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Day 9

I’ve been meaning to ask the man with the strange robes if there were any boats left on this island, but he hasn’t returned since the first time he showed up in here. Then again, it’s only been a couple of days. But when I ran out of fish last night, more appeared outside the house this morning again. He’s obviously still watching me. I haven’t decided if it’s a good or bad thing.

His warning about entering the cave… it’s odd. I wonder what’s in there that he doesn’t want me seeing. There was definitely a path that led deeper in. I’m worried that I might get lost in there though. Perhaps I could use the rope to mark my path if I were to ever explore the cave

Anyway, I finally opened the chest. Got a sizeable rock from the beach and broke the lock with it. There was a map in there. I don’t know where I am, so that’s not very helpful at the moment. There were more writing materials too, along with some of the Captain’s journals. There was also a bundle of candles, a telescope, a watch, a dagger, and promissory notes. Those notes will be useful when I leave this place. If ever.

I guess I can time when the tides come in and out now with the watch though. Once I have that down I can plan for a trip into the cave. Don’t want to get stuck in there when the tide washes in.

I think I didn’t write about this in previous entries but there’s a bath area in this house. But it seems like there’s an issue with the pipes. I can’t get any water flowing. It’ll be nice to get it to work and finally get a hot bath. I can’t remember the last time I had one.

Day 11

I’m getting better at spearing for fish. As nice as it is to have someone providing me with food, I don’t really want to rely on him. I’d be left helpless if he decided to disappear or stop feeding me. That’s far too risky for my liking.

Though, thanks to the things he’s brought so far, I could figure out what’s edible and what’s not in the rock pools. But it would be nice if he was with me though. I could just ask him.

He hasn’t reappeared yet. I’m still waiting.

I don’t know why but I’m looking forward to it. I wonder if it’s the loneliness getting to me. Maybe that’s what draws me to him. I wonder where he lives. It doesn’t seem like he uses any of the other houses in the settlement. He’s a strange one.

I got the pipes in the bath area working. I checked around the back and apparently, they were just disconnected. Maybe I’ll go get firewood tomorrow morning then try and take a look around in the cave again.

Glad to note that no dead bodies have washed up. They’ve either all survived, or gotten eaten up. Which it is, I don't really know.

Over the Ocean, Over the Sea

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