Читать книгу A Book of Christian Sonnets - william Allen - Страница 19
An angel rais'd a stone as millstone great,
And cast it in the sea, and loudly cried—
"Thus shall great Bab'lon perish in her pride,
No fragment left of her once glorious state!"
Down sank the stone beneath the wave; when straight
The earth, by guilt o'erburden'd, heav'd her side,
And down the city fell in ruin wide,
And naught was seen of walls, that tower'd so late.
"Alas, that city great!" Cry mighty kings,
Whose sceptres had sustain'd her bigot sway,
While she by sorc'ries propp'd their tyrant throne.
While swells her smoke, as of burnt-offerings,
Standing afar, through fear, they mournful say—
"Alas! that mighty city, Babylon!"