Читать книгу A Book of Christian Sonnets - william Allen - Страница 5


1. ON WASHINGTON. (notes)

Great Washington! Mount Vernon's shade were naught,

Except as close allied to thine own name;

And what but noblest virtues without blame

Have all the lustre of thy glory wrought?

Our country's chief in freedom's battle fought,

Thy sword laid down in triumph's loud acclaim;

Then "First in peace," our nation's good thine aim,

To Rulers many a lesson thou hast taught.

The model patriot thou, thy life unstain'd;

A rev'rent worshipper of God, we see

Thine end was peace; one noble act remain'd—

Thy dying voice said to thy slaves, "Be Free!"—

With no dear son, each Freeman is thy Son,

And thou his Father lov'd, Great Washington!

A Book of Christian Sonnets

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