requiring large fields and low powers, find it quite important to have this information. They may acquire it for themselves by simple methods. A planet, or star such as δ Orionis, η or γ Virginis, or η Aquilæ, close to the equator, should be allowed to run exactly through the centre of the field, and the interval occupied in its complete transit from ingress to egress noted several times. The mean result in min. and sec. of time must then be multiplied by 15, and this will represent the diameter required in min. and sec. of arc on the equator. A planet or star near the meridian is the best for the purpose. If the object occupies 1 min. 27 sec. of time in passing from the E. to the W. limit of the field, then 87 sec. × 15 = 1305″, or 21′ 45″. A more accurate method of deriving the angle subtended by the field is to let a star, say Regulus, pass through the centre, and fix the time which lapses in its entire passage by a sidereal clock; then the interval so found × 15 × cosine of the declination of Regulus will indicate the diameter of the field. Suppose for instance, that the star named occupies 2 min. 14 sec. = 134 sec. in its passage right across the whole and central part of the field: then

134 log 2·127105
15 log 1·176091
Dec. of Regulus 12° 30′ log cos 9·989581
1962″ log 3·292777

so that the diameter of the field of the eyepiece must be 32′ 42″, nearly corresponding with the diameter of the Moon.

Limited Means no Obstacle.—There are many observers who, having limited means, are apt to consider themselves practically unable to effect good work. This is a great illusion. There are several branches of astronomy in which the diligent use of a small instrument may be turned to excellent account. Perseverance will often compensate for lack of powerful appliances. Many of the large and expensive telescopes, now becoming so common, are engaged in work which could be as well performed with smaller aperture, and when the manifold advantages of moderate instruments are considered, amateurs may well cease to deplore the apparent insufficiency of their apparatus. It is, however, true that refractors have now attained dimensions and a degree of proficiency never contemplated in former times, and that the modern ingenuity of art has given birth to innumerable devices to facilitate the work of those engaged in observation. In many of our best appointed observatories the arrangements are so very replete with conveniences, and so sedatory in their influences, that the observer has every inducement to fall asleep, though we do not find instances of “nodding” recorded in their annals. Further progress in the same direction leads us to joyfully anticipate the time when, instead of standing out in the frost, we may comfortably make our observations in bed. This will admirably suit all those who, like Bristol people, are reported to sleep with one eye open! But, to be more serious, the work of amateurs is much hindered by lack of means to construct observatories wherein they may conduct researches without suffering from all the rigours of an unfavourable climate. Many of them have, like William Herschel a century ago, to pursue their labours under no canopy but the heavens above, and are exposed to all the trying severity of frost and keen winds, which keep them shivering for hours together, and very much awake!

Fig. 17.

Cooke and Son’s Educational Telescope.

Observing-Seats.—As to observing-seats, many useful contrivances have been described from time to time in the ‘Astronomical Register’ and ‘English Mechanic.’ Some of these answer their design admirably, but I believe a good chair, embodying all the many little requirements of the observer, yet awaits construction. Those I have seen, while supplying certain acknowledged wants, are yet deficient in some points which need provision. With my reflector I find an ordinary step-ladder answers the purpose very well. It is at once light, simple, and durable, and enables observations to be secured at any altitude. It may be readily placed so that the observer can work in a sitting posture, and the upper shelves, while convenient to lean upon, may be so arranged as to hold eyepieces, and are to be further utilized when making drawings at the telescope. I find it possible to obtain very steady views of celestial objects in this way. Everyone knows that during a critical observation it is as essential for the observer to be perfectly still as it is for the instrument to be free from vibration. A person who stands looking through a telescope feels a desire to ensure a convenient stability by catching hold of it. The impression is no doubt correctly conveyed to his mind that he may obtain a better view in this way; and so he would, were it not for the dancing of the image which instantly follows the handling of the instrument. For this reason it is absolutely necessary that no part of the observer touch the telescope while in use. He must ensure the desired steadiness, which is really a most important consideration, by other means; and an observer who provides for this contingency will have taken a useful step in the way of achieving delicate work.

