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Guns n’ weapons are a fact of life, for both sexes, down South. Most kids, by the age of eight, owned some sort of gun or knew how to shoot one. My very sweet, genteel neighbor lady was all thrilled when her husband bought her a new gun one Christmas. I tried to look impressed when she showed it to me, but all I could think of was, she wears flowery dresses or floaty skirts all the time, served me tea from an expensive antique silver tea set, and yet was gushy about a big ole She was less gushy a week later, because her husband had loaded the gun one night as they were sitting on the bed, was fiddling with it and somehow shot a hole clear through the mattress and box spring and into the floor.

Not only had he ab-suh-loot-lee her bed linen, she informed me, but she had wanted to be the one to shoot it fuhstaftah awl, it was gun.

Yeah, sure, I understand completely.

8 Bags of Mice

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