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Chapter 11. Bastard


I didn’t want to be stubborn about giving away how much my whole body hurt, but as soon as I got to my feet, I was carried, and I had to rest my bare shoulder against the bars, but not too gently, and it almost killed my ribs with a blinding flash of pain.

– Are you all right? – The guy in the cage whispered, touching my hand.

– Worry about yourself, puppy. – Ri’er grinned mockingly. He stared at me steadily, but indifferently, as I took control of my body. At least he wasn’t driving me. I had a good opportunity in this position, and a few seconds of time to get a better look at the face of my suddenly formed owner. What can I say: you can’t call the man classically handsome. High forehead, heavy brow arches, hooked nose, slightly drooping cheeks, large mouth, as if permanently frozen, with the left corner slightly lowered in a mocking curve. But the eyes… Deep-set, they were like predatory lurking sources of yellow-green fire, aiming at you from their eye sockets. Traps, ready to burn you to death instantly and mercilessly, or pierce you to the bone and leave you to slowly die from the worst of the burns. In short, the eyes were creepy. And, damn it, the creepiness is unusually attractive, akin to the one that tempts you to bend over, sticking out of the window as much as possible, look and look from a great height, although you are afraid of it just to hiccups. Or is it just me?

Nodding to the stranger whose fate, like the others, I suddenly cared about, I pushed away from the iron bars and, without asking for permission, put on the jacket that my bitch of a boss had so generously donated to me.

Ri’er arched an eyebrow at first, then he grimaced and snorted unhappily:

– Now you can throw it away. Can you imagine how you smell after that cage? – «I don’t know what you’re talking about,» he muttered.

– «I’m going to be smarter from now on.

– I’ll be wiser from now on. Now get a move on!

As I passed through the line of four alphas escorting me, I kept my eyes open and smirked defiantly at their contemptuous and lustful glances, even though I was trembling inside with the scrutiny of all those men. But as we crossed the threshold and the bright sun blinded me for a moment, Ri’er gave me a hefty smack. I bit my tongue and hissed, piercing him with a hateful look.

– Never look a stronger man in the eye, poopsie! And everyone here is stronger than you! – He was unimpressed by my outburst. – Or lose your head before you can make a sound. And that’s the best case scenario.

– And what’s the worst? – snarled, spitting blood.

– At worst, they’ll fuck you for a long, long time, telling you your place in the hierarchy, and then they’ll let you live! Believe me, it’s much worse than that.

– Is that your personal experience? Have you been rectally or orally told where you belong? – A brief angry look made it clear to me that it was time to shut up. But I seemed to have lost that ability after all I’d been through in the last few hours.

Not getting an answer, I looked around. It was clearly an industrial area. And it looked pretty abandoned, judging by the way the asphalt and concrete were cracked and splintered all over, with trees and grass sprouting through it. Of course, I had no idea exactly where I was, because abandoned areas like this around the city were plentiful. But if you think about it, it’s a great place to hide. If I ran as fast as I could and ran to that building over there first, ducking into that crevice where none of those thugs could follow me, then…

– Don’t fantasize about running away-it’s no use,» Ri’er interrupted my plan. – I’m much quicker than you, and I’d catch you before you’d even make a step or two. And that would make me very, very angry.

– I didn’t think so,» I lied, glancing down at my bare feet.

– Yeah, and then I’m Nastya Volochkova! – he snorted mockingly, and I looked up from head to toe and snorted involuntarily. – What, are you going to tell me you pictured me in a tutu, poopsie?

– No, naked on the beach! – I snapped.

– Erotic fantasies and increased cringing between my legs are normal after conversion. You can keep drooling over me, I don’t mind. Chicks do it all the time,» the bastard said and shoved me in the back toward the car.

Yeah, somebody’s got an ego the size of an airbus. How does he carry him around with him?

– A big, hairy, naked man on twine with seashells on his privates? – I rolled my eyes contemptuously. – I was in the middle of a fantasy that would make me permanently frigid!

He moved so fast that I screamed hysterically as he gripped my jaw with the fingers of one hand like iron pincers. No matter how hard I resisted, my mouth fell open and my eyes watered from the painful pressure. The bastard grinned a cheeky grin and slipped the finger of his other hand between my lips and stroked his tongue almost fondly.