Advantage of Equatoreals.—Those who employ equatoreal mounting and clock-work will manifestly command an advantage in tracing features on a planet or other object requiring critical scrutiny. Common stands, though often good make-shifts, require constant application on the part of the observer, when his undivided attention should be concentrated on the object. With an alt-azimuth stand nearly one half the observer’s time is occupied in keeping the object near the middle of the field. Though good views are obtainable, they are very fugitive. Just as the delicate features are being impressed on the retina they are lost in the ill-defined margin of the field, or from the necessity of suddenly shifting the object back. A succession of hurried views of this kind, during which the observer is frantically endeavouring to grasp details which only require a steady view to be well displayed, are often tantalizing and seldom satisfactory in their issues. This is especially the case when a single lens and high powers are used, and if the night is windy the difficulty is intensified. It is, therefore, evident that a clock-driven telescope possesses marked advantages in delicate work on faint objects, because the prolonged view better enables the eye to gather in the details which are all but lost in the elusive glimpses afforded by inferior means. Still we must not forget that rough appliances do not present an effectual barrier to success. The very finest definition comes only in momentary glimpses. The sharply-cut outlines of planetary configuration cannot steadily be held for long together. Only now and then the image acquires the distinctness of an engraving, when the air and the focus of eye and telescope severally combine to produce a perfect picture. Observers, therefore, whose instruments are simply, though perhaps substantially mounted in handy fashion, must profit by these moments of fine seeing, and, when drawing, will find it expedient to fill in, little by little, the delicate forms which reach the eye. This will take much time owing to the drawbacks alluded to, but the outcome will more than justify its expenditure, and the observer will gain patience and perseverance which will prove a useful experience in the future.

Lenses out of centre or misplaced are, like other defects, calculated to give rise to errors as numerous as they are various. But the most striking of these apparently belong to a period when telescopes were far less perfect and popular than at the present day. Indeed, it is surprising that so very few false or imaginary discoveries are announced when we consider the vast array of instruments that are now employed. It is true we occasionally hear that a comet has been discovered close to Jupiter, that several companions have been seen to Polaris, or that some other extraordinary “find” has been effected, but the age is dead when such announcements were accepted without suitable investigation. The satellite of Venus has long since ceased to exist. The active volcanoes on the Moon have become extinct. Even Vulcan will have to be set aside, and, like many another sensation which caused quite a furóre in its day, must soon be altogether expunged from the category of “suspects.”

Test-objects. Opticians sometimes advertise lists of objects—generally double stars—which may be seen with their instruments, but it does not appear to be sufficiently understood that the character of a telescope is dependent in a great degree upon the ability of the observer, who can either make or mar it, according to the skill he displays in its management. Some men will undoubtedly see more with 5 inches of aperture than others will with 10. Certain observers appear to excel in detecting delicate planetary markings, while others possess special aptitude for glimpsing minute objects such as faint satellites, or comites to double stars, and the explanation seems to be that partly by experience and partly by differences in the sensitiveness of vision, exceptional powers are sometimes acquired in each of these departments. The various test-objects which have been given by reliable authorities, though representing average attainments, are not applicable to the abnormal powers of vision possessed by certain observers. In fact, the capacity of a telescope cannot be correctly assigned and its powers circumscribed by arbitrary rules, because, as already stated, the character of the observer himself becomes a most important factor in this relation. Climatic influences have also considerable weight, though less so than the personal variations referred to, for one man will succeed, where another meets with utter failure. This is unquestionably due to differences in eyesight, method, and experience. But whatever the primary causes may be, everyone knows they induce widely discordant results, and occasion many of the contradictions which become the subjects of controversy. And, as a rule, amateurs should avoid controversy, because it very rarely clears up a contested point. There is argument and reiteration, but no mutual understanding or settlement of the question at issue. It wastes time, and often destroys that good feeling which should subsist amongst astronomers of every class and nationality. In cases where an important principle is involved, and discussion promises to throw light upon it, the circumstances are quite different. But paltry quibblings, fault-finding, or the constant expression of negative views, peculiar to sceptics, should be abandoned, as hindering rather than accelerating the progress of science. Let observers continually exercise care and discretion and satisfy themselves in every legitimate way as to the accuracy of their results, and they may fearlessly give them expression and overcome any objections made to their acceptance. They should accord one another an equal desire for the promotion of truth. Competition and rivalry in good spirit increase enthusiasm, but there is little occasion for the bitterness and spleen sometimes exhibited in scientific journals. There are some men whose reputations do not rest upon good or original work performed by themselves, but rather upon the alacrity with which they discover grievances and upon the care they will bestow in exposing trifling errors in the writings of their not-infallible contemporaries. Such critics would earn a more honourable title to regard were they to devote their time to some better method of serving the cause of science.

