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Chapter 22. Surprise


The coffee escaped safely, pouring into the fire, and I was reluctant to drink it. As soon as I was alone, I felt a little deflated. I bent down and pressed my cheek against the cool tabletop, allowing myself to be a drained, boneless mass of real emotion and reflection. No, I wasn’t planning on going completely soft, but I needed a little break from the «Rory the badass, can’t help it» look. Everything around me and inside me had changed so rapidly that I didn’t have time to think about it or to fully comprehend it. And now it’s time to put everything in its place.

First of all, I was not going to get hysterical over the fact that I was not quite human anymore. What’s the point of crouching on the floor and crying, «Oh, my God, I’ve turned into the monster of mythology, do something about it»? I’m still the same me, it’s just that certain circumstances have changed, and I should get used to them and try to find my strengths. Like, how you were unsuccessfully clipped in the salon, and you’re terribly upset at first, even to the point of hysteria, but gradually stop scaring yourself every time you pass by the mirror, and after a couple of weeks you’re even beginning to enjoy what happened in the end. It’s a silly comparison, I agree, but the method of psychological addiction is quite appropriate.

I was just a little bit nervous, so I was going to have to watch the phases of the moon and make sure I had a safe haven for the next full moon. I glanced at Ri’er’s business card, which was still on the table, without raising my head. I’d only go to him for help in the worst possible situation, when there was nothing else to be done. It wasn’t that he’d just get up and… and leave. Or is it about that, even though it’s wrong. This is the first time I’ve had a sexual adventure like this, while he’s had it every other day. Considering how old he is, the novelty of this kind of fun has probably been lost by now… By the way, how old is he, I wonder? No, not interested, Rory, and back to our sheep, or rather the male dogs. So, feeling hurt and offended by the ease with which Rier had left my bed and apartment, I didn’t think was any productive, though there was still a bit of scratching inside. Well am I a woman, after all, or what? But I wasn’t going to ask this alpha for help again, because I knew that I would have to pay for it in a rather exotic way. If only because if he charged me the same way he’d helped me relax last night… or whatever it was. Anyway, I really have an idea now why Mila and the others were «hooked» on Riera. But since the «hookup-breakup» format of the relationship wasn’t for me, I shouldn’t let it happen again. I wanted Ri’er to disappear into the fog as soon as possible, so thank him for doing just that, and start thinking, Rory, about how we’re going to live on our own, especially since I’m not used to it. Of course, like any normal person, I tried to get rid of the loneliness after Dad was gone, but all my relationships were not what I had dreamed of. Friendship didn’t work out, but love… Apparently, I was attracting the wrong kind of men, who, instead of giving me a sense of security and safety, were sucking me in and trying to use me in some way. There, by the way, Rier is in the same place. You to me, I to you. At least this one implied at least some movement in my favor, not like my exes. To be honest, though, in this kind of scheme I would always be the one to get fucked, because I couldn’t use people myself, even if I wanted to. I took advantage of Ri’er last night, and then what? Nothing… I mean, nothing bad, except this nagging in the back of my mind that if he wasn’t such an asshole… Yeah, and I’d fight for him with all of his women? That’s ridiculous. This is me, with my deeply buried, but never died dreams of an extremely insightful and sensitive, well, not a prince, yes, but a man who, when he looks at me, will immediately understand that here I am, the only one, and the others simply do not exist. Amen, hallelujah, and forever and ever! Damn it, I wish I could put to rest these fantasies from my stupid childhood, because they kept coming back like some irrepressible zombies! I snorted loudly, blowing the card off the table, and straightened up. In general, from now on, I officially admit that my shore is one lame, and seek the male society categorically refuse. Whatever I choose, it’s all crap, even if it’s of different quality. Resolved, Rory, tolerating someone in her life just so she won’t be all alone, is all out. What was it Rier said? «Selfish and greedy, all to themselves and for themselves»? Something like that. Now all I care about is me, me and only me! So be it! I’ll start by thinking about how to optimize my new life. I wonder if my boss will give me a couple of days off every month, or will he kick me after the first few times? He’s a good guy, he gave me a vacation without unnecessary questions… Mother! Vacation! Which ended, by the way, just yesterday! Well, congratulations, Rory, you’re 100% unemployed.

I jumped up and down like a load of salt in a soft spot, and then I scurried around the apartment, picking myself up at a frantic pace and cursing under my breath at fucking Riear and all the werewolves in the world. A quick glance at my phone told me there were no texts or calls from work. Was that a bad thing or a good thing? Have I been silently given the cross, or am I being patiently given a chance? Valery Alexandrovich, also known as my boss and a man of the same «old school», whatever that means, lateness hated it fiercely, and a couple of times I happened to grab from him such a beating that late I did not allow themselves to more in all four years working for him. Otherwise, he was a very wonderful, understanding, sympathetic man, and we had a harmonious working relationship. I really enjoyed being his personal assistant, and he liked the way I handled the job. Finding myself having to look for a new one would be a shame right now. As if I didn’t have enough other things to worry about.

