Читать книгу GIS Tutorial for Health - Wilpen L. Gorr - Страница 4





Part 1: GIS benefits and map basics

Chapter 1: Introducing GIS and health applications

What is GIS?

Summary of chapters

Introduction to ArcGIS and map documents

Learning about ArcGIS

Tutorial 1-1: Exploring the ArcCatalog user interface

Tutorial 1-2: Reviewing data source types

Tutorial 1-3: Exploring the ArcMap user interface

Tutorial 1-4: Using and exporting a map

Learning about GIS websites

Tutorial 1-5: Creating and sharing map layers

Tutorial 1-6: Creating health maps using ArcGIS Online content

Tutorial 1-7: Using maps on smart phones and tablets


Assignment 1-1: Benchmark health GIS websites

Assignment 1-2: Create a map using GIS websites

Assignment 1-3: Create and upload layer packages

Chapter 2: Visualizing health data

Tutorial 2-1: Manipulating layers in a map document

Tutorial 2-2: Zooming to and panning health features on a map

Tutorial 2-3: Creating spatial bookmarks

Tutorial 2-4: Identifying breast cancer mortality rates and deaths by state

Tutorial 2-5: Selecting map features

Tutorial 2-6: Finding map features

Tutorial 2-7: Using an attribute table to select counties with high breast cancer rates

Tutorial 2-8: Creating a new layer of a subset of features

Tutorial 2-9: Creating a point map based on a definition query

Tutorial 2-10: Labeling major cities in Texas


Assignment 2-1: Examine male lung cancer mortality rates by state

Assignment 2-2: Examine male lung cancer mortality rates by county

Part 2: Preparation of map data

Chapter 3: Designing maps for a health study

Tutorial 3-1: Creating a choropleth map for the uninsured population in Texas

Tutorial 3-2: Creating a point map for the percentage of unemployed in Texas

Tutorial 3-3: Making a scatterplot comparing uninsured with unemployed populations

Tutorial 3-4: Working with layer files

Tutorial 3-5: Creating print layouts for a health-care study

Tutorial 3-6: Creating custom map layouts for multiple maps

Tutorial 3-7: Exporting maps

Tutorial 3-8: Creating multiple output pages


Assignment 3-1: Compare uninsured with minority populations in California counties

Assignment 3-2: Compare Texas population density with housing statistics

Assignment 3-3: Compare percentage in poverty with percentage unemployed

Chapter 4: Projecting, downloading, and using spatial data

World projections

Tutorial 4-1: Exploring map projections for a world AIDS study

Tutorial 4-2: Symbolizing area maps using size-graduated point markers

Tutorial 4-3: Creating a prevalence map using point markers

Country-level data and continental projections

Tutorial 4-4: Downloading international HIV/AIDS data

Tutorial 4-5: Exploring map projections for a US lung cancer study

Local-level spatial data

Tutorial 4-6: Adding and symbolizing existing map layers

Tutorial 4-7: Working with spatial-data formats

Tutorial 4-8: Creating points from x,y coordinates

Tutorial 4-9: Downloading USGS raster maps


Assignment 4-1: Compare world infant mortality rates with life expectancy

Assignment 4-2: Investigate education level and knowledge about HIV by country

Assignment 4-3: Compare the walkability of neighborhoods

Chapter 5: Downloading and preparing spatial and tabular data

Tutorial 5-1: Downloading spatial data from the US Census Bureau

Tutorial 5-2: Downloading tabular data from American FactFinder

Tutorial 5-3: Processing tabular data

Tutorial 5-4: Using ArcCatalog utilities

Tutorial 5-5: Joining housing and elevated blood case tables to a census tract map

Tutorial 5-6: Building a lead study comparison map

Tutorial 5-7: Showing elevated blood lead levels by tract

Tutorial 5-8: Showing elevated blood lead levels by municipality and neighborhood


Assignment 5-1: Map housing gross rent compared with elevated blood lead levels

Assignment 5-2: Map housing complaints compared with elevated blood lead levels

Chapter 6: Geocoding tabular data

Polygon address matching

Tutorial 6-1: Geocoding patients to ZIP Codes

Tutorial 6-2: Spatially joining patient and ZIP Code layers

Tutorial 6-3: Creating a choropleth map showing patient counts by ZIP Code

Linear address matching

Tutorial 6-4: Geocoding hospital addresses to streets for competitive analysis

Tutorial 6-5: Rematching addresses

Tutorial 6-6: Creating a final comparison map


Assignment 6-1: Map mammography clinics by ZIP Code compared with female population

Assignment 6-2: Map mammography clinics in a county by street address

Part 3: Spatial analysis

Chapter 7: Processing and analyzing spatial data

Tutorial 7-1: Preparing a study region

Tutorial 7-2: Making additional table and map preparations

Tutorial 7-3: Investigating the correlation between poverty and injuries

Tutorial 7-4: Investigating injuries near parks


Assignment 7-1: Conduct proximity analysis for playgrounds

Assignment 7-2: Map injuries near schools and convenience stores

Assignment 7-3: Study injury rates by neighborhood

Chapter 8: Transforming data using approximate methods

Tutorial 8-1: Aggregating block data for the elderly population to health referral regions

Tutorial 8-2: Apportioning poverty data to emergency medical service zones

Tutorial 8-3: Automating processes using ArcGIS ModelBuilder


Assignment 8-1: Map the population in emergency medical service zones

Assignment 8-2: Map the youth-poverty population in emergency medical service zones

Chapter 9: Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for demand estimation

Out-of-hospital cardiac-arrest study

Tutorial 9-1: Processing raster-map layers

Tutorial 9-2: Creating a hillshade raster layer

Tutorial 9-3: Making a kernel-density map

Tutorial 9-4: Extracting raster-value points

Tutorial 9-5: Conducting a raster-based site-suitability study

Index of poverty risks

Tutorial 9-6: Using ArcGIS ModelBuilder to create a risk index


Assignment 9-1: Display schools and land use for locating school-based health centers

Assignment 9-2: Determine heart attack fatalities outside of hospitals by gender

Part 4: GIS case studies

Chapter 10: Studying food-borne-disease outbreaks

Case study requirements

Phase 1: Assemble basemaps

Phase 2: Trace an outbreak source

Phase 3: Identify affected office buildings

Phase 4: Assess vulnerable populations

Chapter 11: Forming local chapters of ACHE

Case study requirements

Phase 1: Create market analysis maps

Phase 2: Create territory analysis maps

Phase 3: Track chapter status

Appendix A: Task index

Appendix B: Data source credits

Appendix C: Data license agreement

GIS Tutorial for Health

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