Cheapness and increasing number of Telescopes.—A marked feature of optical instruments is their increasing cheapness. Little more than half a century ago Tulley charged £315 for a 10-inch Newtonian reflector. At the present time Calver asks £50 for an instrument of the same aperture, and sometimes one may be picked up, second-hand, for half of that amount. Not only have telescopes become cheaper, but they have greatly improved in performance since silvered glass superseded the metallic speculum. Hence we find moderately-powerful instruments in the hands of a very large number of observers. Astronomical publications have proportionately increased, so that amateurs of to-day can boast of facilities, both of making and recording observations, which were scarcely dreamt of a century ago. It must be admitted, however, that the results hardly do justice to the means available. Such an enormous number of telescopes are variously employed that one cannot avoid a feeling of surprise at the comparative rarity of new discoveries, and, indeed, of published observations generally. It is certain that the majority of existing telescopes are either lying idle or applied in such a desultory fashion as to virtually negative the value of the results. Others, again, are indiscriminately employed upon every diversity of object without special aim or method, and with a mere desire to satisfy curiosity. Now it is to be greatly deplored that so much observing strength is either latent or misdirected. The circumstances obviously demand that an earnest effort should be made to utilize and attract it into suitable channels. To do this effectually, the value of collective effort should be forcibly explained, the interest and enthusiasm of observers must be aroused in a permanent manner, and they must be banded together according to their choice of subjects. An effort in this direction has been made by the Liverpool Astronomical Society, and the results have proved distinctly favourable; a considerable amount of useful work has been effected in several branches and it forms the subject of some valuable reports which have been annually published in the ‘Journal.’

Utility of Stops.—There are a good many details connected with observation which, though advice may be tendered in a general way, are best left to the discrimination of observers, who will very soon discover their influences by practical trial and treat them accordingly. The employment of stops or diaphragms to contract the aperture of telescopes is a question on which a diversity of opinion has been expressed. It is often found, on nights of indifferent seeing, that the whole aperture, especially of a faulty instrument, gives bad images, and that, by reducing it, definition becomes immensely improved. But Mr. Burnham, the double star observer, records his opinion that a good glass needs no contraction, and that the whole aperture shows more than a part unless there is defective figuring at the outer zone of the lens, which will be cut off by the stop and its performance thereby greatly improved. He seems to think that a glass requiring contraction is essentially defective, but this is totally opposed to the conclusions of other observers. It is almost universally admitted that, on bad nights, the advantages of a large aperture are neutralized by unsteady definition, and that, by reducing the diameter, the character of the images is enhanced. As regards instruments of moderate calibre the necessity is less urgent. With my 10-inch reflector I rarely, if ever, employ stops, for by reducing the aperture to 8 inches the gain in definition does not sufficiently repay for the serious loss of light. But in the case of large telescopes the conservation of light is not so important, and a 14-inch or 16-inch stop may be frequently employed on an 18-inch glass with striking advantage. The theory that only defective lenses improve with contraction is fallacious, for in certain cases where stops are regularly employed it is found that, under circumstances of really good seeing, the whole aperture gives images which are as nearly perfect as possible. It is clear from this that the fault lies with the atmosphere, and that under bad conditions it becomes imperative to limit its interference consistently with the retention of sufficient light to distinguish the object well. In large reflectors, particularly, the undulations of the air are very active in destroying definition, and the fact will be patent enough to anyone who compares the images given in widely different apertures. The hard, cleanly cut disks shown by a small speculum or object-glass offer an attractive contrast to the flaring, indefinite forms often seen in big telescopes.

