Читать книгу Sampling and Estimation from Finite Populations - Yves Tille - Страница 4

List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Auxiliary information can be used before or after data collection t...

2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Stratified design: the samples are selected independently from one ...

3 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Systematic sampling: example with inclusion probabilities Figure 5.2 Method of Deville.Figure 5.3 Splitting into two parts.Figure 5.4 Splitting in parts.Figure 5.5 Minimum support design.Figure 5.6 Decomposition into simple random sampling designs.Figure 5.7 Pivotal method applied on vector .

4 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Possible samples in a population of size 3.Figure 6.2 Fixed size constraint: the three samples of size 2 are connected ...Figure 6.3 None of the vertices of is a vertex of the cube.Figure 6.4 Two vertices of are vertices of the cube, but the third is not.Figure 6.5 Flight phase in a population of size 3 with a constraint of fixed...

5 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Cluster sampling: the population is divided into clusters. Clusters...Figure 7.2 Two‐stage sampling design: we randomly select primary units in whic...Figure 7.3 Two‐phase design: a sample is selected in sample .Figure 7.4 The sample is the intersection of samples and .

6 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 In a grid, a systematic sample and a stratified sample with one u...Figure 8.2 Recursive quadrant function used for the GRTS method with three sub...Figure 8.3 Original function with four random permutations.Figure 8.4 Samples of 64 points in a grid of points using simple designs, GR...Figure 8.5 Sample of 64 points in a grid of points and Voronoï polygons. App...Figure 8.6 Interval corresponding to the first wave (extract from Qualité, 20...Figure 8.7 Positive coordination when (extract from Qualité, 2009).Figure 8.8 Positive coordination when (extract from Qualité, 2009).Figure 8.9 Negative coordination when (extract from Qualité, 2009).Figure 8.10 Negative coordination when (extract from Qualité, 2009).Figure 8.11 Coordination of a third sample (extract from Qualité, 2009).Figure 8.12 Two survey frames and cover the population. In each one, we se...Figure 8.13 In this example, the points represent contaminated trees. During t...Figure 8.14 Example of indirect sampling. In population the units surrounded...

7 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Ratio estimator: observations aligned along a line passing through ...Figure 9.2 Difference estimator: observations aligned along a line of slope eq...

8 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Post‐stratification: the population is divided in post‐strata, but...

9 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Linear method: pseudo‐distance with and .Figure 12.2 Linear method: function with and Figure 12.3 Linear method: function with .Figure 12.4 Raking ratio: pseudo‐distance with and .Figure 12.5 Raking ratio: function with and .Figure 12.6 Raking ratio: function with .Figure 12.7 Reverse information: pseudo‐distance with and .Figure 12.8 Reverse information: function with and .Figure 12.9 Reverse information: function with .Figure 12.10 Truncated linear method: pseudo‐distance with , and .Figure 12.11 Truncated linear method: function with , and .Figure 12.12 Truncated linear method: calibration function with , and Figure 12.13 Pseudo‐distances with and .Figure 12.14 Calibration functions with and .Figure 12.15 Logistic method: pseudo‐distance with , and .Figure 12.16 Logistic method: function with , and .Figure 12.17 Logistic method: calibration function with and .Figure 12.18 Deville calibration: pseudo‐distance with Figure 12.19 Deville calibration: calibration function with .Figure 12.20 Pseudo‐distances of Roy and Vanheuverzwyn with , , and .Figure 12.21 Calibration function of Roy and Vanheuverzwyn with and .Figure 12.22 Variation of the ‐weights for different calibration methods as a...

10 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Total taxable income in millions of euros with respect to the numb...

11 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Step cumulative distribution function with corresponding quartil...Figure 14.2 Cumulative distribution function obtained by interpolation of po...Figure 14.3 Cumulative distribution function obtained by interpolating the c...Figure 14.4 Lorenz curve and the surface associated with the Gini index.

12 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Two‐phase approach for nonresponse. The set of respondents is a...Figure 16.2 The reversed approach for nonresponse. The sample of nonrespondent...

Sampling and Estimation from Finite Populations

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