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Chapter 23. The Prize


– You haven’t forgotten! – blossomed into a smile Maxim… Valerievich, taking a tiny sip. – It feels so good, Aurora.

And in vain, because I did not even try to guess – made coffee, as the former chief… Eh, well, how it was not in time with him, God forgive me, such a selfish contagion. The man has a very serious illness, grief, and I’m here at my own little things, lamenting. Oh, well, we’ll get through it somehow.

– You’ve changed so much. – The scrutinizing, clingy look over my cup and the new wave of lustful scent that reached me made me feel uncomfortable again. – Before you were just a sweet little girl, and now… Mm-hmm… you’re a sight to behold, Aurora. It’s been…

– Four years, Maxim Valerievich,» I reminded him, and the man grimaced at the formal address.

– Aurora, I asked you! – And I scored!

Yeah, before I was cute, trusting and vulnerable after losing a fool, whom you charmed, screwed and dumped. And, apparently, you think that I am even more stupid than then, if you think that I will fall for your fluttering eyes and banal compliments again… Although… Why not? After all, you have to start learning to adapt at some point. No, of course, I’m not going to give in again, but it’s okay to play the game of accepting advances until I get a new place. After all, it would be a kind of retaliation. Maksimka fooled me before, and now I have the right to return the favor. I should survive the first independent turn and understand whether an autonomous existence in the world of werewolves was worth it, and then worry about the problems of employment and daily bread.

– I’m sorry, Max, but this very office is shutting me out of any capacity for informal communication! – I imitated a slightly forced and a little flirtatious smile and caught the light that flashed in his eyes. It was as if he had made a note to himself not to start with flirting here. That’s a relief. – Did you need my help in some way? If yes, then tell me, because these girls, who substituted me, have made such a mess of documentation, that now I do not know how much to clean up without lifting my head.

And by the way, not a single lie! If I find out who did this to my perfect order, I’ll rip my fucking hands off!

– Really? – The superior offspring asked me sympathetically, feigning sympathy. – Then my questions will have to wait, Aurora! I myself am slowly beginning to understand. Go mind your own business!

Fine, as if I didn’t already know my help was just an excuse. Maksimka, no matter how much of a wreck he was, had always been very attentive to his father’s business, and had a good understanding of everything. He was probably better at some things than the chief, because he had studied abroad for nothing.

After repulsing the first attack, I plunged into work, continuing to use unkind words about all the slobs and idiots, who were allowed where it was not necessary. But gradually the irritation wore off, and the rhythm was soothing, like bringing me back to my normal life, where there were no werewolves, no full moons, and no angry asshole alphas. The worst of the tragedies here was a breakdown in partner deliveries, and the worst danger was an inspection by the next regulatory agency. Boy, did I miss this routine, for crying out loud! The day flew by, and when Max, dressed in a dapper long black coat, coughed at my desk, I even jumped with fright.

– Aurora, I’m done for the day,» the new chief informed me, once again showing me his watch, one hundred percent terribly expensive. – I thought maybe you’d had enough work. I’d like to give you a ride home.

Yeah, we’ve been through the ride and the wire, too.

– Thank you very much, Maxim, but if I leave now and not finish, then really a week more work. I’d rather do it all at once!

I brazenly lied, and with the rubble was almost over, but he does not need to know about it.

– I didn’t want anyone to gossip about us from the first day of work,» I patted my eyes innocently. – If you give them a reason, they’ll start matchmaking.

It’s a cheeky exaggeration, more likely to make them think the dirtiest, but I said it on purpose. And the unhappy brief grimace on Maxim’s face made it clear that he wasn’t planning anything more than another little affair with me. I could be offended in a purely feminine way because no man would consider me in the long run, but on the other hand… If my life was to be exactly as Riehr had described it-no trust, no getting too close, always having to hide part of my essence, wouldn’t it be better to be connected to the likes of Maximka? He won’t care how or what I live with all the time I’m not with him, and my newfound impudence will allow me to enjoy all the benefits of such a relationship. I hope so, at least. But that’s a question I’ll think about.

– All right, Aurora, as you like,» Maxim conceded easily this time and went to the door. – See you tomorrow!

I looked at his back, wondering what kind of a jerk advised to wear such a long coat. He was a little short… yeah. After Riera and the other brutal thugs men of average height seem… well, let’s just say, small, and yet I once fell in love with Maximka, how I fell in love! Oh-oh-oh, how much I cried into the pillow! Stupid, that’s how stupid! Just wanted to formerly good punch myself, but, nevertheless, any experience is useful, and thanks Maximka for the science and running the process of building armor on the heart and other sensitive places. After all, how useful!

After watching from the window as the snow-white and shiny, very low foreign car of the new chief left the territory, I also quickly packed my bag and, taking my jacket, galloped down the stairs. On the way back a little more practiced in the ability to determine the emotions of others, guided by the scent signals, and no werewolves neither in the bus, nor on the street I found. My mood lifted sharply. Maybe they don’t take public transportation. And my neighborhood must be a good one, not at all appealing to them? Yeah, and that’s why one of them almost ate me in the dumpster right outside my house. It was long after dark, and I was practically running to my front porch. But as I flew into the entryway, I froze, and the red warning light flashed in my head. There was someone here. Someone unfamiliar and not human at all. My good spirits and confidence in my strength and ability to survive autonomously were immediately gone, and I, nervously swallowing and sweating, stomped on the lower landing, wondering if I should just turn around and run away. Where would I run to? Were all my friends around, unselfishly willing to open their arms and doors to me? Why do I tremble? Ri’er told me, if anything, to rub it in everyone’s teeth that he was my alpha. And I take it he’s a pretty cool roof. Not the worst, I guess. I could tell from the other alphas that no one would go up against him, no matter how much they grinned. He’s an asshole, but he’s not too shabby, and… Oh, God, I’ll be crumpling up a bit more now, and I’ll be very impressed with the undeniable value he has in my eyes! What the hell! I’m going home! With a good kick to my fear, I deliberately stomped down the stairs loudly. Maybe whoever was lurking there would be frightened by my elephantine footsteps, think I was dangerous and aggressive, and get out of the way. But apparently I wasn’t very convincing as someone big and scary who could stomp loudly, because there was a boy standing at my door, bored, with a dashingly curled chub that covered half my face, wearing frayed jeans with a knee-length sock, and he was poking around in his fancy phone. Long as a sleeper, and with only a hint of future muscularity, redheaded and immensely hairy. How old is he? About fifteen at the most. What was that little werewolf punk doing at my door?


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