Cleaning Lenses.—As to wiping objectives or mirrors, this should be performed not more often than absolute necessity requires; and in any case the touches should be delicate and made with materials of very soft texture. The owner of a good objective should never take the handkerchief out of his pocket and, in order to remove a little dust or dew, rub the glass until the offensive deposit is thought to be removed. Yet this is sometimes done, though frequent repetition of such a process must ultimately ruin the best telescope notwithstanding the hardness of the crown glass forming the outer lens of the objective. It will not bear such “rough and ready” usage and in time must show some ugly scratches which will greatly affect its value though they may not seriously detract from its practical utility. Good tools deserve better treatment. When the glass really wants cleaning, remove it from the tube and sweep its whole surface gently with a dry camel’s-hair brush, or when this is not at hand get a piece of linen and “flick” off the dust particles. Then wipe the lens, as soon as these have been dislodged, with an old silk, or soft cambric handkerchief; fine chamois leather is also a good material, and soft tissue paper, aided by the breath, has been recommended. But whatever substance may be adopted it must be perfectly clean and free from dust. When not in use it should be corked up in a wide-necked bottle where it will be safe from contact with foreign particles. In the case of mirrors there is an obvious need that, when being repolished, the material used should be perfectly dry and that the mirror also should be in the same state. It is unnecessary to say here that in no case must the silver film be touched when it is clouded over with moisture. This must first be allowed to evaporate in a free current of air or before a fire; the former is to be preferred. A suitable polishing-pad may be made with a square piece of washleather or chamois in which cotton-wool is placed and then tied into a bag. This may be dipped into a little of the finest rouge, and its employment will often restore a bright surface to the mirror. But the latter should be left “severely alone” unless there is urgent occasion to repolish it, as every application of the rouged pad wears the film and may take off minute parts of it, especially when dust has not been altogether excluded. The precarious nature of the silvered surface undoubtedly constitutes the greatest disadvantage of modern reflectors. The polish on the old metallic mirrors was far more durable. Some of Short’s, figured 150 years ago, still exist and are apparently as bright as when they were turned out of the workshop! I have a 4-inch Gregorian by Watson which must be quite a century old, and both large and small specula seem to have retained their pristine condition.

With regard to the duration of the silver-on-glass films, much of course depends upon the care and means taken to preserve them. Calver says that sometimes the deposit does not last so long as expected, though he has known the same films in use for ten years. A mirror that looks badly tarnished and fit for nothing will often perform wonderfully well. With my 10-inch in a sadly deteriorated state I have obtained views of the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter that could hardly be surpassed. The moderate reflection from a tarnished mirror evidently improves the image of a bright object by eliminating the glare and allowing the fainter details to be readily seen. When not in use a tight-fitting cap should always be placed over the mirror, and if a pad of cotton wadding of the same diameter is made to inlay this cap it tends to preserve the film by absorbing much of the moisture that otherwise condenses on its surface. The ‘Hints on Reflecting-Telescopes,’ by W. H. Thornthwaite and by G. Calver, and the ‘Plea for Reflectors,’ by J. Browning, may be instructively consulted by all those who use this form of instrument. The latter work is now, however, out of print, and Mr. Browning tells me that he has quite relinquished the manufacture of reflecting-telescopes. Mr. G. With of Hereford, who formerly supplied the mirrors for his instruments, has recently disposed of his reserve stock and entered an entirely different sphere of labour. In the publications above alluded to amateurs will find a large amount of practical information on the value and treatment of glass mirrors.