– Let me give you a hint: you don’t have to be able to communicate verbally if you want to find an idiot who hasn’t finished eating your body. Hearing and obedience are enough. – He stroked the tip of my tongue again, gently at first, and then pressed down so fast that there were more tears, and then he let go. – Are you savvy enough to take hints, or do you prefer direct threats or even action?

I squinted my eyes, wishing he’d fall and convulse in death right away, and imagined him wheezing and bubbling in vivid color, but I had to nod as far as his hard grip would allow. Immediately Ri’er let go of me and walked like nothing had happened, toward the car. A big black SUV.

– I love it when I have harmony and understanding with women,» he scoffed, squinting at me over his shoulder. – It’s a pity it never lasts long. Move your legs, baby!

Asshole! You bastard! You mangy dog!

– I’m not a doll! – I answered quietly, but angrily.

– Well, I have to call you something!

– Then, maybe, try to ask a name?

– I prefer the name «Bubblegum». It suits you,» he continued to mock me, as I stomped after him on the rough old pavement, with the stones scraped up and down, hurting my feet.

– Oh, really? Why should that be?

– Small, you can lift her up with one hand, crying eyes, half-face, lips in a bow, ass round, legs short,“ he enumerated and ruled: – „Puppet!

– Short legs? – Did I really want to run away? Oh, hell, no! Until I kill this tongue-tied creature, I will not rest. I’ll show you crying eyes! I don’t know how, but I’ll make you cry bloody tears! Yes, imagining scenes of probably impossible but terrible revenge was much better than being afraid or falling into despondency.

The alarm beeped, and I stopped, not knowing where I was to go. Judging by the attitude, probably in the trunk. But, strangely enough, Ri’er jabbed his finger at the front door.

– You expect me to open the door and get my ass inside? You shouldn’t!

– You freak,» I muttered, barely audible.

– I have a great ear, and my tongue is still an extra part of your body! – He followed me around the car, and then he commanded as I climbed onto the seat, gritting my teeth from the pain in my ribs and the knowledge that my naked ass had flashed in front of his bold eyes. – Hands up!

I obeyed, perplexed, and immediately shouted angrily as he lightning bolted my wrists to the rail above the door with handcuffs from nowhere.

– I prefer safety on the road! – he commented on his actions and walked around the car, getting into the driver’s seat and driving away.

I jerked the handcuffs, but, of course, they were securely fastened, so there was no way to get free. I felt like twisting around in the seat and at least kicking that asshole good.

– I can chain my legs, baby! – as if he’d read my mind, Ri’er warned me, and I shrank back. – You’re not without hope, you know. Do you have any questions for me?

Probably a million, actually. Except I wanted to yell and swear, not make small talk.

– What’s going to happen to those guys in the hangar? Are they really going to get killed?

– Did you have time to look for someone there? No way! – Well, of course, the jerk probably couldn’t speak normally at all, without mocking. – You’d be more worried about yourself and wondering how to survive on your own.

– I’m not deaf. I realized that I’ll live only until you track down the thing that started all this and dragged us all in. – It’s bitter, so bitter to say that there’s probably not much left to live for. But I’m not dead yet, and we’ll see how it goes from here. Karma is a bitch, of course, but it’s not like it’s always just about me.

– And what, you won’t entertain me with a tantrum? Not even a little explosion? – I had to grit my teeth so I wouldn’t snap and spit in his face this time. – Will you at least beg? Will you offer yourself to me as a sex slave for life? No? Not that I’d fall for you, but at least it’d be fun!

– Where are we going? – I asked him after I waited until he was done mocking me.

– You don’t need to know where we’re going! – This is so fucking mature!

– Can we stop at my place on the way to this mysterious place and feed the cat? – It was hard to ask him, just something inside myself had to bend, but one thing – my pride, and another – the life of Bars, the guilty only that he got the mistress pathologically unlucky.

– A cat? – Ri’er’s upper lip quivered, as if I’d told him I was at least the mistress of a pack of skunks. – So you’re thinking about the cat now?

I didn’t say anything, because I was sure I was going to be rejected.

– Will you beg me for a cat? – No, I knew he was a moral creep, but apparently Ri’er wasn’t going to dwell on the impression he’d already made. Of course, there’s no limit to shit-improvement!

– Please! – I managed to squeeze through my teeth.

– Give me the address! – He grinned at me. – You see, if you behave like a good girl, I can show extraordinary generosity of heart! Conclude that it is better to be obedient and smile rather than snapping and being rude.

Well, well, I’ll certainly draw conclusions. But we’ll see where they lead.


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