Читать книгу A Book of Christian Sonnets - william Allen - Страница 9



Truth to the earth came down from heav'n above,

Cloth'd in celestial beauty to the eye,

Willing to see; man's guide to God on high.

Her voice is voice of sweetness and of love,

Of pow'r all feelings of the soul to move.

When she but speaks, all wild'ring phantoms fly,

Each cheat, and fraud, and vile, illusive lie,

Which in our murky air around thick rove.

She speaks of Him, who ere the earth was made

Was God's own Son in heav'nly glory bright;

Yet dwelt with man in mortal flesh array'd,

Redeemer blest! of this dark world the light;—

Whose death by cruel nails our life has won,

Whose cross for us a bright, immortal crown.

A Book of Christian Sonnets

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