I hopped on the bus, plopped down, and looked around, catching my breath. I wondered how I was supposed to recognize werewolves from afar, to avoid them? I sniffed, trying not to look silly, to find out that the van was only human at the moment, and sneezed loudly. What a cocktail of scents, I must say. Perfumes, deodorants, toothpaste, laundry detergent, even shoe polish and a whole hell of a lot of other chemicals, and from underneath all that flurry of synthetics is everyone’s personal body odor and emotions. The guy over there, furiously scribbling messages to someone, had a scratchy-bitter background of anger, though his face was unperturbed. The middle-aged woman, with makeup too bright for the morning and a regal posture, staring out the window, smelled of stale, sour despair and longing. What was that stinging, luscious stench, and who was it coming from? I glanced back over my shoulder and caught the gaze of a heavy man in his forties, who winked and grinned at me viciously. Lust, that’s what he smelled like. It was lust, not desire, because I remembered what Ri’er’s excitement smelled like. Or was it because he wasn’t human? Okay, Rory, seriously, what the fuck? Don’t think about Rear anymore, turn your attention to the other thing. Namely, wow, am I supposed to be able to tell people’s real moods just by smelling them? It’s like being able to read someone’s mind. It’s like some kind of superpower… well, if you ignore the fact that so much olfactory information might well make my brain boil.

My nose itched terribly, and my eyes became watery. If this kept up, I’d have to wear nasal plugs on public transportation or jog to my workplace. It doesn’t make sense that werewolves do that. Or maybe, in time, I’ll learn to filter out what to pick up and what not to pick up.

I rode through the gatehouse at courier speed, and at the guard Kolya’s attempt to tell me something, I only waved it off, shouting: «Later!» Through the corridors rushed, noting only out of the corner of my eye that somehow a lot of people hanging around, instead of sitting in the workplace. But I was already fifteen minutes late, so other people’s loitering didn’t bother me. Of course, it would be more accurate to say that I was a day and fifteen minutes late, but that’s only if you’re really picky. I flew into the waiting room, where my place was empty, which could not help but rejoice and encourage, quickly hung up my coat in the closet.

– Hello, Aurora! – The voice that came from behind me was familiar, though it sounded different now.

Abruptly I turned around and found myself face to face with my very first love, aka Maxim Karelin, the son of my boss.

– Maxim… Valerievich, hello!» I answered with a frown. We haven’t seen each other for a hundred years, and I wouldn’t want to see him for another two hundred.

Maxim had changed, matured, his shoulders under the designer jacket became wider, the expression of green eyes harder, even his chin, framed by a fashionable beard, seemed to become more strong-willed, but that slightly capricious curve of his thin lips had not gone anywhere. Once he seemed to me unusually attractive and mysterious, it was only later I realized that he reflected only reality. Maxim Valeryevich had always been a willful, spoiled brat, reaching for everything he wanted, and when he got it, he quickly lost interest.

– Come on, Aurora, while we are alone you can address me as before – just by my first name, but in front of the staff, of course, you should respect the chain of command. – He held out his hand to me, flashing a massive watch and a dazzling white-toothed smile, which, however, immediately faded, replaced by an expression of sadness and preoccupation. And he smelled the same – sadness, anxiety, and a little fear from the powerful trail of some expensive perfume designed to signal self-confidence and sexuality.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, I don’t understand.

– What, are you going to work here now, with my father? – I squinted warily.

– Right, I’ll be working right here now,» Maxim pointed to the door of his father’s office. – He had a stroke the day before yesterday, don’t you know that?

I shook my head in confusion and looked at the door, noting that the old nameplate was gone. I guess they hadn’t made the new one yet.

– I’m sorry!» I murmured at last, shaking Maksim’s outstretched hand, and he held up my hand. How come, he was such a strong, healthy man, nothing foretold!

– You’re my secretary now, and I hope you’ll help me quickly get to the bottom of things? – he squeezed my fingers almost affectionately and looked intently into my eyes, with meaning and-and-and-and oops! I was immediately pelted with the smell of lust, and so powerful that I involuntarily stepped back, freeing my hand. Surprise, surprise, and the boy seemed to have a long-standing erotic fantasy of having me bent over his father’s desk. Or not necessarily so, and quite hopefully not necessarily me, but still.

– I’m your personal assistant,» I corrected, of course, realizing that it didn’t change shit for Max. – And yes, I’d be happy to help you with anything you need.

– Good, in the meantime, make some coffee, as I like it, and bring it! – ordered the new chief and went into his office. As if I remember how he likes it!

Well, now, no matter how you look at it, you’ll have to look for a new job. Not right now, but… Because the only thing worse than an ex-boyfriend working next to you is an ex-boyfriend, your boss, who doesn’t seem to mind taking advantage of his position for purely personal purposes. I tell you, there’s something very wrong with the men in my life.


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