Opera-Glass.—A very useful adjunct, and often a really valuable one to the astronomical amateur, is the Opera-Glass, or rather the larger form of this instrument generally known as the Field-Glass. Of certain objects it gives views which cannot be surpassed, and it is especially useful in observations of variable stars and large comets. Whenever the horizon is being scanned for a glimpse of the fugitive Mercury, or when it is desired to have a very early peep at the narrow crescent of the young Moon, or to pick up Venus at midday, or Jupiter before sunset, all one has to do is to sweep over the region where the object is situated, when it is pretty sure to be caught, and the unaided eye will probably reach it soon afterwards. The opera-glass has the dignity of being the first telescope invented, for even its binocular form is not new; it is virtually the same pattern of instrument that was introduced at Middleburg in 1609, though its compound object-glasses are of more modern date. Anyone who entertains any doubts as to the efficacy of the opera-glass or has had little experience in its use will do well to look at the Pleiades and compare the splendid aspect of that cluster, as it is there presented, with the view obtained by the naked eye, and he will acknowledge at once that it constitutes a tool without which the observer’s equipment is by no means perfect. The object-glasses should have diameters of 2 or 2½ inches, and the magnifying power lie between 4 and 6. There is a large field of view and the images are very bright. The observer is enabled to enjoy the luxury of using both his eyes, and when he directs the instrument upon a terrestrial landscape he will be gratified that it does not turn the world upside down! It is not surprising that an appliance, with recommendations so significant, is coming more into favour every day, and for those branches suitable to its means it is doing much useful work. A volume has been recently published dealing expressly with the use of the opera-glass in Astronomy; and in the ‘Journal of the L.A.S.’ vol. vii. p. 120, there is an excellent paper by Major Markwick on the same subject. This instrument will never, of course, by the nature of its construction, be comparable to a modern telescope in regard to power, for Galilei, when he augmented his magnifiers to 30, appears to have practically exhausted the resources of this appliance. But in all those departments requiring an expansive field and little power with a brilliant and distinct image, the larger form of opera-glass is a great desideratum, and its portability is not one of the least of its advantages.

Dewing of Mirrors.—The disposition of mirrors to become clouded over upon rises of temperature is a point meriting comment. When permanently left in a telescope, fully exposed out of doors, the speculum undergoes daily transitions. The heat generated in the interior of the tube by the sun’s action causes a thick film of moisture to form upon the silvered surface of the mirror, which remains in this state for a considerable time, though the moisture evaporates before the evening. The flat is similarly affected, and the result of these frequent changes is that the coating of silver becomes impaired and presents a crackly appearance all over the surface. Sometimes when a marked increase of temperature occurs towards evening the speculum is rendered totally unserviceable until it has been submitted to what Dr. Kitchiner terms a process of “roasting.” The vapour will soon disappear when the mirror is brought indoors and placed before a fire; but it is not till some time after it has been remounted in the tube that it will perform satisfactorily. Those who keep their mirrors in more equable temperatures will not experience these inconveniences, which may also in some measure be obviated by regularly placing a tight-fitting cap, inlaid with cotton-wool, over the speculum at the conclusion of work. This also protects the silver from the yellow sulphurous deposit which soon collects upon it if used in a town. All sudden variations of temperature act prejudicially on the performance of specula, and their best work is only accomplished when free from such disturbing elements. I have rarely found the flat to become dewed in a natural way during the progress of observation. If on a cold night the observer puts his hand upon its supports in order to alter its adjustment it instantly becomes dewed, or if he stands looking down the tube it is almost sure to be similarly affected; but in the ordinary course of work the flat is little liable to become dewed in sensible degree. With refractors dew-caps are very necessary, though they do not always prevent the deposition of moisture on the object-glass, and this occasions frequent wiping or drying, which in either case is very objectionable.

