Читать книгу Facebook For Dummies - Carolyn Abram - Страница 79



Liking is one of the simplest actions on Facebook. Here’s how you like something:

1 Click Like.

Liking really is that easy. Anytime you see something you enjoy, you can click Like to let the person who shared it know that you liked seeing it. Like buttons may appear as text or as a thumbs up icon (or both). When you like something, the person who shared it will be notified and other people seeing that post may see that you've liked it. Being notified that someone liked something you shared is a great feeling. If you ever like something by accident, simply click Unlike to undo it.

Liking is meant to be simple, so we won’t over-explain when you might like something, when you might like something instead of commenting on it, when you might like something and comment on it. Suffice it to say that if you enjoyed something you saw, or you agree with something your friend said, or, well, you liked the content, clicking Like communicates the sentiment loud and clear.

Facebook For Dummies

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