Читать книгу 8 Bags of Mice - Z.C. Christie - Страница 18
The three stories that come next are about events in Louisiana that stood out in my mind. Well, everything about the time down there stands out in my mind, but these three incidents are kind of related to each other, in that they all involved mini dramas around three different types of Louisiana critters.
You might read them and think afterwards, did she make these up, or did they actually happen?
Yes, they happened. Really.
You might ask, did these people actually say all that stuff? Well, who the heck recalls each and every word that they’ve spoken ten years ago? Conversations are verbatim in a whole lot of places; in others, the basics of what was said is absolutely there, as best as I could reconstruct it. Go with the flow, as my Mom used to say.
(Okay, I actually uttered a more profanity when some of this stuff happened… but I didn’t want you thinking I was too bitchy, so I cleaned some of my curse words up, geeze. Sue me…)