Celestial Globe.—This forms another extremely useful addendum to the appliances of the amateur. It enables a great many problems to be solved in a very simple manner, and helps the young student to a lucid comprehension of the apparent motions and positions of the fixed stars. With ‘Keith on the Globes’ as a reference-book he may soon acquire the method of determining the times of rising, southing, and setting of any celestial object the place of which is known. He can also readily find the height (altitude) and bearing (azimuth) at any time. The distance in degrees between any two stars or between a star and the Moon, a planet, or a comet may be found at a glance by laying the quadrant of altitude on the pair of objects and reading off the number of degrees separating them. If a new comet has been discovered, its position should be marked in pencil upon the globe; and the observer, after having noted its exact place relatively to neighbouring stars, may proceed to identify the object with his telescope. If a large meteor is seen, its apparent path amongst the constellations should be projected on the globe and the points, in R.A. and Dec., of beginning and ending of the flight read off and entered in a book. In many other practical branches of astronomy this instrument will prove highly serviceable, and is far preferable to a star-atlas. But the latter is the most useful to the beginner who is just learning the names of the stars and the configuration of the chief groups, because on the globe the positions are all reversed east and west. The surface of the globe represents the entire star-sphere reduced to a common distance from the earth, and as seen from outside that sphere. The observer, therefore, must imagine his eye to be situated in the centre of the globe, if he would see the stars in the same relative places as he sees them in the heavens. The reversion of the star-positions to which we have been alluding is very confusing at first, and no doubt it provokes mistakes, but a little experience will practically remove this objection. The one great recommendation to a star-atlas is that it displays the stars in the natural positions in which they are discerned by the eye, thus enabling the student to become readily acquainted with them, whereas the celestial globe affords no such facility. But in other respects the latter possesses some valuable functions, and the amateur who devotes some of his leisure to mastering the really useful problems will attain a knowledge that will be of great benefit to him in after years. A globe of 12-inches diameter will be large enough for many purposes, but one of 18-inches will be the most effective size. It should be mounted on a tall stand with single body and tripod base. The stands, fitted with three parallel legs, in which the globe is supported in the middle by weak connections from them, are not nearly so durable. I have used several 18-inch globes mounted in this manner, and the supports have quite given way under the pressure of constant use; but this is impossible with the strong single body, which is capable of withstanding any strain. Globes are frequently to be obtained second-hand, and at trifling cost; but the observer must allow for precession if he uses an old article. Many of the stars will be 1° or 2° east of the positions in which they are marked on the globe; and it will be necessary to remember this if the appliance is to be employed for exact results.

Observatories.—Massive and lofty buildings have long gone out of fashion, and lighter, drier structures have properly supplanted them. Instruments of size are generally placed on or near the ground and solidly supported to ensure stability, while the other erections are made consistent with the necessity for pretty equable temperature and freedom from damp. Amateurs will ordinarily find that a simple wooden enclosure for the telescope, with suitable arrangements for opening the top in any direction, is sufficient for their purpose and very inexpensive. Some observers have, indeed, secured the desired shelter for themselves and their telescopes by means of a canvas tent provided with ready means for obtaining sky-room. Berthon has given a good description of an amateur’s observing-hut in ‘The English Mechanic’ for October 13th and 20th, 1871; and Chambers supplies some information about amateur observatories in ‘Nature’ for November 19th, 18858. Mr. Thornthwaite’s. ‘Hints on Telescopes’ may be usefully consulted for details of the Romsey Observatory, which, like the Berthon model, seems peculiarly adapted to the necessities of the amateur. The great requirements in such structures are that they should be dry and not obstruct any region of the firmament. They should also be large enough to allow the observer perfect freedom in his movements and during the progress of his observations. They are then decided advantages, and will materially add to that comfort and convenience without which it is rarely possible to accomplish really good work. When an observatory is to be dispensed with it becomes necessary to erect a small wooden house near the instrument, especially if placed at the far end of a garden, in which the observer may keep certain appliances, such as a lantern, celestial globe, step-ladder or observing-seat, oil, &c. Here also he may record his seeings, complete his sketches, and consult his working-list, star-charts, and ephemerides. A shelter of this sort, apart from its practical helpfulness, avoids any necessity for the observer to go in and out of doors, up and down stairs, &c., to the annoyance of the rest of his family, who, on a frosty night, are decidedly not of an astronomic turn, and vastly prefer house-warming to stargazing!

Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings

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